(Hive Token | Leo Token | Splinterlands | Moon Karts)
This Is A My Hive Goals Post
Image Source: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hive-blockchain/
Hive Token Future Plans
Like most good Hivens I'm looking to increase my holdings of the Hive Token. I have allot of assets on-chain that I have greatly underutilized and I plan on rectifying that starting today. These past months I been putting a step forward with trading in the HIVE:HBD marketplace. My timing was horrible but its possible I still end up with some Hive Token Profits before its all said and done. I been on a posting spree as of late. Not anything too extravagant but a daily post from my @rentmoney account. I also have an alt account that is for all things Splinterlands and I been posting roughly 3 times a week on that. So I been creating around 10 posts a week. Not an overly large amount but an amount I intend on cutting back on. If anyone is wondering my alt account is @monstercrusher, you'll find only Splinterland and Splintertalk (SPT) content posted there. As everyone knows the easiest way to earn hive is by creating good content but its also the hardest way to earn Hive. I know those two statements are in direct conflict but none-the-less both true statements. Which is why I recommend not posting for the rewards but for other reasons like the enjoyment of posting and all that comes with. We seen some wild swings over the past weeks/months with the Hive Token and I don't imagine those swings are done swinging just yet. Buckle-up because I think its going to be a very interesting year for the cryptocurrency world.
Image Source: https://inleo.io/explore
Leo Token Future Plans
As most on the Hive Blockchain know the LEO Token can be earned when posting and/or creating content from INLEO or by using one of the tags on the Hive Blockchain that allows LEO Token earning such as but not limited to #inleo and #leofinance. The LEO Token can be traded on TribalDex, Hive-Engine and Inleo's native marketplace known as LEODEX. All located right here on the Hive Blockchain. What makes Inleo stand out from the other front-ends? For me the notables are the partnerships they are making and integrating into their native site and by extension Hive. The interactions the founder has with the Inleo community. Not to mention Inleo was leading the way with making short form content welcomed on Hive. Not that long ago posting a MEME or a short paragraph was frowned upon and ran the high possibility of getting downvoted. Inleo created a space for such content known as threads. Not long after other front-ends followed suit and integrated their own versions of such. One such in-house partnership that was recently announced was Inleo's partnership with Splinterlands. Two Hive Blockchain juggernauts working together as it should be. After-all we are all here for the same reasons right? The Leo Token seen some dips while the HIVE Token seen some spikes. For me this is a natural occurrence as my observations of the in-house markets and tokens associated with such are as follows. When Hive goes on a rally Hivens trade away their Hive assets to get their hands on as much Hive Tokens as possible. With all that being said my future plans for LEO is simply to stack more and increase my INLEO holdings.
Image Source: https://splinterlands.com/register?ref=rentmoney
Splinterlands Future Plans
As noted above I have a decent amount of underutilized assets here on the Hive Blockchain. Allot of those assets come in the form of Splinterland assets. Before the day ends I intend on starting to rectify that oversight of mine. The first step is going over my cards and seeing which ones are worth putting on the rental market. I currently don't have the time to do much gaming and haven't done so in awhile so no point in letting cards just sit in my account when they can be rented. I also want to attain more SPS, allot more SPS. Once I get back to gaming that will be a step in the SPS accumulating direction. Aside from gaming to earn SPS I been looking very closely at the USD:SPS trade value and its mighty tempting to jump in and pick up a couple hundred thousands SPS using fiat and I just might do that in the not so distant future. For the time being I will be focused on better utilizing my in-house assets which in itself is going to take some time to complete. I'll be looking at the possibility of infusing some fiat on-chain through the purchase of SPS and possibly other avenues afterwards. I have infused fiat on-chain in the past. I simply haven't got to that point in my new "roadmap" just yet. I am undecided if I want to participate in the next card set. I'm still stuck on how affordable CHAOS is on secondary markets and am giving considerations to filling bags with CHAOS Legion packs. I already own some thousands but at $0.30-$0.40 each its hard to pass on getting more. I don't imagine $0.30 CHAOS packs being the future trade value for these packs. Get em while the getting is good.
Image Source: https://www.arcadecolony.com/
Arcade Colony (Moon Karts) Future Plans
Here is a game and community I am looking forward to further imprinting myself on. Arcade Colony is a subsidiary of Splinterlands. Moon Karts is the first game created by Arcade Colony. The Moon Karts game has a Mario Kart vibe to it. Unfortunately I haven't got to play the game yet but its on the roadmap. I do most my Hive Activities from an old work computer that isn't set up for any type of gaming aside from some simpler games such as solitaire. I do have a laptop here that I need to reformat. Once I get to finishing that reformatting its likely then that I tune up the old race car and hit the mean streets of Arcade Colony racing. I have however been reading up on all things Moon Kart/ positioning myself for the Arcade Colony Script token/ I also managed to get my little grubby hands on a Moon Karts Pack (CENTAURI Packs) by the means of trading on TribalDex (Hive-Engine). Next up I plan on hitting the Moon Karts marketplace to directly trade for Moon Kart assets from the players that hold them. What will I be trading for? I haven't decided yet. I like most things in life plan on just winging it and deciding on those purchases at the time of entering the market. Moon Karts isn't the only game Arcade Colony has up their sleeve. They are gearing up to release another called Hyper Rail Blaster. I created a post on such some days back. If you are interested in reading up on Hyper Rail Blaster click the following highlighted link: Arcade Colony: Hyper Rail Blaster. I have created multiple post about Arcade Colony and Moon Karts for your interests here is one of them: Transferring CENTAURI Packs From TribalDex To Arcade Colony).
Image Source: Free use edited by @rentmoney using imgflip.com
Other Current & Future Considerations
While creating this post I can't help to think about the goals I set for 2025. Which simply enough for the Hive Blockchain was to attain and better utilize more of my Hive Blockchain assets plus become more active with my posting. For general life goals my plan was to simply be healthier and make choices that help me do just that. I have made some steps in completing those goals. I have the activity on-chain part on lock-down. Attaining more Hive Assets will always be a forever ongoing thing. The goal of making healthier choices has been coming along nicely as well. Less carbonated drinks/ more H20 (check), Healthier meal preparations (check). Get back to exercising and/or working out (Fail). It's been busy here at the rentmoney household but things should be slowing down in the next week or two and its then I hope to start a workout routine. Then again I could be looking for excuses. Its time to simply get at it and hit the "gym". Thanks for reading; we hope to see you at our next post. Did you set goals for 2025? Have you accomplished them or took steps to make those goals a reality? Yes (Great) Lets hear all about in the comment section below. (No) This is your reminder to start doing just that.
TribaldDex: https://tribaldex.com
The @rentmoney blog is for entertainment only. No financial advice has been given in this post or any other created by @rentmoney. Always do your own research before investing/ spending any of your hard earned currencies. As always; thanks for reading!
Posted Using INLEO
Thanks for your curation efforts.
You have alot of work to do
Wishing you good luck 🙏
Good luck to you as well with whatever goals you may set.
Good luck on achieving your Hive goals
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
Good luck with the goals you have set.
LEO Token crashed in price so heavily, I'm using this opportunity right now to scoop up as much as I can :D
I haven't even looked up why the price crash happened, but I believe in LEO long-term, so it doesn't matter too much either, I will buy anyways.
I seen that to. I been keeping my eye on the LEO market. Right now is a great entry point but I got this little nagging voice telling me "If Hive Spikes again that Hive:Leo ratio will become even more appealing".
Thanks for stopping by.
Those are well detained plans wishing you a good luck
Thanks, much appreciated.
Good luck with any goals you might have.
To be in the crypto market you need nerves of steel. Volatility is the norm.
Absolutely True!
Good luck on those personal goals. I'm eating a little bit healthier and got workout routine going again but need to step it up on both. I haven't posted on Hive in awhile. Got busy. Missed a week then ... well sometimes a break feels good. Need to get going again on that. I had a steady flow of hive going that I miss lol
I hear you, the same happens to me. A week break turns into a two week break and then its that much harder to get back to posting. At least you got a routine going, that's a good step in the right direction.
i wish i had more CHAOS packs... i just keep accidently opening them for the little dopamine hit... lol...
husband still has 500. so that will have to do for us. other than picking up 10 packs here when i can.
me im just preparing for land. And again wanting to post more here on HIVE.
Accidentally opening them :) At around 30 or 40 cents a pop opening CHAOS Packs is a very affordable means of entertainment. 500 is a nice stack to have built, congrats! The new land updates should bring some excitement. In regards to posting, I find the longer I wait between posts the harder it is to get back to creating one. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment.
indeed.... very easy to accidently open packs!!!
I hear you on the posting. once you get to a few weeks its tricky to come back. i'm trying not to do that again. lol
anyway. better get off hive and go and do my morning check of splinterlands before the kids get up.
I really like the LEO token, they seem to be big thinkers on this platform.
The founder is hard working at expanding all aspects of Inleo and is very active within the Inleo community. Lots of good reason to at the very least use the #inleo tag to collect the LEO token. Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)
The coming time will surely be good for all of us because we have been waiting for a long time and this project will be much more special and exciting and more famous all over the world.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
Glad to know that, just like me, you also haven't started yet with Moon Karts. I have read about it for a week now and am thinking of testing it too.
I'm late to the race for sure but better late than never :)
Yap! This will be my first time to play this type of game.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@rentmoney(2/10) tipped @rzc24-nftbbg