TIME MAGE Share your Battle ESP/ENG


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En esta edicion de Share you battle vamos a hablar de TIME MAGE una carta espectacular que viene de la nueva edicion de Cartas Chaos Legion, debido a las nuevas cartas y estrategias que aparecieron gracias a Chaos Legion es casi obligatorio usar a TIME MAGE cuando usas Vida, ya que la vetaja que proporciona el pegar primero es muy desiciva y en la mayoria de los casos tu oponente la usara tambien. Un ejemplo de porque es tan importante es porque generalmente utilizamos bastante a GENERAL SLOAN y si usamos a TIME MAGE en nuestra estrategia de flechas vamos a hacer que nuestro oponente se mueva mas lento y poder acertarle mas facilmente.


In this edition of Share you battle we are going to talk about TIME MAGE a spectacular card that comes from the new edition of Chaos Legion Cards, due to the new cards and strategies that appeared thanks to Chaos Legion is almost mandatory to use TIME MAGE when you use Life, because the advantage that provides to hit first is very desicive and in most cases your opponent will use it too. An example of why it is so important is because we generally use GENERAL SLOAN a lot and if we use TIME MAGE in our arrow strategy we will make our opponent move slower and be able to hit him easier.


TIME MAGE es decisiva a la hora de jugar con Vida, quiero destacar ademas de su atributo principal que es el de habilidad de quitarle 1 de velocidad a todas las cartas del oponente en si es una carta poderosa de bajo mana, solo tiene 4 de mana tiene una velocidad inclreible con 4 puedes tener la seguridad que casi siempre dara el primer golpe ytambien tiene 3 de vida, llevarla a nivel 3 es una maravilla ya que empieza a pegar con 2 de magia, normalmente solo pega 1 de magia.

TIME MAGE is decisive when playing with Life, I want to highlight in addition to its main attribute that is the ability to remove 1 of speed to all cards of the opponent itself is a powerful card of low mana, only has 4 mana has an incredible speed with 4 you can be sure that almost always give the first blow and also has 3 life, take it to level 3 is a wonder because it starts to hit with 2 magic, usually only hits 1 magic.

Captura de pantalla 2022-04-25 202217.jpg

Esta batalla es muy interesante porque ambos usamos practicamente las mismas cartas con algunas diferencias de posicion, escogi una estrategia muy normal y es algo que cambiaria ya que obvie una de las reglas que era que todos los de ataque a distancia eran snipe! Las reglas eran no usar melee y todos tenian la habilidad de snipe, fue una batalla muy interesante!

This battle is very interesting because we both used practically the same cards with some positional differences, I chose a very normal strategy and it's something I would change because I obviated one of the rules which was that all the ranged attackers were snipe! The rules were not to use melee and everyone had the snipe ability, it was a very interesting battle!


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You can watch the battle
HERE, you can also watch my video in Spanish!

Captura de pantalla 2022-04-25 201450.jpg

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Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de pasar por mi post! Si te llama la atencion el jugar splinterlands puedas registrarte

AQUI Es un juego maravilloso y te va a encantar!

Todas las imagenes fueron creadas con canva por mi y utilice screenshots de la pagina de Splinterlands.

Hasta pronto!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my post! If you're interested in playing splinterlands you can register

HERE It's a wonderful game and you will love it!

All the images were created with canva by me and I used screenshots from the Splinterlands website.

See you soon!

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