RE: I Pulled A Gold Foil Epic from a Daily Quest & I'm Giving Away 7.5K DEC!


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There as a time when I was purchasing Mystery Potiions to pull the Archmage Arius. I did not pull it, but I was getting different stuff, and I can't say that it was a great minus - I did not calculate, but it looked fun and even with Quest Potions Rewards were giving to me different extra GF Epic, GF Rare, Common cards (of course it was big luck, not guarantee of any kind)).
I was upset to know the Price Julian was lost it's debuff -1 HP Ability, so I interrupted buying the Mystery Potions for its pulling.
Later I renewed my attempts to pull Mighty Dricken. But luck didn't smile on me. I didn't buy any more mystical potions. I already have enough common potions for opening packs, since I rarely open packs. Well, and I only got quest potions from Mystical ones and I never bought them directly. Perhaps it was worth doing when the rewards were only as cards.)


I wanted that AArius card too! Good luck to you with this giveaway!
