💥 🔥 Unlocking Battle Mage Secrets: Maximizing Melee Damage in the Aimless Ruleset! 🔥 💥



Hello, everyone! It's time for another Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge from Splinterlands. In this post, we will discuss the 'Aimless' ruleset, where all monsters have the Scattershot ability. Scattershot an ability that makes monster's attacks hit a random enemy target. Let's take a closer look at which card I used to win in this kind of ruleset and how it helped my team win the battle.

All units have the Scattershot ability.
Scattershot can target Camouflaged units.


Battle Configuration

For this battle, here is the specific ruleset and a mana cap to consider:

Aimless: All monsters have the Scattershot ability.
Tis but Scratches: All Monsters have the Cripple ability.
Equalizer: The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

Mana Cap: 58
Active Elements: Fire, Water, Death, Dragon


My Lineup:

Summoner: Quix the Devious

  • Aside from the range attack debuff to the enemy, the main purpose of this card is reduce the speed of enemy monsters.

First Position: Diemonshark

  • This card is used because of its high damage output and possibly activating its Enrage and Trample ability.

Second Position: Carnage Titan

  • This card is used because of its Double Strike ability and is very effective together with the Cripple ruleset.

Third Position: Baakjira

  • This card will further increase the HP of all allied units and will also further reduce the speed of the enemy team.

Fourth Position: Chaos Dragon

  • This monster already has the Scattershot ability and together with that, it also has the Blast ability to provide additional damage and also Blind ability to increase the chance of the enemy to miss their attacks.

Fifth Position: Deeplurker

  • This monster is used to provide additional damage to the enemy with the lowest HP using its Poison ability.

Sixth Position: River Hellondale

  • This card is used to provide support to the team by increasing the melee damage by 1 and also has the Resurrect ability.

Strategy: The lineup aims to maximize the Speed and Melee Attack of the team against the enemy. Given the Aimless Ruleset, it is advisable not to heavily rely on Range and Magic Attack monsters. Instead, this lineup prioritizes using melee attack power to defeat the enemy.


Let's Rumble


The enemy summoned Delwyn Dragonscale as the Summoner, granting allied monsters additional Magic Attack. However, the ruleset dictates that all ranged and magic attacks will target random enemies. Consequently, the high magic attack output may be distributed to random targets. Additionally, the opponent used Argor Longtail with the Taunt ability, but it's important to note that the Taunt ability is ineffective in the Aimless ruleset with Range and Magic attacks from the enemy.


At the end of Round 1, the enemy Argor Longtail's HP was reduced to 3 and it was also poisoned by Deeplurker's attack. The enemy team's Magic Attack output was distributed randomly among targets in my lineup.


At the end of Round 2, the enemy Argor Longtail was resurrected by the enemy River Hellondale with 1 HP and 8 Armor, enabling it to withstand incoming attacks from my lineup.


By the end of Round 3, both Argor Longtail and Djinn Oshannus were easily defeated. This left the enemy with only magic attack monsters and no tank.


Since there was no tank to absorb the high damage output from my lineup, the enemy was defeated in Round 5.

You can check the full battle replay here - Battle Replay from Splinterlands.



That's it, and thanks for reading. If you are interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!
*Images used are from Splinterlands.
