Splinterlands Art Contest Week 205: Djinn Oshannus

djinn oshannus.png

My submission for this week's Splinterlands Art Contest!

From the Splinterlands Wiki:

Dawn of the Djinn 3 of 4 - The Djinn are angry at the way they were tricked by the Planet, but also appreciative that they can now enjoy this limited freedom, each trapped by natural forces. The Djinn possess powerful ancient magic of their own, which is now charged into the force of one element for each of them. The ancient demons of war are an awkward bunch to be chosen as a planetary defensive force, but they are also impressively capable of the job. As long as they are bound by the Planet, they will do its bidding. Whatever their would-be choices and allegiances, they will fight against the Chaos Legion to protect the sixth mana gate.

Created in Clip Studio Pro on a Surface Pro 4. Here is the timelapse video:

Also, just the B&W line art:

djinn oshannus bw.png
