Analyzing The New @splinterlands Reward Shop + Burning 412 Cards for Glint

I have an overall very good impression on the changes to the Reward system and I think these changes will be beneficial for the future. There is no more need to focus on Daily Quest/Focus to earn more Focus Points to get a Rewards that may not be exactly what you were hoping for. New players will especially have an easier time where they can start playing with whatever the Cards they have with the only hard limitation created by Energy requirements. This is a system most gamers are familiar with and it is a system that has been battle tested with billions of dollars on the line.

Play As Much As Need to Buy from Shop

There are many assets that can only be bought using Glint which itself is a Soulbound Token. Player are capable of picking a variety of items to purchase which can be found at Gwen's Glint Shop. I am exclusively focused on Reward Cards. I want to make sure that I have a Max Level Card of each Monster and Summoner that is currently in print. I don't earn enough to get my hands on the limited Titles and it does not look like there are many players with that luxury when taking a look a the availability.

Under the newly redesigned gameplay experience the player focus is on the long term goals on the Reward Shop instead of worrying about making it to the next Reward Chest for the day. This makes everyone's lives easier while giving them less things to think about. There is no need to worry deliberate on making the right amount of Focus Points to get another Chest rather than seeing all the hard work of previous few Battles go to waste. Under the new system, no Battle will go to waste. I consider this to be a better design that is more pleasant to interact with.

The Probabilities Behind Draws

Transparency + accessibility is a rare thing even within cryptosphere. The probabilities for receiving various Rewards was published on the blockchain under the old system. The problem was the it was a difficult job digging it out of all the other data that is posted on HIVE. The above probability chart is right there in the Shop for any player to take a look and analyze.

Gold Foil chances are 25% lower than a Champion Reward Chest if you buy a Master Draw. Another important thing to notice is that the uper bound for the number of Gold Foil Cards in a Draw is higher than that of a Regular Foil when it comes to Legendary Cards. Epic and Legendary upper bound for Elite and Master Draws are the same while the Elite being 50% cheaper. Keep these details in mind in order to make better purchasing decisions.

Burning 412 Cards for Glint

Out of these 62 were Rare Cards and the other 350 were Common Cards. All of them were Regular Foil. These were all the extra Cards I had after taking each of these Monsters and Summoners to Max Level. The following list can be treated as a list of Max Level Reward Cards I own out of the ones that are currently in print.

Results of First Four Draws

Since I only burned Common and Rare Cards, there were not many Glint to be found. Do not treat the burning process as a way to retry your draw. The developers of @splinterlands are smart people that have a good understanding of Tokenomics and virtual economies.

I am happy with what I got. The probability for a Legendary Card was only 12.8% (4 X 3.2%) based on the probabilities chart provided. @kiokizz has a great tool that allow investors to take a explore Reward Cards on SplinterStats collection of tools. Bookmark the page for future use if you are interested in following the data.

If you are not a player yet, allow users to create a free account and test out the game. Spending $10 on a Spellbook is necessary to start earning Rewards. Installing Keychain is not compulsory; but will help a great deal when navigating HIVE DAPPs.

Happy Gaming! Happy Investing!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


There are a lot of benefits after burning and we will see the prices of these cards increase after some time.
