Splinterlands Riftwatchers: Important SPS Data You Should Be Aware Of


With Riftwatchers right around the corner, we discuss important data points around SPS that you may not be aware of

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Super interesting to see what Riftwatchers will do for the game. Certainly really cool tokenomics this time, unlike Orbs and Dice.

Personally, I never buy packs but always buy cards directly from the market. I have done that since Alpha and maxed all cards that way. I am planning to do the same for Riftwatchers again. My reason for that is, that I never have the money I need to buy massive amounts of packs all at once. But I do earn enough from the game to pick all cards from the market bit by bit over time, during the natural selling cycles of any main or side edition.

Another reason is that I am notoriously unlucky with RNG, so it just makes no sense to open a pack, when I can get the content of it much cheaper from the market - except for those high demand cards for which I am willing to pay premium prices.


!1UP 🍄!PIZZA 🍕!BEER 🍺Expect the @curation-cartel soontm