Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 260 - Fire Elemental

Hey there, people. We got another entry to the Splinterlands Art Contest by yours truly and honestly, I feel like I'm in love with this one in particular - I think it might be because I put the most hours and details into it, but whatever the reason, personally, I believe it looks pretty decent if I say so myself.

Honestly, looking back at the first step right after finishing the piece and comparing the two always fascinates me with how art pieces can transform day and night when given enough care...

The Magic

Okay, bear with me this one last final step - and the finishing touches - is really what made this piece my favorite one so far. There are a gazillion details I added to her including more glows and shades and the obvious addition of embers and the glowy background, but I feel like all those small details contribute to making a huge difference in the end.

And not to mention, her eyes look more "human-like" and alive compared to the previous progress shot. After having done and seen so many digital arts so far, I think it's safe to say your end result ties closely with the time and effort you put into carving out the details - ofc experience counts too.

But here's my entry for the Contest, enjoy~

The Result

Original Card Art
