My Splinterlands Goals! ESP/ENG

My Splinterlands Goals!

Este post es para hablar de mis metas proximas en Splinterlands! Antes de hablar de mis metas proximas voy a hablar un poco de mis metas conseguidas! Tengo 3 cuentas, mi principal y 2 alternas, siempre quise tener mi cuenta principal con el poder necesario para jugar en Plata 1, se me hizo dificil por, por 8 meses estuve alquilando practicamente, compraba cartas para mejorar mi cuenta y rara vez poder, el poder lo ganaba a punto de esfuerzo, dificilmente llegue a reunir 15k de poder en mi cuenta principal! Hasta que fuimos bendecidos con la caida del mercado, podo a poco fui reuniendo poder y logre invertir en 150.000 de poder, comprar mas cartas, subir de nivel algunas, comprar algunos packs y ademas de eso llevar a todos mis invocadores de Chaos Legion a nivel 3!!! Estoy muy orgulloso de mi cuenta y como ha crecido, invirtiendo porsupuesto!
This post is to talk about my next goals in Splinterlands! Before I talk about my next goals I'm going to talk a little bit about my achieved goals! I have 3 accounts, my main account and 2 alternate accounts, I always wanted to have my main account with the necessary power to play in Silver 1, it was difficult for me, for 8 months I was practically renting, I bought cards to improve my account and rarely power, the power was gained through effort, I hardly reached 15k of power in my main account! Until we were blessed with the fall of the market, little by little I was gathering power and managed to invest 150,000 power, buy more cards, level up some, buy some packs and besides that take all my Chaos Legion summoners to level 3!!!! I am very proud of my account and how it has grown, investing of course!

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  • Una de mis metas mas proximas, ya que lleve a todos los invocadores de Chaos legion a nivel 3 es llevar a un invocador Dragon a nivel 3 tambien, actualmente tengo a KRETCH TALLEVOR en nivel 2 asi que necesitaria 6 cartas mas para llevarlo a nivel 3 y eso es una inversion de casi 30$ parece poco pero a mi cada dolar ultimamente me duele bastante, pero se que si no aprovecho ahora, en el futuro estara mucho mas dificil!

  • Luego de tener todos los invocadores que considero necesarios tener voy a subir de nivel la mayor cantidad de cartas posibles, tambien adquierir cartas legendarias a nivel 2 ya que podria usarlas con mis invocadores a nivel 3, porsupuesto esto requiere mas y mas inversion, mientras mas avanzas mas competitivo se pone y mas debes invertir.

  • Mis cuentas alternas no se quedan atras, luego de estar comodo con la mia y tenerla absolutamente blindada procedere a subir los invocadores de Chaos Legion de esas 2 cuentas a nivel 2, para que asi esas cuentas sean mas competitivas y me puedan ayudar mas a mi principal.

  • El objetivo mayor y el mas grande a largo plazo es que mi cuenta sea lo suficientemente competitiva para estar en ORO 3, la razon de mis cuentas alternas es servir de apoyo tambien a mi cuenta principal, tambien mis cuentas alternas son una manera de acumular cartas, poder, dec y sps, todo va de la mano!


  • One of my next goals, since I took all the Chaos legion summoners to level 3 is to take a Dragon summoner to level 3 too, currently I have KRETCH TALLEVOR at level 2 so I would need 6 more cards to take him to level 3 and that is an investment of almost 30$ it seems little but to me every dollar lately hurts me a lot, but I know that if I don't take advantage now, in the future it will be much more difficult!

  • After having all the summoners that I consider necessary to have I will level up as many cards as possible, also acquire legendary cards at level 2 because I could use them with my summoners at level 3, of course this requires more and more investment, the more you advance the more competitive it gets and the more you have to invest.

  • My alternate accounts are not left behind, after being comfortable with mine and have it absolutely armored I will proceed to raise the Chaos Legion summoners of those 2 accounts to level 2, so that these accounts are more competitive and can help me more to my main.

  • The biggest and long term goal is for my account to be competitive enough to be in GOLD 3, the reason for my alternate accounts is to support my main account as well, also my alternate accounts are a way to accumulate cards, power, dec and sps, everything goes hand in hand!

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Mientras hacia este post, lo pensaba y lo pensaba y en el transcurso de escribirlo decidi cumplir una de mis metas proximas! Subi mi invocador Dragon KRETCH TALLEVOR a nivel 3, lo bueno de ese invocador es que es epico, lo puedo usar con todos los splinters y me va a añadir el poder usar las comunes a nivel 5, que actualmente los invocadores raros a nivel 3 solo me dejan usar hasta el nivel 4, las raras hasta nivel 4, las epicas hasta nivel 3 y las legendarias igual hasta el nivel 2!

  • Como bonus aumente mi DESERT DRAGON a nivel 2, se ve espectacular ya quiero usar todas esas cartas con ese nivel, tambien subi de nivel las cartas dragon comunes que generalmente todos tenemos, termine invirtiendo como unos 50$ mas hoy...

While I was writing this post, I was thinking and thinking about it and in the course of writing it I decided to accomplish one of my next goals! I raised my Dragon KRETCH TALLEVOR summoner to level 3, the good thing about this summoner is that it is epic, I can use it with all the splinters and it will add me the power to use the common ones to level 5, that currently the rare summoners at level 3 only let me use until level 4, the rare ones until level 4, the epic ones until level 3 and the legendary ones until level 2!

  • As a bonus I increased my DESERT DRAGON to level 2, it looks spectacular and I want to use all those cards with that level, I also leveled up the common dragon cards that we all usually have, I ended up investing about 50$ more today...

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Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi post! Realmente Splinterlands me apasiona, disfruto jugarlo, disfruto mucho mas coleccionarlo, crecer, aumentar las cartas de nivel, es un todo, muy completo la verdad y junto con otros juegos es lo que sostiene a HIVE, me parece increible como mucha gente se esta perdiendo de la experiencia de Splinterlands, del play2earn real de Splinterlands y esta buscando fantasias y proyectos que nisiquiera tienen un producto! Te invito a que empieces a jugar splinterlands, coleccionar, divertirte, crecer, ser parte de la comunidad y ademas ganar dinero!

Si te llama la atencion el jugar splinterlands puedes registrarte

Todas las imagenes fueron creadas con canva por mi y utilice screenshots de la pagina de Splinterlands.

Hasta pronto!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I really love Splinterlands, I enjoy playing it, I enjoy collecting it, growing, leveling up cards, it's a whole, very complete and together with other games is what sustains HIVE, I find it incredible how many people are missing the Splinterlands experience, the real Splinterlands play2earn and are looking for fantasies and projects that don't even have a product! I invite you to start playing splinterlands, collect, have fun, grow, be part of the community and make money!

If you are interested in playing splinterlands you can sign up

All images were created with canva by me and I used screenshots from the Splinterlands website.

See you soon!

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Posted using Neoxian City
