Season 116, Strong in Battle / Temporada 116, firme na batalha [eng/pt] (Splinterlands Social Media Challenge )


Translated by chatGPT and adjusted by me. Original logo abaixo.

Another season of @splinterlands has come to an end, Season 116, which lasted from July 31st to August 14th, marking my 9th season in this incredibly fun #play2earn game. Let's analyze my performance.

The Goal

The goal remains the same: play in Gold, climb to Diamond by the end of the season to get better chests in the following season. It's my "comfort zone" where I handle well with the various abilities available in the cards; my xbot lite works 😀 (it doesn't play in Diamond league and beyond); I usually make a good profit despite renting all the cards, following a strategy that lies between Silver and Gold level cards; and I play our brawls with relative dignity.

me in Season 116



Here's a summary of my rewards according to
There were 4 CL Packs (last season there were 6). I'm not sure whether to open these packs or start keepping them. I have 102 cards listed for rent, currently renting out 40% of them, which has been giving me modest earnings of 8 DEC/day...
I won an impressive 542 SPS at the end of the season! I was shocked when I saw a chest opening with 322 SPS, and another chest with 115 SPS. This windfall helped cover a relatively low performance in ranked matches, as I earned only 128 SPS this season, compared to 206 in the previous season. During the two times SPS rentals dropped, my bot was running, and I had dismal earnings on those 2 days because of that 😥.

Reward Cards


Let's look at the most relevant evolutions in my collection:

  • Skok Duskblight (Legendary Death) reached level 2 and gained Fury. Hoping for 3 more cards to get Ressurrect;
  • Pembook Nymph (Rare Water summoner) reached level 5;
  • Regular Coastal Sentry reached level 6, surpassing its Gold Foil version which remains at level 5;
  • I won a GF Possessed Puppet level 4;
  • I won 2 GF Wily Coyotian level 3, which could become level 4, but since my regular version is level 5, I'll keep the 2 copies;
  • My regular Imperial Knight has surpassed the Gold Foil version and is now at level 6;
  • GF Ferox Defender evolved to level 5 and is now on par with its regular version;

Now I have 18 (out of 34) cards at the required level to play in Gold without penalty:


  1. Skok Duskblight (level 2);


  1. GF Noa the Just (level 3);
  2. GF Clockwork Aide (level 3);


  1. Riverboat Captain (level 4);
  2. GF Ravenhood Ward (level 5);
  3. GF War Pegasus (level 4);
  4. Pembrook Nymph, (level 5, Water summoner);
  5. GF Lobb Lowland (level 4, Earth summoner);


  1. GF Flungus Flinger (level 6);
  2. Terraceous Grunt (level 5);
  3. Swamp Spitter (level 5);
  4. Costal Sentry (level 6) and GF level 5;
  5. Possessed Puppet (level 6);
  6. Wily Coyotian (level 5);
  7. Imperial Knight (level 6) and GF level 5;
  8. Drybone Barbarian (level 6);
  9. GF Ferox Defender (level 5) and regular level 5;
  10. Gobson Bomber (level 6);

My Gladius collection didn't see significant progress, but Alfredo and Relenor Cleaver, both Water cards, went up a level:



Earnings divider.png

DEC rental paymentsdec.png -9300
SPS rental paymentsdec.png -2636
SPS tournament rewardssps.png 16.0
SPS staking rewardsps.png 16.269
SPS ranked battle (wild)sps.png 134.514
SPS daily focussps.png 60.937
SPS seasonsps.png 541.986
SPS brawlsps.png 29.623
MERITS quest rewardmerits.png 669.0
MERITS season rewardsmerits.png 893.0
MERITS brawl prizesmerits.png 2975.0
VOUCHER earnedvoucher.png 1.32
Legendary potionslegendary.png 124
Gold potionsalchemy.png 197
CL PackschaosPack.png 4.0

(courtesy of the incredible script git-repo by @beaker007, which I learned to use from this post by @viniciotricolor).
I added the line SPS rental payments to account for the costs of renting staked SPS, which has been around 188 DEC/day for 28k SPS. Last season I paid around 233 DEC/day, resulting in a savings of about $3 this season.


I earned 799 SPS this season (a good increase thanks to the seasonal chests), which is equivalent to R$72 at today's values. Last season, it was R$77. However, my card rentals decreased from 15k to 9k DEC, resulting in a savings of about R$24. This reduction was only possible because I started paying more attention to my rentals, renewing them before they expired, avoiding the need to rent more expensive cards again, and refraining from renting cards that, after a while, become unreasonably costly (an example is Corrupted Pegasus level 3, which is now around 23 DEC/day, but at the end of last season was costing over 100, only available at level 4).

In terms of in-game balance, I made a U$5 profit.


I had some issues with my posts last season, as I went a week without posting. Still, I earned just over 7 HBD:

my rewards from posts during season 116

Final Balance

Putting everything in the spreadsheet, I made a R$61 profit, about U$12. Last season, it was U$17, and the main difference was due to the posts I didn't make. Still, I've been having a good profit in the game and have managed to sustain it through my initial investment combined with my weekly posts.


These were the 799 SPS I earned this season, representing a R$72 value at current prices. Last season it was R$77. However, my card rentals dropped from 15k to 9k DEC, which means a savings of around R$24. This reduction was only possible because I started paying more attention to my rentals, renewing them before they expired, avoiding the need to rent more expensive cards again, and refraining from renting cards that, after a while, become unreasonably costly (an example is Corrupted Pegasus level 3, which is now around 23 DEC/day, but at the end of last season was costing over 100, only available at level 4).

And this was the summary of my season 116, where I even returned to making in-game profit, earning more in SPS than the invested DEC, and supplementing the earnings with the HBD from my posts, which support my rentals for the next season. Since I didn't post for a week, my available resources dropped significantly: I had 12 HBD accumulated, and now I have only 4. But I'll recover it soon with the help of your upvotes 😉.

Summary of my wallet




This was my entry for the Social Media Challenge this week, where the @splinterlands team challenges us to create great content about the game and promote it beyond the Hive platform.
If you're not familiar with Splinterlands, I invite you to give it a try. You can play it as free to play, but I highly recommend investing $10 in the spellbook, which allows you to enter the #play2earn realm, where you can farm resources like the ones I demonstrated while having fun in the best and most comprehensive crypto-gaming community I know. If you use my referral link, we'll grow together—come join me!



Temporada 116, firme na batalha

Mais uma temporada de @splinterlands chegou ao fim, a de número 116, que durou de 31 de julho a 14 de agosto, a minha 9ª temporada neste divertidíssimo jogo #play2earn. Vamos analisar meu desempenho.

A meta

A meta continua a mesma: jogar no Ouro, subir pro Diamante no final da temporada pra pegar melhores baús na temporada seguinte. É minha "zona de conforto" onde lido bem com as diversas habilidades disponíveis nas cartas; meu xbot lite funciona 😀 (ele não joga da liga Diamante em diante); costumo lucrar bem, apesar de alugar todas as cartas, numa estratégia intermediária entre cartas nível Prata e Ouro; e jogo nossas brawls com relativa dignidade.

eu na temporada 116



Este é o resumo das minhas recompensas segundo
Foram 4 CL Packs (temporada passada foram 6). Estou meio sem saber se os abro começo a guardar esses pack. Tenho 102 cartas listadas pra aluguel, atualmente alugando 40% delas, o que tem me rendido módicos 8 DEC/dia...
Ganhei impressionantes 542 SPS no final da temporada! Fiquei em choque quando vi um baú abrir 322 SPS, outro abriu 115. Essa "bolada" me ajudou a cobrir um relativo baixo rendimento nas partidas rankeadas, já que obtive apenas 128 SPS nessa temporada, temporada passada foram 206. Nas duas vezes que o aluguel dos SPS caiu, meu bot estava rodando, e tive rendimentos pífios nestes 2 dias por causa disso 😥.

Reward cards


Vejamos as evoluções mais relevantes da minha coleção:

  • Skok Duskblight (Death lendária) chegou no nível 2 e ganhou Fury. Torcendo por mais 3 pra ele ganhar Ressurrect;
  • Pembook Nymph (summoner Water rara) alcançou nível 5;
  • Coastal Sentry regular alcançou nível 6, superando sua versão GF, que permanece no 5;
  • Ganhei uma GF Possessed Puppet nível 4;
  • Ganhei 2 GF Wily Coyotian nível 3, que podem se tornar um nível 4, mas como meu regular está nível 5, vou manter as 2 cópias;
  • Meu Imperial Knight regular superou a versão GF também, e está no nível 6;
  • GF Ferox Defender evoluiu pro nível 5 e equiparou-se à sua versão regular;

Agora são 18 (de 34) cartas com o nível necessário pra jogar no Ouro sem penalidade:


  1. Skok Duskblight (nível 2);


  1. GF Noa the Just (nível 3);
  2. GF Clockwork Aide (nível 3);


  1. Riverboat Captain (nível 4);
  2. GF Ravenhood Ward (nível 5);
  3. GF War Pegasus (nível 4);
  4. Pembrook Nymph, (nível 5, summoner de Water);
  5. GF Lobb Lowland (nível 4, summoner de Earth);


  1. GF Flungus Flinger (nível 6);
  2. Terraceous Grunt (nível 5);
  3. Swamp Spitter (nível 5);
  4. Costal Sentry (nível 6) e GF nível 5;
  5. Possessed Puppet (nível 6);
  6. Wily Coyotian (nível 5);
  7. Imperial Knight (nível 6) e GF nível 5;
  8. Drybone Barbarian (nível 6);
  9. GF Ferox Defender (nível 5) e regular nível 5 também;
  10. Gobson Bomber (nível 6);

Minha coleção Gladius não prosperou significativamente, mas Alfredo e Relenor Cleaver, ambas de Water, subiram um nível:



Earnings divider.png

DEC rental paymentsdec.png -9300
SPS rental paymentsdec.png -2636
SPS tournament rewardssps.png 16.0
SPS staking rewardsps.png 16.269
SPS ranked battle (wild)sps.png 134.514
SPS daily focussps.png 60.937
SPS seasonsps.png 541.986
SPS brawlsps.png 29.623
MERITS quest rewardmerits.png 669.0
MERITS season rewardsmerits.png 893.0
MERITS brawl prizesmerits.png 2975.0
VOUCHER earnedvoucher.png 1.32
Legendary potionslegendary.png 124
Gold potionsalchemy.png 197
CL PackschaosPack.png 4.0

(cortesia do incrível script git-repo de @beaker007, que aprendi a utilizá-lo neste post do @viniciotricolor).
Inseri a linha SPS rental payments pra contabilizar os gastos com aluguel de SPS stakado, que tem sido algo próximo de 188 DEC/dia para 28k SPS. Temporada passada eu paguei aproximadamente 233 DEC/dia, o que resultou numa economia de aproximadamente R$3 nessa temporada.


Foram 799 SPS ganhos nesta temporada (um bom incremento graças ao baús de temporada0, equivalendo a R$72 a valores de hoje. Temporada passada forma R$77. Mas em compensação, meus aluguéis de carta caíram de 15k para 9k DEC, o que equivale a uma economia de aproximadamente R$24. Essa redução só foi possível pq passei a dar mais atenção aos meus alugueis, renovando-os antes que caíssem e eu tivesse que re-alugar cartas mais caras, deixando de alugar cartas que após um tempo passam a custar muito acima do razoável (um exemplo é Corrupted Pegasus nível 3, que hoje está por cerca de 23 DEC/dia, mas final da temporada passada estava custando mais de 100, disponível apenas no nível 4).

No balanço ingame, foram R$25 de lucro.


Tive uns problemas com minhas postagens temporada passada, pois fiquei uma semana sem postar. Ainda assim faturei pouco mais de 7 HBD:

minhas recompensas com postagens durante a temporada 116

Saldo final

Colocando tudo na planilha, lucrei R$61, cerca de US$12. Temporada passada foram U$17, e a principal diferença foram nas postagens que não fiz.
Ainda assim, tenho tido bom lucro no jogo, e conseguido mantê-lo a partir do meu investimento inicial aliado com as postagens semanais.


E este foi o resumo da minha temporada 116, onde, ainda voltei a lucrar ingame, ganhando mais em SPS do que os DEC investidos, e complementado os rendimentos com os HBD das postagens, que financiam meus alugueis pra temporada seguinte. Como não postei por uma semana, meus recursos disponíveis caíram significativamente: era 12 HBD acumulados, estou com apenas 4. Mas recuperarei em breve com a ajuda dos upvotes de vocês 😉.

Resumo da minha carteira

Meus SPS



Esse foi o meu post pro Social Media Challenge desta semana, onde a equipe de @splinterlands nos desafia a produzir bom conteúdo sobre o jogo e divulgar nas redes para além da Hive mãe.
Se você não conhece splinterlands, te convido a experimentar. Dá pra brincar de free to play, mas recomendo seriamente o investimento de 10 dólares no spellbook que te habilita ao #play2earn, onde você consegue farmar recursos como esses que eu demonstrei, enquanto se diverte na melhor e mais completa comunidade cripto gamming que eu conheço. Você utilizando meu link, crescemos juntos, só vem!
