The secret rule ⚔ Splinterlands

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Uma regra de combate secreta foi adicionada ao Splinterlands! Ok, isso pode parecer uma informação falsa afinal a regra Born Again foi anunciada no Town Hall já faz 4 dias, mas desde o seu lançamento eu ainda não dei a sorte de pegar nenhuma partida com ela.

Chega a ser matematicamente insano considerando a quantidade de partidas jogadas durante esses 4 dias, mas ao invés de falar sobre estatística e probabilidade, vamos falar sobre essa nova regra e quais as novidades que ela pode trazer ao jogo. Seu efeito é bem simples:

Todos os monstros possuem a habilidade Rebirth .

Essa habilidade pode trazer inúmeros benefícios para as cartas e caso seja utilizada a estratégia adequada é possível fazer uma grande otimização de efeitos ao combiná-los com a regra. Começando pela capacidade de remover debuffs após reviver da morte, isso pode ser bem útil em partidas com Noxious Fumes e contra invocadores como a Mimosa Nightshade. Outro benefício fantástico é a capacidade de reabilitar a armadura e determinadas habilidades após a carta reviver, um exemplo disso é a carta Robo-Dragon Knight que ao ser morta em uma batalha com essa regra, iria reviver tendo seu Divine Shield e TODA a armadura recuperada.


Sabendo disso fica óbvio as combinações benéficas que podem surgir com outras regras de combate como Armored Up e Holy Protection ou com cartas que distribuem essas habilidades para todo o time, por exemplo a Lorna Shine e o Venari Wavesmith. Há outras cartas que podem elevar ainda mais esses combos, a melhor que eu posso citar é o Grandmaster Rathe que tornaria toda a armadura 100% garantida de funcionar ao distribuir a habilidade Void Armor para todos, isso amplificaria a eficiência da armadura e da regeneração obtida através do Rebirth .

A quantidade de combinações é imensa, essa regra com certeza será extremamente impactante no jogo e abrirá espaço para inúmeras estratégias serem criadas. É claro que não podemos esquecer de uma das habilidades que foi recém adicionada com a chegada das cartas Soulbound e que vem ganhando bastante espaço no meta, é claro que estou falando da habilidade Martyr . A primeira coisa que eu pensei ao ler sobre a regra Born Again foi isso:

Poucos minutos depois de mandar essa mensagem eu abri o twitter e me deparei com essa bizarrice:

Eu não quero nem imaginar a quantidade de vida por rodada que esta Quora Towershead estava regenerando, inclusive não fiz as contas se essa é a sua capacidade máxima mas se pensarmos em uma perspectiva de maximização completa, seria algo como:

Quora Towershead + Scarred Llama Mage + 2 Martyr (duplicados) + 12 abates.

Se algum dia essa ocasião acontecer nós finalmente teremos a visão absoluta do Exodia do Splinterlands. Com tudo o que foi dito eu acho que ficou claro o quão impactante a regra Born Again será para o jogo e possíveis estratégias que farão você amplificar absurdamente o potencial do seu time durante as batalhas. Eu desejo que vocês tenham mais sorte do que eu e consigam batalhar nessa regra e que o Exodia não seja utilizado contra vocês.

Muito obrigado a todos que leram até aqui, espero que tenham gostado. Se vocês curtirem meus conteúdos, peço que deixem o seu voto na postagem e sigam o meu perfil para poderem acompanhar as futuras postagens.

Se o Rei não se mover, seus súditos não irão segui-lo.



A secret combat rule has been added to Splinterlands! Ok, this may seem like false information after all the Born Again rule was announced in Town Hall 4 days ago, but since its release I haven't been lucky enough to catch any matches with it.

It is mathematically insane considering the amount of matches played during these 4 days, but instead of talking about statistics and probability, let's talk about this new rule and what new features it can bring to the game. Its effect is very simple:

All monsters have the Rebirth ability.

This ability can bring countless benefits to cards and if the right strategy is used, it is possible to optimize the effects by combining them with the rule. Starting with the ability to remove debuffs after reviving from death, this can be very useful in matches with Noxious Fumes and against summoners like Mimosa Nightshade. Another fantastic benefit is the ability to rehabilitate armor and certain abilities after the card revives, an example of this is Robo-Dragon Knight which upon being killed in a battle with this rule, would revive having its Divine Shield and ALL armor recovered.


Knowing this it becomes obvious the beneficial combinations that can arise with other combat rules like Armored Up and Holy Protection or with cards that distribute these abilities to the entire team, for example Lorna Shine and Venari Wavesmith. There are other cards that can further elevate these combos, the best one I can name is Grandmaster Rathe which would make all armor 100% guaranteed to work by distributing the Void Armor ability to everyone, this would amplify the efficiency of armor and regeneration gained through Rebirth .

The amount of combinations is immense, this rule will certainly be extremely impactful in the game and will open space for numerous strategies to be created. Of course we cannot forget one of the skills that was recently added with the arrival of the cards Soulbound and that has been gaining a lot of space in the meta, of course I am talking about the Martyr ability. The first thing I thought when reading about the Born Again rule was this:

Now Quora will be able to kill 12 enemies and be buffed 4 times lol

A few minutes after sending that message I opened twitter and came across this bizarre thing:

I don't even want to imagine the amount of life per round this Quora Towershead was regenerating, I even didn't do the math if this is its maximum capacity but if we think in a full maximization perspective it would be something like:

Quora Towershead + Scarred Llama Mage + 2 Martyr (doubled) + 12 kills.

If ever that occasion happens we will finally get the absolute Exodia view of Splinterlands. With all that said I think it's clear how impactful the Born Again rule will be to the game and possible strategies that will make you absurdly amplify your team's potential during battles. I wish you guys are luckier than me and succeed in battling this rule and that Exodia is not used against you.

Thank you so much to everyone who read this far, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like my content, I ask you to send your vote on the post and follow my profile so you can read future posts.

If the king doesn't move then his subjects won't follow.




Martyr cards will add extra spice to the battles when revived. lol


Holly cow that card is ridiculous that's like an insta win lol



Excellent information, it appeared to me in the brawls but my opponent still does not appear haha, I want to see it in action.


The addition of any new ruleset or ability will always change the game in ways as it benefits some cards and lowers the effectiveness of others. Rule sets in particular can make some cards very powerful as you have pointed out here. Thanks for sharing this info as it will be a lot of help in my battles.
Oh and I love the reference to Exodia.
Have a great day.


I don't think there's a lot of card in the game that can beat Quora. It was supposed to remain in the guild games, but it's been inculcated into ranked battles, imagine the regeneration ability. That's beastly. I'll be hoping to see the strategies this new ruleset might birth. It's getting crazy out there.


That s..t is crazy!! I had a feeling we'll start seeing some crazy stuff when I read about that new ruleset, but this was beyond my imagination. 😆


an example of this is Robo-Dragon Knight which upon being killed in a battle with this rule, would revive having its Divine Shield and ALL armor recovered.

Yes, agree. This is great strategy in Born again ruleset. Any monsters with very high armor and void armor will be great to be resurrected because the full armor will be recovered.

I also agree with the use of gladius (bloodlust) monsters especially Quora since they can kill more monsters which means more bloodlust effects can be activated and increase their power even more.

Thanks for sharing the battle strategy, underlock. Great Post

