End Of Seasons Rewards After Coming Back!


So I recently returned from a few months absent and I managed to time it close to the end of the season so that was lucky!

I managed to get to Bronze III, though I have enough rating to make it to Bronze II but I didn't have the time...

At the end of the season I opened 5 chests and this was the result:

EOS mei.jpg

I was pretty happy with the card, always nice to get cards as a reward! The rest was pretty meh, but considering I had hardly played it wasn't too bad.

The New Season

This new season will be interesting with the rewards changing. So far it has not been a good start, I got a snipe quest I am a bit stuck on haha, so hopefully I will get the hang of it again and get some nice rewards.

I noticed that being absent for a while I did miss out on some information that I now need to catch up on and I also lost some of the tricks to win games easily in Bronze III and get out to Bronze II quickly....

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