RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Boost Land Survey Chances By Burning DEC/DEC-B

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Maybe I'm over simplifying this but wouldn't doing this simply add to inflation later while only doing a temp quick fix to get DEC burned. You'd be producing far more resources off of lands then initially thought which means far more tokens from lands which will drive the price down of all of those land tokens.

That being said my vote on this is going to be no unless someone can explain how this has a long term benefit.


exactly double down for 10K is way too much hell no


No, it won't change the amount of resources produced from the land at all. All of that hasn't even been figured out yet, so we will determine the amount of resources that should be produced from the land when we get to that point (soon!) and then work backwards to find out how much each type/rarity of plot should produce. So this would actually burn tokens without any inflation whatsoever.


This says to me that if I choose not to do it then my tracts have half the amount of rare plots. Then when you do this and work backward to plan out resources. I will earn around half the amount of resources as the guys that did do this. That isn't optional for anyone with a serious amount of land. You have added a tax that lowers the production of my land in half if I don't pay it.


you halve the chance even if you reject the proposal. so that's not really an argument. their reason for rejecting is that they don't want to pay for it, and that's why no one else should have that chance! so they want to force their decision on others!!! so it is because of their character and not because of good reasons....


Ah ok makes sense then. In that case it makes sense and could potentially burn a fair amount of DEC/Vouchers in the process. Since there's no set numbers yet land owners really don't know what they are getting yet and thus in reality nothing has changed. Other then the potential of the survey being better if paid. It does kind of almost require a payment. I'm still a little on the fence about it though since it's almost like asking for more funds for plot owners in order to better there plots. However the flip side of it means doing it on your plots should give it more value anyways so the value is there in either selling the plot or harvesting on the better plot.

I need to do more thinking but I'm leaning a little more towards a yes now and mainly because I want to see the game returned back in value. That being said it's going to be up to the company still to help in restoring and keeping that value as well. I think things got a little too crazy in terms of giving away stuff and the bots just took advantage. Now we are doing with the over supply from all of those what I would consider "fake" accounts.


we only get more value compared to people who choose not to pay. Matt said there is just 1 pie we all share. If no one pays each tract should have the same amount of the pie. But if just one tract plays that guy just twice as much till the next guy now they both get more and so on but if we all pay then we all split that same pie


if that's really the case, then i guess i'll have to rethink my opinion!


From what I'm understanding if you do not purchase the potions for a "tract" you will get the standard amount of rares, epics, etc. But if you look at the wording if you purchased potions for you're tract in one transaction you would receive double the normal amount of land types. So tract owners actually can double the amount of land types gauranteed. The plebs have to keep their fingers crossed.


Wait until you can purchase the right amount if you think the ROI is worth it I am honestly focused on using the variation of sps/GLX to swap income from sps staking and sps nodes to glx when the swap is equal or lower than sps and GLX is still producing ridiculous APY so over time for the airdrop i will be swapping half of my million sps which i already started to do to get half a million sps this week if prices are cooperating then use glx to buy back the sps or dec if sps is not favorable. The key now is to get cash flow and soulbound earning bots/human splits to get as many as you can of gladious and soulbound so you can charge a higher split for the larger amount of cards you have on the accounts you own. So this will bring longer term value to ppl with a larger amount of assets to re deploy to farm the most cards and dont even need bots can use private agreeements to have a really good player battle for 10-20 guild accounts 2X a week for brawls and get a tournament expert to play all accounts in as many tournaments as they can and i have enough sps to get the ppl in the top levels so should be able to create a boost for my self in cash flow and rental income as well as benefit new players as they will make more than they would have. Cash flow on going is king in the game bc it allows you to withdraw some as well as significantly expand your collection right now. Also earn ridicoulous amount of gladious and soul bound cards to give ppl with large investments a way to profit from this quite a bit and help new players get a leg up as well and profit from the best players by giving them the best assets and im guessing the best set ups will be set up privately with a custom split based on what the contractor is willing to do like will they play all brawls for say 5 guilds or 150 accounts so 300 battles a month brawls, a bunch of tournaments and battle daily if there better than the bot and then the bot will be moved to a account where the human players dont play daily so were always earning and advancing. Samee approach taken to GLS when it is released which is why im investing heavily in that to gain the assets cheap able to benefit from all future partnerships by owning stadiums and getting money from everything. Then finally in about 6 months will have the performance to launch a fund to fund a guild alliance if the ppl i talked to privately are not enough but i think they are. Will be recruiting programmers, accountants, lawyers, project managers, community managers, guild managers experts to direct there games division and are responsible for finding out how to make new cash flow streams and getting them implemented. There will be a base split and bonuses for over achieving and everyone who implements a successful idea will be a partner in that subdao division getting a direct split from there efforts 50/50. If ppl want equity i will be doing a funding round where votes are how you get equity by voting for 1 month at a time on posts on a specific account for that fund or division and you will get the x % associated with it. That will provide cash flow forever or as long as were alive. It will be restricted equity for 5 years then a 5 year 1/5 per year release in you buy in private rounds for way cheaper than the IDO which will be priced and released slowly so the price does not get diluted and we get the funding to add the proper assets.
