RE: Splinterlands End of Season Card Rewards and Future Earning Potential


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This part literally makes me feel ill:

15 minutes to 1 minute

Do they drink beer and see what else they can throw into this kitchen sink for giggles?

I feel like this fork is getting so complex that it is doomed to be a fail in ways no one can foresee now. I wish they would pull it apart into 4 forks - focus on the one they like the best and pull the trigger. Then do the next and the next.

I might be blogging about what it is like to live in a drainage ditch in Malaysia, but I will still continue as long as I can. Every day I wake up and thank God the place is still here, since you never know.

I am still full-bull on the potential of STEEM and see great developments in so many places.

Blinders ON!
