New year opening of Splinterlands Gladius cases


Good day dear Splinter warriors! I didn't post My Splinterlands openings for a long time! But I think beginning of the year is a good time to start it again. So almost all December I tried to collect enough merits to buy Gladius cases to upgrade my deck. So for a whole month I could collect merits for 4 Gladius cases.

As so as level of our guild not so high I can't buy Blood or Power stones in shop. I hope once it'll be possible, crossed fingers. But let's move back to opening Gladius cases. So as I wrote in my pockets for whole month I could collect 4 Gladius cases and decided to open them one by one.
First pack gave me just couple rare cards and 3 commons.

In the second one were again couple rare cards and 3 commons.

Then I found in third case was the same rarity of cards

And finally in the forth one I found one epic, and instead it 4 common cards

Of course I was waiting maybe one legendary or more epic cards but at this time fortune wasn't on my side. Honestly I want to say on good moment that among received cards were not bad and playable cards which I use very often during brawls.
When all packs were opened I decided to combine them. Here also weren't good results coz all cards which I have are mostly have second or third level, so it wasn't enough cards to combine till new level. But maybe in next time lucky will be on my side.
And another one thing that I want to mention. Before New Year I also opened Rebellion edition pack which was bought at presale time. And there were just common Water summoner, and 4 common cards.

Not good, but according to Peakmonsters site it costs 2.13$, so I more in minus than in positive. It takes in count and my opening of Gladius cases too because if to count how much I spent time and other resources to get merits and open packs I'm sure that it'll be strong minus. So in next time I'll try to open more packs and maybe then I can find some legendary or strong enough cards. Crossed fingers.
That's all for now. See you in game! Yours @travoved

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