[ES-EN] 👊Resurrecting a 🔥"martyr" in 💥"Born Again"


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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Water" y me enfrento a otro team "Water", esta es una batalla de "mana 19" y solo con los monstruos de los elementos "Water", "Earth" y "Life".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use a "Water" team and I face another "Water" team, This is a "19 mana" battle and only with the "Water", "Earth" and "Life" element monsters.


Ruleset: "Born Again"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todas las unidades tendrán la habilidad "Rebirth", esto les permitirá resucitar una vez. Podremos usar monstruos con la habilidad "martyr" y también otro monstruo con la habilidad "resurrect" para resucitar al "martyr" 2 veces.
This battle rule states that all units will have the "Rebirth" ability, this will allow them to resurrect once. We can use monsters with the "martyr" ability and also another monster with the "resurrect" ability to resurrect the "martyr" 2 times.


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Me protejo de la magia con "Bortus"

Decidí usar este invocador para reducir el ataque mágico de enemigos en -1.
En la primera posición ubico a "Venari Marksrat", un "martyr" que resucitará y dará poder a "Djinn Oshannus" con "void".
Mi tercer monstruo es "Furious Chicken", será señuelo de "opportunity" y al final
tengo a "Water Elemental" con "heal", un arquero que puede curarse.

I protect myself from magic with "Bortus"

I decided to use this summoner to reduce enemies' magic attack by -1.
In the first position I place "Venari Marksrat", a "martyr" who will resurrect and empower "Djinn Oshannus" with "void".
My third monster is "Furious Chicken", it will be a decoy for "opportunity" and in the end
I have "Water Elemental" with "heal", an archer who can heal.


Me enfrento a un team "Water".

Mi rival está usando el mismo invocador que yo, se trata de "Bortus".
Su tanque es "Djinn Oshannus" con "void", luego ubico a "Merdaali Guardian" que sanará a su tanque
y al final tiene a "Sniping Narwhal", un "snipe" que atacará a mi "Djinn Oshannus".

I face a "Water" team.

My rival is using the same summoner as me, it is "Bortus".
His tank is "Djinn Oshannus" with "void", then I place "Merdaali Guardian" which will heal his tank
and at the end he has "Sniping Narwhal", a "snipe" that will attack my "Djinn Oshannus".


Ronda 1

Mi "martyr" está a punto de caer y mi "Djinn Oshannus" sufrió daño por las flechas de el "snipe" enemigo.

Round 1

My martyr is about to fall and my Djinn Oshannus suffered damage from the arrows of the enemy snipe.


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Ronda 2

Mi "Venari Marksrat" ha resucitado y ha dado poder a mi "Djinn Oshannus", pero el enemigo está intacto porque tiene un
"tank heal" atrás.

Round 2

My "Venari Marksrat" has risen and given power to my "Djinn Oshannus", but the enemy is intact because he has a
"tank heal" back.


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Ronda 3

Otra vez mi "Venari Marksrat" ha muerto y ha dado más poder a mi "Djinn Oshannus" que ahora tiene 3 de daño mágico y "7 speed".

Round 3

Once again my "Venari Marksrat" has died and has given more power to my "Djinn Oshannus" which now has 3 magic damage and "7 speed".


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Ronda 4

Tengo un mejor "Djinn Oshannus" y mi "Water Elemental" puede sanarse.

Round 4

I have a better "Djinn Oshannus" and my "Water Elemental" can be healed.


Fuente / Source


Ronda 12

Recién en esta ronda puedo matar a "Djinn Oshannus", pero es resucitado y sanado.

Round 12

Only in this round can I kill "Djinn Oshannus", but he is resurrected and healed.


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Ronda 13

Derivo a "Djinn Oshannus" definitivamente y el resto cae fácilmente.

Round 13

I drift to "Djinn Oshannus" definitively and the rest fall easily.


Fuente / Source


¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?

Mi estrategia dio resultados, Ubicar un "martyr" en la primera posición fue muy útil porque al ser resucitado dio más poder a mi "Djinn Oshannus" y con ayuda de "Water Elemental" pude superar a mi rival.
La próxima vez usaré un monstruo con "resurrect" para que el "martyr" reviva 2 veces.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off. Placing a "martyr" in the first position was very useful because being resurrected gave more power to my "Djinn Oshannus" and with the help of "Water Elemental" I was able to overcome my rival.
Next time I will use a monster with "resurrect" so that the "martyr" revives 2 times.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:




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