Martyr is the epicenter of Earthquake - Splinterlands Tactician #51


15th February 2023.

Martyr is one of the new addition to Splinterlands this season.

We have been messing around with it to find ways of leveraging the buff it gives.

And right now, the Venari Marksrat is probably the most used Martyr monster despite having low BCX after the first season.

Venari Marksrat.png

The Battle

The only ruleset here is Earthquake.

My opponent and I had similar ideas and went for Grandmaster Rathe.

Martyr in Earthquake.png

The miracle here is that my Martyr triggered twice because he was resurrected after being taken down the first time.

As a result, my end game monsters were huge and did a ton of damage.

Martyr in Earthquake battle result.png

How have you been using Martyr so far?

You can catch the full battle here!

Always fight, never surrender.

Posted using Splintertalk
