RE: How I Came to Join Splinterlands at Exactly the Wrong Time...


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Well all time highs are never a good time to invest into something for starters. Second if you don't enjoy playing the game, maybe this is not for you, since it is after all - a game. It's supposed to be played and fun. It was never supposed to make you rich in a couple of month (if ever) nor pay you a salary.

It's a game with the benefit of you owning your assets and having the possibility, even if ever so slightly, to earn something from playing. This alone is groundbreaking when compared to traditional games.

I think the shear fact that you are able to rent out the assets you bought and don't enjoy playing with to other players and make a return (again, even if it's very small) is absolutely amazing. Give this space a couple more years and things will be figured out properly. Maybe Splinterlands won't be around by then anymore, but as of now they are at the top of the industry with their product and team.


Thanks for your input. I never expected this game to make me rich quick. What irked (irks) me is that they made long-term, slow growth impossible. Every time anyone mentions it the 'get-rich-quick' card is deployed.

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