AI Hype



Link To The News I Talk About

As much as I hate this guy Jamie I have to agree with him on this this one cuz AI isn't like the dot com boom. AI is the real deal in my opinion.
Back in the days, any company that had a dot com in their name could just 50x instantly without any explanation
But this was when the internet was new, no one knew what they were doing. It wasn't easy to get info or research but today, things are different
as people actually have thousands of tools to research at their finger tips for free. We can know which company is BS and which is not unlike the dot com era. People don't realize AI is bigger then the internet itself. Its also a presidential election year so they wont let the market crash.
The reason I hate Jamie Dimon because he talks negatively about bitcoin but behind the scenes I am sure he is buying it up. But we all already knew that is how it works. First they talk negative so price goes down so they can buy it cheap then they get rich on the killed hope.
