Splinterlands Art Contest // Week 263//SILVERSHIELD KNIGHT



For this weeks contest I am going with one of my all time favorites, The Silvershield Knight!

Silvershield Knight.png

I used this picture for my reference, and as usual I used Poser12 to make this project.

Screenshot 2023-10-12 093527.jpg

I started out with a basic brown horse

Screenshot 2023-10-12 101251.jpg

The horse was ok but looked a little blah, so I thought I would jazz it up by adding a silver medal texture. I also thought it would be cool to give the Silvershield Knight a silver horse.

Screenshot 2023-10-12 094759.jpg

This is how it looked after it was rendered, I really liked how it made the horse look, so I stuck with it

Screenshot 2023-10-12 095309.jpg

The Knight was easy because I had already created him for a previous post.

Screenshot 2023-10-12 100026.jpg

I added the knight to the scene, I also added reins to the horse so my knight would have something to hold on to.

Screenshot 2023-10-12 100141.jpg

I put him on the horse, but I wasn't quite done yet

Screenshot 2023-10-12 100318.jpg

I added a sword to the knight and a plume to his helmet.

Screenshot 2023-10-12 100451.jpg

I was very please with the final result, so the next job was to animate the scene, which was pretty easy because I was on a roll, I had a pretty good day and a very good knight lol

