[ES/EN] 👊Neutralizing 🔥"sneaks" with 💥"Clockwork Aide"


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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy me enfrente a "sneaks", pero pude contener su feroz ataque con "Clockwork Aide", use un team "Fire" y me enfrento a otro team "Fire", en una batalla de "mana 15" y solo con los monstruos "Fire", "Water" y "Drake".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I faced "sneaks", but I was able to contain his fierce attack with "Clockwork Aide", I used a "Fire" team and faced another "Fire" team, in a "mana 15" battle and only with the monsters "Fire", "Water" and "Drake".


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Ruleset: "Born Again"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todas las unidades tendrán la habilidad "Rebirth", esto les permitirá resucitar una vez. Podremos usar monstruos con la habilidad "martyr" y también otro monstruo con la habilidad "resurrect" para resucitar al "martyr" 2 veces.
This battle rule states that all units will have the "Rebirth" ability, this will allow them to resurrect once. We can use monsters with the "martyr" ability and also another monster with the "resurrect" ability to resurrect the "martyr" 2 times.


Ruleset: "Equalizer"

Esta regla establece que todos los monstruos tendrán la salud del monstruo con la salud más alta. Se recomienda no usar monstruos con HP alto. En lo posible debemos tener un "tank heal" atrás. Sería muy útil tener monstruos con "Thorns" o un invocador que nos de esta habilidad como lo es "Mylor Crowling". Para la defensa podemos usar "Triage" en nuestro equipo.
This rule states that all monsters will have the health of the monster with the highest health. It is recommended not to use monsters with high HP. If possible we should have a "tank heal" behind. It would be very useful to have monsters with "Thorns" or a summoner that gives us this ability such as "Mylor Crowling". For defense we can use "Triage" on our team.


Uso un team Fire con ataque "melee"

Mi invocador es "Tarsa" que da +1 ataque melee y +1 health a todos mis monstruos.
En la primera posición tengo a "Exploding Rats" con "blast", tiene poca salud pero es muy rápido y hará
mucho daño.
En la segunda posición está "Gobalano Soldier", un "sneak" con "ambush", realizará un ataque sorpresa al inicio.
Y mi último monstruo es "Clockwork Aide", sin ataque pero su habilidad "Swiftness" aumentará la velocidad de mis monstruos.

I use a team Fire with a "melee" attack

My summoner is "Tarsa" who gives +1 melee attack and +1 health to all my monsters.
In the first position I have "Exploding Rats" with "blast", he has little health but he is very fast and will
a lot of damage.
In the second position is "Gobalano Soldier", a "sneak" with an "ambush", he will perform a surprise attack at the beginning.
And my last monster is "Clockwork Aide", no attack but its ability "Swiftness" will increase the speed of my monsters.


Me enfrento a un team "Fire" con full "sneaks".

Mi rival está usando "Tarsa" como invocador también que dará +1 ataque melee y +1 health a todos sus monstruos.
Su primer monstruo es "Radiated Scorcher", un "gold" que servirá de escudo.
Su segundo monstruo es "Venari Marksrat", un "martyr" que al morir dará más poder a "Gobalano Soldier",
un "sneak" con "ambush", realizará un ataque sorpresa al inicio.
Después tiene a "Uraeus", un "sneak" épico que atacará a mi último monstruo.
Y su último monstruo es "Chaos Agent", será señuelo para mis "sneak".

I'm facing a "Fire" team with full "sneaks".

My rival is using "Tarsa" as a summoner as well which will give +1 melee attack and +1 health to all his monsters.
Your first monster is "Radiated Scorcher", a "gold" that will serve as a shield.
His second monster is "Venari Marksrat", a "martyr" who when killed will give more power to "Gobalano Soldier",
a "sneak" with "ambush", will perform a surprise attack at the beginning.
Then he has "Uraeus", an epic "sneak" that will attack my last monster.
And his last monster is "Chaos Agent", it will be a decoy for my "sneak".


Ronda 1

"Radiated Scorcher" y "Chaos Agent" han caído pero fueron revividos y mi "Clockwork Aide" resiste.

Round 1

"Radiated Scorcher" and "Chaos Agent" have fallen but were revived and my "Clockwork Aide" holds up.


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Ronda 2

"Radiated Scorcher" y "Chaos Agent" caen definitivamente, pero su "martyr" revive y hace más fuerte a "Gobalano Soldier".
Yo todavía no revivo a mis monstruos.

Round 2

"Radiated Scorcher" and "Chaos Agent" fall definitively, but their "martyr" revives and makes "Gobalano Soldier" stronger.
I still don't revive my monsters.


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Ronda 3

Mi "Exploding Rats" y "Clockwork Aide" mueren pero son revividos.

Round 3

My "Exploding Rats" and "Clockwork Aide" die but are revived.


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Ronda 4

Eliminó a "Gobalano Soldier" y a "Uraeus" pero son revividos.

Round 4

He eliminated "Gobalano Soldier" and "Uraeus" but they are revived.


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Ronda 5

Terminó por liquidar a "Gobalano Soldier" y a "Uraeus".

Round 5

He ended up eliminating "Gobalano Soldier" and "Uraeus".


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, ubicar un monstruo con mucho "armor" al final pudo contener a los "sneaks",
lo que me permitió derribar a sus monstruos y sacar ventaja.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Earth" con el invocador "Mylor Crowling" para dar a mis monstruos "Thorns".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy gave results, placing a monster with a lot of "armor" in the end was able to contain the "sneaks",
which allowed me to take down their monsters and gain the advantage.
Next time I will use an "Earth" team with the summoner "Mylor Crowling" to give my monsters "Thorns".



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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