Treasurer Application - khan.dayyanz


Dear SPS Stakeholders & Splinterlands Community,

I am excited to submit my application for the position of SPS DAO Treasurer. As an active participant and supporter of the Splinterlands ecosystem, I am committed to ensuring the security and responsible management of the SPS DAO (@sps.dao) treasury.

About Me:
I am Dayyan Khan (@khan.dayyanz aka Khan on discord), a dedicated member of the @splinterlands community with a passion for decentralized ecosystem and blockchain technology. My journey with Splinterlands began in 2018 when I joined hive and found that @steemmonsters was launching. It was my first investment into crypto world after hive. Since then i never looked back and enjoyed what game has to offer.

I was honored to host first ever manual tournament for splinterlands & an active member to hold regular tournaments when till automated tournaments were available.

During the SPS launch (2021) i was helping new users and answer their questions, and was offered a role in support team at @splinterlands. Since then I have been contributing my best to the support team & leading financial team (aka Gringotts - heading financial transactions that come from support including bridge transactions, refunds, payments, credits, and much more). In my current role, I'm working as a support lead for Invennium Corp. (a subsidary of @splinterlands) including projects @gls.goals & @arcadecolony, a platform to get Web2 games to Web3. I'm excited to keep building here and help team change the future of gaming and blockchain.

Why I'm a Suitable Candidate:

Trustworthiness: I understand the importance of acting in accordance with the wishes of the SPS stakeholder community and am committed to upholding their trust at all times.

Communication: I am committed to fostering open dialogue and collaboration within the treasurer team and with the wider community. I'm always approachable on discord (@khan.dayyanz).

Stake: I have a significant stake in both the SPS token (107,801.948 Staked SPS) and the Splinterlands ecosystem (Card Collection, Land Collection). My vested interest ensures that I am fully aligned with the long-term success and growth of the ecosystem.

Technical Capability: I possess the technical expertise required to securely manage cryptocurrency wallets on both Hive and EVM blockchains. I have recently bought hardware wallets to upgrade assets owership. My current role requires a deep understanding of blockchain and how it works. I'm always on my toes to learn and expand my knowkledge and skill set.

Identity Verification: While I respect the importance of privacy and anonymity in blockchain, I am open to providing identity verification information if deemed necessary by the community. @splinterlands team should have all the information to verify my identity.

My Vision for the Role:
If elected as an SPS DAO Treasurer, I am committed to:

  • Actively monitoring and participating in discussions within the treasurer team and the wider community.
  • Safeguarding the DAO treasury with diligence and integrity.
  • Upholding the principles of decentralization and democratic governance.
  • Contributing to the growth and prosperity of the Splinterlands ecosystem.

I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as an SPS DAO Treasurer and contribute to the advancement of the Splinterlands ecosystem. I am fully committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of this role with dedication.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to represent the interests of the SPS stakeholders and contribute to the continued success of SPS DAO (@sps.dao).

Vote for me @peakmonsters .com (

Dayyan Khan
EVM address: 0x61fde28CDEdc9a13A0624849Dd7B55B2101C49C8


Great to see you apply Khan, and even more awesome to hear your background and skills! We are lucky to have you in our community :)


Good luck buddy, you are another of the no brainer votes, a true community guy, hope you make it


Thank you for your support. Let's hope for the best!


good luck by ... ostricone
