RE: Tuesday: Cutoff Date to Survey your Plots or Start Losing SPS Rewards


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Look like interesting game but never played yet, would like to know more about it.


It's actually more games in one. The base game, from where they started, is a trading card game. Players battle each other in different similar game modes (ranked battles, brawls - this is team play, tournaments). To fight, teams of 1 summoner + monsters are selected to fight the opposing team based on the game ruleset and the strategy chosen. The last standing wins. If no player has cards alive at the end of the fight, it's a draw (quite rare).

The Land Expansion - about which I've talked in the post - is practically a different game that is or will be linked to the base game. It is what is called a resource management game. The aim is to generate more resources, trade them, upgrade buildings, etc. And earn rewards while doing that.

I talk about what is Splinterlands more extensively here.

If you decide to check out the game, I'd appreciate it if you use my referral link. And ask questions, if you have them.
