RE: Day-725-Freewrite Tuesday Pecan


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LOVE that photo!!!!

Feel free to share more (your mom and siblings too!) any time. :)
Parents like yours manifest all that is good and right in the world, and you clearly are carrying on their legacy.
Sneaking a smoke in the back yard... love that.... and planting a tree takes too long, so he tries grafting, and tries, and tries, and never gets his pecan tree. You tell us so much with so few words. You bring a character to life and get us to fall in love with him and share your loss. #NeverForget! You immortalize them with your words. If there's a heaven, there's a way for them to read your glowing tributes to them, and maybe a way to shower you with blessings as well.
Now resisting the urge to post a link to the song Eddie Fisher immortalized
Couldn't resist! O mein papa!
