Trample with Stampede ftw! - Splinterlands Tactician #32


18th December 2022.

My opponent and I both got blindsided by the rulesets.

We saw the new ruleset Tis but Scratches and went all in with speed.

Little did we know that a monster was about to be unleashed.

Trample in Stampede with Kelya.png

The Battle

We are fighting in Gold League, so we should be using higher-level cards.

I went for Kelya instead of my recent favourite Grandmaster Rathe because he will get eaten alive by the cripple.

Going speed feels like the correct move, and apparently, my opponent feels the same way.

I definitely did not expect my Diemonshark to do much since his max hp keeps decreasing.

Here is the magical moment:

Trample in Stampede with Kelya result.png
You can catch the full battle here!

Always fight, never surrender!

Follow for more #SPTactician battles!

Posted using Splintertalk
