First entry on Splintertalk! Profile, Investment in DEC and Guild

Hi SplinterManiacs!

This is the first time I've decided to post through, and I'm hoping to raise some SPS to expand my deck.

I started playing Splinterlands back in 2018 when the game was still in its infancy. I feel a little sorry for the missed opportunity at that time to collect a really unique deck of cards. Unfortunately, the game worked very poorly at that time and I returned to it very sporadically (sometimes to play 1 match I waited 5-10 minutes...), but it was gone, I play now more for pleasure than for profit (although I could use a few better cards that I can't afford at the moment ;/)

Ok, but to the specifics

My profile


As you can see I play mostly Wild, because I have very few cards for the game under Modern.

The highest league I have qualified for is Gold III, and this is most likely the maximum I can reach with the cards I have.
Of course to increase the playability of my deck I borrow cards but it's mainly 2-3 Summoner cards.

Investment in DEC

Exactly 368 days ago I purchased 73,000 DEC at $0.0033 apiece spending $240. Today the same 73,000 DEC is worth $51 1 DEC is ~$0.0007 a piece today.
I lost -78.5% on this "investment"

In Poland, $240 to more than 1/3 of the national minimum so most people would say that I am a complete idiot spending so much money on "virtual crystals or coins". One has to agree that there is something to it....


The purchase of DEC was dictated by the strategy of the daily airdrop received at the time. Having more points for min. deck strength or DEC owned, tempted me to buy DEC at the time which as it turns out today was a poor decision ;/.

The few dollars I earned from the airdrop did not compensate me in the slightest for the nearly -78.5% loss in value. Well, but as they say "he who does not risk does not drink champagne". I took the risk and failed....


Some time ago I decided to spend some DEC to create my own Guild. I hoped that a little Polish community would join it, however, except for me, the other accounts are inactive so I can say that I am the only member of the crew.

Due to the drastic decrease in DEC I decided to spend 20000 DEC on upgrades and so far I have built:
Arena level 1
Store level 1
I hope to get a level 2 store in the near future

In a word at the end

If there are any more experienced players here I am eager for tips on game strategy, delegation and adding liquidity.

I hope to significantly improve the strength of my deck this calendar year ; )

In the next post I will describe more about my deck, my experience with and show the awards for the previous season ; )

See you there!

Posted using Splintertalk


Widzę, że wróciłeś pełną gębą


zobaczymy na jak długo, ponieważ czeka mnie wyprowadzka + czekam na lokal z miasta pod stowarzyszenie, który trzeba będzie wyremontować, a to wszystko czasochłonne zajęcia ;/
w każdym razie postaram się znaleźć balans pomiędzy tym wszystkim + mam sporo materiału na wpisy na asanie więc teoretycznie jest co publikować
