DUMACKE ORC: Splinterlands Art Contest Week 239!


Here is my submission for Splinterlands Art Contest Week 239!


Dumacke Orc.png

Dumacke was a world left to ruin after the Chaos Legions swept through it and Uul had drunk his fill of the planet’s lifeblood. But life did hang on. A few creatures were able to survive in the broken and barren world. One such creature was the pale orc.The pale orcs of Dumacke spent their lives in the lowland caves that surround the windswept plains, scavenging and living off whatever they could find. They lost their natural sight centuries ago due to a virulent strain of fever, and the genetic defect was passed on through future generations. As a result, they developed a fine sense of hearing to compensate and were completely reliant upon it until the wandering technomancer, Yaalbraith, gifted them with the Bright Eyes: goggles infused by tech that synergize with the long-dead optic nerves, enabling the pale orcs to finally see again.
The pale orcs of Dumacke spent their lives in the lowland caves that surround the windswept plains, scavenging and living off whatever they could find. They lost their natural sight centuries ago due to a virulent strain of fever, and the genetic defect was passed on through future generations. As a result, they developed a fine sense of hearing to compensate and were completely reliant upon it until the wandering technomancer, Yaalbraith, gifted them with the Bright Eyes: goggles infused by tech that synergize with the long-dead optic nerves, enabling the pale orcs to finally see again.However, after Yaalbraith left, as resilient as the pale orcs were, they fell into a brooding despair, believing their savior had abandoned them. That was when they came upon the Riftwatchers, who offered them sustenance, kindness, and kinship. The pale orcs of Dumacke pledged their loyalty to the’ Riftwatchers’ cause, knowing their newfound comrades would never desert them.

Process: Here we go!

1.- Quick Sketching with a Ballpoint Pen
2.- Filling in Light and Shadow with Tempra Paint
3.- Mixing Colors and Diluting Paint
4.- Adding Details with Crayon or Ballpoint Pen
5.- Highlighting with Liquid Paper
6.- Adding Lines with Photoshop and Wacom
7.- Exporting the Final Piece.

Here is a reflection of my creative journey, where I explore the interplay between traditional and digital techniques.

It starts with a quick sketch on a cardboard sheet, where I use a black pen to create a rough outline of my subject. I intentionally try to make this as imperfect as possible, allowing room for my subconscious to guide me.


Once the sketch is complete, I begin filling in the light and shadow areas with tempera paint mixed with water. I don't approach this with too much delicacy, instead allowing the colors to mix and blend in a natural way. This creates a fluidity to the painting that I find to be captivating.


Once I am satisfied with the overall color scheme, I let the paint dry before adding details with black crayons or pens. This creates a sense of contrast and depth in the painting, giving it a more realistic and human feel.


To further refine the piece, I use liquid paper to add white lines. This helps to create structure and balance in what can be a chaotic and messy painting scenario. Once I am happy with the overall composition, I take a photo of my artwork.

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-05 a la(s) 14.56.20.png

The next step involves using my Wacom tablet and Photoshop. I add more refined lines and shapes to give my work a more polished and defined look. This is where I can take my time and approach the painting with a more methodical mindset. By using a variety of tools and techniques.

Final Result:


Dumacke Orc.jpg

