Part 17...If I were a new player, would I be able to play this game? Dust to Diamond!


It's been a week since I've posted progress on Dust to Diamond. I guess I was playing my noob WAYYYY too much!
So this first screen shot is 1 day before the season end. I only played off and on but I still managed to get 7 chests with rented cards.

This was my rank for the last season. I was able to make it to bronze I and I believe I could have made it into Silver III if I had the collection power required. Which I didn't. And that's ok because I don't have the resources to compete in Silver yet. Real Soon. Very soon.

And this was my season rewards. I was very pleased to say the least. Harklaw gave me 500 cp boost. I now have 1000+ cp collection. I have been trying to rent around 5000 cp by choosing the splinter I need for daily focus.

Renting is well worth it.
The only other problem that I'm having right now is that the resource credits get drained so I may only rent every other day or start renting for 3 days at a time. The thing I don't agree with and can't stand is that your resource credits get used if you try to rent regardless of whether you actually get that card or not. I hate that. Because you rent cards and next thing you know you have 4 cards rented and you tried to rent 10 cards and when you start with only 13% RC well that just blows your whole rental capability.

Other than that, I'm happy with the results and hopefully this season is better. Join me as I try to go from Dust to Diamond!

Posted using Splintertalk
