My Favorite Card! ESP/ENG


En esta edicion de SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE de Splinterlands les quiero hablar de una de las mejores cartas del juego y ademas mi carta favorita! DJINN OSHANNUS! Es una carta Legendiara de agua infravalorada por estar en la categoria de cartas Reward, como tanque es practicamente invencible frente a casi todos los tanques del juego, pocos le pueden hacer frente! En este post la van a conocer un poco mejor, conocer sus pros y sus debilidades es una carta que si o si deben tener en su arsenal y que actualmente esta a precio de locura! Se que en el futuro cuando ya no este en rewards va a convertirse en una carta muy costosa.
In this edition of the Splinterlands SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE I want to talk about one of the best cards in the game and also my favorite card! DJINN OSHANNUS! It is a Legendary water card undervalued for being in the category of Reward cards, as a tank is practically invincible against almost all the tanks in the game, few can stand up to him! In this post you will get to know it a little better, know its pros and weaknesses, it is a card that you must have in your arsenal and that is currently at an insane price! I know that in the future when it is no longer in rewards it will become a very expensive card.


Porque es mi carta favorita

Cuando empece a jugar splinterlands tuve muchos problemas adaptandome, entender el juego no fue lo mas facil y perdia mucho hasta que en un video aprendi a alquilar cartas una de las primeras cartas que alquile fue la de DJINN OSHANNUS me ayudo muchisismo a ganar batallas y entender el juego, con el tiempo le fui agarrando aprecio, ademas de eso gane experiencia y aprendi a usarla mejor, me gusta por su velocidad principalmente, es una carta que la mayoria de las veces atacara de primero, ademas tiene buena vida y tiene la habilidad de restar 1 de magia a los ataques que recibe, como la mayoria usa excesivamente la magia es una carta que casi siempre va a dar resultados positivos!

Why is my favorite card

When I started playing splinterlands I had many problems adapting, understanding the game was not the easiest and lost a lot until a video I learned to rent cards one of the first cards I rented was the DJINN OSHANNUS helped me a lot to win battles and understand the game, over time I was grabbing appreciation, Besides that I gained experience and learned to use it better, I like it mainly for its speed, it is a card that most of the time will attack first, it also has good life and has the ability to subtract 1 magic to the attacks it receives, as most of them use magic excessively it is a card that will almost always give positive results!

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Todos soñamos con el momento de una legendaria dorada, abrimos packs, hacemos misiones diarias, esperamos finales de temporada, todo para conseguir una ansiada legendaria dorada, por muchos meses ese era mi objetivo, como el de todos los que jugamos splinterlands! Ese dia tan soñado abri los cofres que me tocaron de una mision diaria y ahi estaba mi carta favorita vistiendose de dorado! Fue un momento espectacular y muy emotivo para mi, estuve con una sonrisa todo el dia jeje!


We all dream of the moment of a golden legendary, we open packs, we do daily missions, we wait for the end of the season, everything to get a long awaited golden legendary, for many months that was my goal, like all of us who play splinterlands! That day so dreamed I opened the chests that I got from a daily mission and there was my favorite card wearing gold! It was a spectacular and very emotional moment for me, I was with a smile all day hehe!

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El invocador de mas alto nivel que tengo es uno de agua por la misma razon de que queria usar a DJINN OSHANNUS en un nivel mas avanzado, ya que en el siguiente nivel es capaz de esquivar magia, SI! Esquivar magia!!! Esa habilidad es increible, no solo tiene el void sino que a eso le sumas la posibilidad de esquivar magia, lo hace espectacular! sus estadisticas son impresionantes, aunque cueste 8 de mana, que igual me parece bastante bien, tiene 5 de velocidad, 10 de vida y 2 de ataque de magia! Es un tanque casi perfecto!


The highest level summoner I have is a water summoner for the same reason that I wanted to use DJINN OSHANNUS at a more advanced level, because at the next level he is able to dodge magic, YES! Dodge magic!!! That ability is incredible, not only he has the void but you add to that the possibility to dodge magic, it makes him spectacular! his stats are impressive, even if he costs 8 mana, which I still think is pretty good, he has 5 speed, 10 health and 2 magic attack! It's an almost perfect tank!

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El Talon de Aquiles

Aunque se le da muy bien la mayoria de los tanques y los derrota a todos casi siempre hay uno de ellos con el que le cuesta mucho, uno que puede jugarle de tu a tu, estar a su altura y sobrepasarlo, su talon de aquiles es UNICORN MUSTANG es la unica carta que le puede constrarestar comodamente asi que si quieres ganarle a DJINN OSHANNUS esa es tu mejor opcion, ya que tambien tiene void y solo recibira 1 de daño pero tiene 3 de ataque melee y le hace muchisimo daño! Casi siempre acierta sus golpes porque tambien es una carta muy veloz!

The Achilles Heel

Although he is very good with most of the tanks and defeats them all there is almost always one of them with which it costs him a lot, one that can play him one on one, be at his level and surpass him, his Achilles heel is UNICORN MUSTANG is the only card that can comfortably beat him so if you want to beat DJINN OSHANNUS that is your best option, as it also has void and only receive 1 damage but has 3 melee attack and does a lot of damage! He almost always hits because he is also a very fast card!

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Eso es todo en esta edicion de Social Media Challenge!

Unete a este maravilloso juego AQUI te espero!

Todas las imagenes las edite con Canva o les tome screenshot a la pagina oficial de splinterlands.

Hasta la proxima!

That's all in this edition of Social Media Challenge!

Join this wonderful game HERE I'm waiting for you!

All images were edited with Canva or I took screenshots from the official splinterlands website.

See you next time!

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Posted using Neoxian City


Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

awesome post tito. I also love this card in his max level for it's forcefield ability.
