# Another Season - another improvement? - Splinter Stats Season 61 Report Card



I play Splinterlands every day. I'm totally in love with the game and I'm kinda hooked to improve my deck as much as I can. It's a very rewarding game, but to improve one's deck, at some point it needs to get strong cards, which even at silver level come with a decent price. The earnings are fine, but my overall strategy is to pile up with as much DEC as I can get to get as much airdrops of SPS as possible. Then again I find a card which I want, so it's always a struggle between buying cards and keeping my DEC high. This season, I was more on the card buying side. I was selling a Llama I got, when the prices dipped and I turned the gained DEC into several silver League leveled cards. I have to remind myself, this game is a marathon, not a sprint. And so is the deck building steady, but slowly.

Match Report


Silver Rank451
Rating2357 - Silver II
Rating High2458
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.32 (203/154)
Longest Streak8

Compared to the last Season I pretty much played the same amount of games, but my winrate was slightly better and I peaked in rating higher. Might have been my highest season ending without renting anything. Not sure, if it's just my deck getting deeper with cards, but I feel in some szenarios I can benefit from experience. I'm pretty happy with my season, especially as I still have a few quest potions left. Opening those chests just makes fun even if I dont' get big rewards out of it.

Top 10 Summoner Usage


Top 100 Monster Usage


Win Rate by Ruleset


Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard57605
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold3375

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲DEC💲
Legendary Potions14115600
Alchemy Potions16218900
UNTAMED Packs0000
Cards (Total)54660980

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
6114 DEC

Speaking of rewards, this season I got an epic, no legendary, but 3 common gold foils. The DEC rewards from chests very kind of small, but overall a slightly above average output, so I should be grateful.

Rental Report

TypeDEC (fees)
Revenue5744.320 (286.973)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

I have adjusted a few prices and rented out pretty much all of my newly bought epic reward cards, which gave me a decent increase in Revenue. Not too bad, not too shabby. At some point I might reduce my rentals, so I can play in silver 1, but in the ende and longrun I have a feeling, renting out and sitting in silver II for the moment is a good decision.

SPS Report

TypeAmount Claimed
Staking Rewards162.619

Staking rewards are decreasing, but due to me having overall more DEC laying around, I managed to get more SPS than last season. At end of season my DEC holding was quite down, so the next month might see a big drop unless I get lucky. Let's see.

I can still see good progress in my journey and looking back 3 month, when I started I wasn't expecting to get hooked as much as I did. Also I haven't expected that much growth from the game, although I was surely hoping for it :)

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Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.
