Bonus Collection Power - do you want an extra 5% CP to get into Silver or higher Leagues? Then CLICK ME, fool!

Mr T.jpg

Hey what's up Splinterlandians!

I have a reallllllllly useful tip for you tonight! A sneaky way to squeeze a few extra Collection Power out of your cards!


Yup, that's right - I found a way to get an extra, FREE, 5% CP out of your collection!

I'm going to assume, that if you made it this far, you have a basic idea of how the game works...

I REALLY enjoy writing these and I hope you enjoy reading them... but there IS a TL;DR at the bottom of this one if you couldn't POSSBILY spare the 3 minutes 🙄

Now, I will also assume that you know how to Combine your cards to Level them Up...

If you don't know how to Level your cards up, you might want to do a little reading/playing before this... but I'll try to make this easy enough for everyone to understand :)

Ok class, ready to pay attention?


First - each card has its own DEC Value. This is how many DEC you would receive if you were to "Burn" it - I can't stress enough how BAD OF AN IDEA this is.

It is also how much Collection Power (CP) the card adds (that's what counts toward your League Level)


  • Each Rarity has a unique value
  • Each set has different values

In this example we will look at the Reward Set (Chaos Legion is the same)

DEC Values by Rarity are as follows:

  • Common: 5
  • Rare: 20
  • Epic: 100
  • Legendary: 500
  • A Gold Foil is worth 25x the regular version
  • Example: GF Epic = 2,500 (ya with me?)

Easy, right?


Great! Now, MOVING ON to how you get your FREE BONUS CP!

On to the good stuff...


Check out this photo of my Gargoya Devil:

Garg Devil 1.png

Rares, like this one, have a MAX Level of 8

I have two here, the top one is a Level 7 with 29/30 towards Level 8 (MAX) while the bottom one is a Level 1.

As you can see on the right hand side of the photo, the DEC of the Level 7 is 2,280 while the Level 1 I have is 20.

If you hadn't surmised it yet, when you combine cards, not only does their Level increase but the DEC Value increases proportionally with the number combined.

  • If you combine 5 Cards, worth 20 DEC each, your remaining card is worth 100 DEC (5 x 20 DEC).
  • Each card is denoted as BCX (Base Card Index) or "How many cards have been combined"
  • The Level 7 in the photo has a BCX of 114, which means I combined 114 cards thus far...


Math meme.png

114 x 20 DEC = 2,280... Yup! The Math checks out so far!

Ok friends... the moment you've all been waiting for... let's see if you can noodle it out...

If you combine the Level 7 Gargoya Devil (2,280) with the remaining Level 1 (20)... What would you get???

2,300 Right?? RIGHT?!?!


-- who made this, lmaoooo --

COUGH - Anyway... let's see what we ACTUALLY get when we combine them...

~~ Magic ~~ Combiney ~~ Noises ~~ And ~~ Stuff ~~ Buzzzzzzzzzz ~~

Garg Devil 2.png

As you can see, we've combined the two Gargoya Devils into one Level 8 (MAX)... This has a DEC value of 2,300 which we would naturally exp....... WAIT... WHAT?!?!?


Lil John... can you help me out here?

Lil John.jpg

Thanks Lil John!


So... yeah... anyway... MOVING ON!!


  • When you combine enough cards to reach the MAX Level... you get a **FIVE PERCENT (5%) BONUS!!
  • That's why the DEC/CP Value is 2,415, not 2,300! FREE 5%!!

That means when you scoop up cheap commons, rares or open Packs, Loot Chests, whatever... don't just leave them hanging out...


This will make getting into the higher Leagues like Silver, Gold or above just a little bit easier and more affordable!

I hope you read this post - I despise TL:DR's but I know you kids and your Tik Toks, your ADHD... Your Vine... oof... Did I just date myself there... Ok, ok... I'm old af. I know, I get it... OG Nerd... Read my "Intro Part 1" for a little background ;)

Ok friends, I'm off to bed... work comes early tomorrow and I don't want an upside down day...

What's an upside down day you ask????

That's when your nose runs and your feet smell LMAAAAAAAOOOOO (thanks Grandpa, that'll never get old... unlike me... le sad 😩)

Goodnight y'all, peace out girl-scouts and of course..

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus



I genuinely didn't know this! Thanks!
Then again I didn't know what burn did either.

Truly entertaining and educational! Looking forward to the next post!


I appreciate you - have a short but funny one coming up in just a second :D
