LAND 1.5 Grain Panic!



LAND Is (as expected) Upon Us!

There was a very high chance for LAND 1.5 to release next week since Matt suggested he wanted to release before the Rebellion main sale and still leave some time in between. Personally, I used this time to get as much SPS as possible, since it is also reasonable to assume that SPS won't be staying at 1.3-1.4 cents very long atfer LAND releases. That's in part due to speculation, but more fundamentally, it has a real chance to actually start the long awaited flywheel that is expected to burn a lot of SPS. If this happens (which it will soon), people might actually realize what the SPL team's vision for the economy was going to be all along. The only reason why everything took this long to stabilize and take off was due to the wrong decision of putting value into DEC when we all got the SPS airdrop for holding that token. It's taken this long to quite literally pay off for that mistake.

So What About Grain?

A month ago I made a post about what to expect for SPS mining on LAND. I now realize that it was fatally flawed. This is because I assumed that Grain was not going to be an attractive resource to farm. Boy was I wrong! Grain is going to be the resource that people will need to focus on, simply because if they do not it will be very costly!

Looking back at the whitepaper we can see just how much grain anyone will need that wants to utilize LAND. "Workers will consume Grain at a rate of 0.01 Grain per base production point they provide per hour" I guess my first reaction when reading that was something like "a measly 0.01 - okay I can just ignore grain". But that stuff adds up real fast:

For example, I got a plot with 5 workers with 4k PPs each. That's not a whole lot of PPs, but it's also not nothing (PPs get real fast expensive with 4k costing already around $20 on the market). So let's assume that's a medium to low setup. So 4k*0.01 = 40. Still not a lot, huh? Well we still have to multiply that with 5 (since we got 5 workers) and another 24 since we want to calculate it per day. So... 40 * 5 * 24 = 4800 grain/day. For one (!) plot.

2 questions

  • How much Grain can I produce?
  • How much is 1 Grain?

If I need to feed my 5 workers on 1 plot 4800 Grain per day, then we need to ask just how much Grain can I produce and how much is 1 Grain (i.e. can I just buy it instead of producing it?)

Regarding the first question, it is actually not very much! We can read that "Grain will be produced at a rate of 0.02 per PP per hour." That is literally just double of what they consume. Now it's important to realize that producing Grain will also utilize the bonuses/boosts that one has. For example, terrain boosts or having a Runi. So one's PPs can actually significantly increase here. However, these bonuses won't be that high on average if you have a dozen or more plots (e.g. you can't possibly have plots that are all legendary or are set up with a Runi etc.). So for simplicity we can say that one plot producing Grain can feed itself plus another plot. Again, it will be a bit more depending on the bonuses. But the point is clear: you will need a lot of Grain!

So that begs the question: Can I just buy Grain off of the market and ignore it all together? The answer is very clear as well: Yes, but it is going to be very expensive doing so. This is because 1 Grain = 1 DEC. That means in the above mentioned example that if I want to buy Grain off of the market to feed my 5 workers on one plot that require 4800 Grain per day, it will cost me 4800 DEC to do so! That is basically $5 per day! And that is with cards that aren't even top tier. I can't imagine many can afford to play this strategy. Which means... that pretty much everyone will be forced to grow and harvest Grain on around 50% of their plots!


While it will probably be less than 50% of plots growing Grain, it will be much more than the initial 10% that I thought last month. Nobody will be able to really afford not going for Grain. And of course you only want to grow Grain on Natural terrains.

Next week is going to be exciting as it's going to be one big scramble to get everything sorted out. Mistakes will be made, buildings will be rebuilt etc. Perhaps after 1 month we can get a good feel for what to expect in terms of rewards. Of course in just several months we will get LAND additions like 1.6 and finally 2.0 which will completely upset the whole system again. For me it's not clear what will happen to the SPS and Research buildings which Matt said that we would have to make other buildings ot get Research or SPS. Do you happen to know? In any case, happy LAND 1.5 everyone!





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Since it will be very expensive to buy Grain, then its much cheaper to farm since many rely on Grain.


When you start to math up how much grain you're going to need you quickly realize it's crazy high and you realize that nearly half of your plots are going to at least at first be dedicated to grain production.


funny thing is I only realized that yesterday😅


Whenever there is such a special and big update that people have been waiting for for a long time, we see that it is very good for the project and people start investing their money in it. Prices go up.
