Splinterlands Diary: I became Splinterlands Mods in FB group (Aug 9, 2021)

Today, I was accepted to be a moderator of an Unofficial Splinterland Facebook group in the Philippines which started with just 50 members a week ago but now has almost a 1000 Members.



I think this is just a two-week old FB group but the growth of membership is exponential. This group was created by another Hiver and Splinterland Gamer, @jacksonizer, who has also great youtube vlog.

Many users are new to the crypto and hive blockchain. So, it was kinda hard to address all the questions. A lot are very young, impatient and does not exert effort to do their own research. They just post simple questions which can be answered by simple google search. Oh well, that's one of the challenges of being moderators.

I expected these challenges, I was just surprised with the volume of the request for answers. Maybe a Pinoy Discord for these questions, might be good eh. And @jacksonizer has also thought of it. I hope you're listening, you haven't added me yet! LOL

Sometimes, for simple questions which answers are already available, I just point them to @jacksonizer who has lots of videos on how to play Splinterlands.

Why did I volunteer to be a moderator? Because I have seen the potential of play2earn games and Splinterlands is game with low barrier to entry but very high potential. A lot of people in my country are having a hard time right now earning a decent living due to pandemic and games like these would be a help. By being moderator, I can help people start with the game and slowly build the power so that in the long run, their efforts would be rewarded.

I also like this group and the vibe and mindset of the creator of the group. He has very clear idea in mind and he has laid out simple rules that anybody can follow. He said, "Just post anything related on Splinterlands and let us help each other."

I also post there other strategies to be a successful Splinterland gamer but not necessarily game related. For instance, I share to them that they could increase their SPS airdrop buy increasing also the SPT which can be earned by blogging and tweeting contents related to the game.

The Splinterlands game and other play2earn crypto games are leading in crypto adoption. I have observed that a lot of Pinoy gamers are not yet familiar with crypto and blockchain. In fact this is their first encounter of crypto and DEC, SPS and SPT are the first crypto tokens they own in their wallet.

This is amazing because the stigma that crypto is a scame and a ponzi scheme is being debunked by play2earn games and the Hive platform is a great introduction of young people how to start in crypto. Without them realizing it, young players are learning about keys, seed phrase, KYC terms, centralized exchanges, swapping, even DEFI through metamask through the Splinterlands.

I think we are breaking new grounds here. Older people tell us that internet adoption started when people felt that internet was something easy to use for their daily lives. With Splinterlands, people are now realizing the blockchain is easy to use not only in daily lives but making our daily lives better!


That's great.

Facebook is like an enabler drug.

Get people hooked onto social media then BAM!

You cant live without any form of it.


Nah, I am trying to destroy FB from within ahahaha. I am recruiting players there to use D.Buzz and other Hive platforms.

Posted via D.Buzz
