Let's talk about the new rulesets: Ferocity



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Splinterlands esta renovandose cada cierto tiempo y agregando elementos que le dan variedad al juego, eso ademas de ser positivo para el juego, nos ayuda a no caer en rutina pero tambien a mantenernos pendientes de los cambios para no quedarnos atras, y uno de los mas visibles son los nuevos rulesets, hoy hablare especificamente de uno de ellos, el ruleset Ferocity.

Splinterlands most often is renewing itself all the elements of the game from time to time and adding elements that give variety to the game, that besides being positive for the game, helps us not to fall into a routine but also to keep us aware of the changes to not fall behind, and one of the most visible are the new rulesets, today I will talk specifically about one of them, the Ferocity ruleset.

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Actualmente solo hay cuatro cartas con esta habilidad, que es muy nueva. Recién llego con la edición Riftwatchers.

Lo que hace la habilidad es que las cartas que la poseen hacen el doble de daño a las cartas que tienen la habilidad Taunt, que son:

Currently there are only four cards with this ability, which is very new. It just arrived with the Riftwatchers edition.

What the ability does is that cards that have it do double damage to cards that have the Taunt ability, which are:


Esta habilidad es muy utilizada en el juego porque se pueden armar estrategias realmente poderosas con ella, yo misma hice un post hablando de eso, lo puedes ver haciendo click aqui. Aqui es donde viene mi opinion y es que creo que este ruleset no es una buena adición al juego por el hecho de que un oponente que pretenda usar una estrategia de Taunt no lo va a hacer cuando aparezca este ruleset.

Si la carta con Taunt va a recibir daño doble de todas las cartas que la ataquen entonces se convierte en una estrategia completamente inutil, asi que hablando de forma real, este ruleset jamas se va utilizar realmente. Porque es muy muy dificil que un oponente intente usar la estrategia de Taunt.

Lo que para mi es positivo sobre este ruleset es justamente eso, que va a provocar que esos jugadores que spamean el taunt en todas las partidas que pueden tengan que cambiar esa forma de jugar y aprender mas estrategias, porque si es cierto que esta estrategia estaba demasiado fuerte. Sobre todo con el splinter vida usando a Shieldbearer.

The Taunt skill is very used in the battles at every rank because you can build really powerful strategies with it, I myself made a post talking about it, you can see it by click here. Here is where my opinion comes in and that is that I think this ruleset is not a good addition to the game for the fact that an opponent who intends to use a Taunt strategy is not going to do it when this ruleset appears.

If the Taunt card is going to take double damage from all the cards that attack it (all of them, because of taunt) then it becomes a completely useless strategy, so realistically speaking, this ruleset is never really going to be used. Because it is very very difficult for an opponent to try to use the Taunt strategy.

What for me is the positive part about the appearance this new ruleset is just that, it will cause that those players who spam the taunt in every game they can will have to change that way of playing and learn more strategies, because it is true that this strategy was too strong. Especially with the splinter life using Shieldbearer.

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Tambien hay que tener en cuenta que esta es una de las habilidades mas nuevas de todo el juego, asi que seguramente muchas de las proximas cartas tengan esta habilidad entre sus sets, pronto viene un nuevo set reward y estoy segura que habran muchas cartas con Taunt y con Fury en el. De las actuales yo destaco a estas tres:

Also keep in mind that this Fury ability is one of the newest abilities in the whole game, so I'm very sure of many of the next cards to reach the game will have this ability in their sets, remember there's a new reward set is coming soon and I'm sure there will be many cards with Taunt and Fury in it. Of the current ones I highlight these three:


Las tres sirven como un apoyo increible gracias a sus habilidades, Technowzologist con su Stun y su camuflaje es una de las mejores cartas que hay en el juego. Runemancer Kye tiene demasiado aguante gracias a su capacidad de regenerar vida y ademas tiene Fly, y por ultimo Dumacke Exile tiene Sneak y eso siempre es bueno, ademas una velocidad muy alta.

Cuando NO aparece el ruleset Ferocity y ves que tu oponente viene sacando la estrategia de Taunt en sus ultimas partidas, con alguna de estas 3 cartas vas a destrozarlo seguro. Runemancer Kye va a ser la mejor de las 3 opciones sin duda, primero porque su daño magico ignora la armadura y segundo porque al hacer daño doble, se curara mucho (hace hasta 8 de daño por turno en Diamante). He visto batallas donde esta carta destroza a la combinacion de Scarred Llama + Kron the Undiying y en donde termina con mas de 45 puntos de vida, una locura. Agor Longtail se conviritio en una de las mejores cartas para hacer la estrategia del Taunt y con Runemancer Kye puedes hacerle counter muy facilmente.

Las otras dos son mas un apoyo a tu equipo, Technowzologist sera muy importante gracias a su Stun, asi que tambien es una gran opcion a tener en cuenta para hacerle counter al Taunt. Ya que no puede ser atacado si esta en la linea secundaria y como tiene Stun puede dejar inutil al tanque, es una carta con muchisimo potencial.

A Dumacke me gusta usarlo como tanque secundario o en la tercera posicion, porque como sea el Taunt va a atraer sus ataques y si mis tanques caen esta carta puede servir tambien como tanque por sus estadisticas defensivas.

A Rune Crafter la verdad es que no he conseguido la forma de sacarle provecho, salvo que sirva como un apoyo mas para hacer counter a la estrategia del Taunt.

All three serve as incredible support for your teams on the battlesthanks to their abilities, Technowzologist with his Stun and camouflage is one of the best cards in the game. Runemancer Kye has too much stamina thanks to its ability to regenerate life and also has Fly, and finally Dumacke Exile has Sneak and that's always good, plus a very high speed.

When the Ferocity ruleset does NOT appear on your battle and you can see that your opponent is using the Taunt strategy in his last games, with any of these 3 cards and a simple combination of cards you will destroy him for sure. Runemancer Kye will be the best of the 3 options without a doubt, first because its magic damage ignores armor and second because it does double damage, it will heal a lot (it does up to 8 damage per turn in Diamond). I've seen battles where this card destroys the combination of Scarred Llama + Kron the Undiying and ends up with more than 45 health, crazy. Agor Longtail has become one of the best cards for Taunt strategy and with Runemancer Kye you can counter him very easily.

The other two are more of a support than a main tank,, for their stats, Technowzologist will be very important thanks to his Stun, so he is also a great option to take into account to counter Taunt. Since he can't be attacked if he's in the secondary line and because he has Stun he can render the tank useless, he's a card with a lot of potential.

I like to use Dumacke Exile as a secondary tank or, at most, in the third position of my line up, because the Taunt will attract his attacks anyway and if my others tanks fall this card can also serve as a tank because of its defensive stats and give some use to the sneak.

For last, with Rune Crafter the truth is that I have not found a good way to take advantage of it, except that it serves as a support to counter the Taunt strategy.

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Esta batalla es un ejemplo de lo que dije arriba, este oponente habia usado el Taunt con vida en 4 de sus ultimas 5 batallas, y como puedes ver ese splinter esta disponible y el mana tambien ayuda a que use esa estrategia pero seria un completo suicidio, no hay manera de sacar esa estrategia con este ruleset y ganar la partida, asi que nadie utiliza cartas con Taunt y el ruleset queda inutil.

This battle above is an example of what I said above about the ruleset, this opponent had used Taunt alive in 4 of his last 5 battles, and as you can see that splinter is available and the mana also helps him to use that strategy but it would be a complete suicide, there is no way to pull out that strategy with this ruleset and win the game, so nobody uses cards with Taunt and the ruleset is useless.

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Aqui tenemos otro ejemplo, este oponente estaba usando el Taunt de Mycelic Slipspawn con la curacion de Goblin Psychic en 3 de sus ultimas 5 batallas, pero al aparecer este ruleset cambia de estrategia porque sabe que si la utiliza va a perder, mas tomando en cuenta que yo utilice a Thaddius Brood.

Here we have another example, this opponent was using Mycelic Slipspawn Taunt with Goblin Psychic healing in 3 of his last 5 battles, but when this ruleset appears he changes his strategy because he knows that if he uses it he is going to lose, more taking into account that I used Thaddius Brood.

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Por ahora podemos concluir que este ruleset no viene a formar parte activa del meta si no todo lo contrario, de forma pasiva, obligando a aquellos jugadores que spamean mucho la estrategia del Taunt sean practicamente obligados a buscar otra opcion dentro de su mazo.

  • ¿Crees que en el futuro seguira siendo asi o cobrara mas importancia?

Dejame tu opinion en los comentarios, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos en el siguiente post.


For now with this actual data of the game we can conclude that this ruleset does not come to form an active part of the meta but on the contrary, in a passive way, forcing those players who spam a lot the Taunt strategy to be practically forced to look for another option within their deck.

  • Do you think it will continue to be like this in the future or will it become more important?

Leave me your opinion in the comments, thank you very much for reading and see you in the next post.


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