[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Immunity" and 💥"Scavenger" on 🔥"Noxious Fumes"


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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Drake" de "Life" y me enfrente a un team "Life", es una batalla de "mana 38" y solo con los monstruos de "Life", "Death" y "Drake".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use a "Drake" team from "Life" and I face a "Life" team, It's a "38 mana" battle and only with the "Life", "Death" and "Drake" monsters.


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Ruleset: "Noxious Fumes"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos los monstruos están envenenados al inicio del juego. Se recomienda usar monstruos con "Immunity" porque estas no se verán afectadas. También los monstruos resucitados no se verán afectados por el veneno. Usar una unidad con "cleanse" protegerá a tu tanque del veneno. Si usas la habilidad "enrage" en tu equipo, el veneno la activará. Se podrá usar la estrategia con la habilidad "martyr" porque el veneno asegurará su activación. Y usar monstruos con "heal" ayuda mucho.
This battle rule states that all monsters are poisoned at the start of the game. It is recommended to use monsters with "Immunity" because they will not be affected. Also resurrected monsters will not be affected by the poison. Using a unit with "cleanse" will protect your tank from poison. If you use the "enrage" skill on your team, the poison will activate it. The strategy can be used with the "martyr" skill because the poison will ensure its activation. And using monsters with "heal" helps a lot.


Ruleset: "Lost Legendaries"

Esta regla de batalla establece que no se podrán usar monstruos de rareza legendaria.
This battle rule states that monsters of legendary rarity cannot be used.


Ruleset: "Fire & Regret"

Esta regla establece que todos los monstruos tienen la habilidad "Return Fire", permitiendo que devuelvan el fuego de los ataques "ranged". Esto significa que no nos conviene usar monstruos con ataque "ranged". Nuestro equipo debe estar formado por monstruos mágicos o con ataque "melee". Para la defensa debemos usar "void", "shield" y "silence".
This rule states that all monsters have the "Return Fire" ability, allowing them to return fire from "ranged" attacks. This means that it is not convenient for us to use monsters with a "ranged" attack. Our team must be made up of magical monsters or monsters with a "melee" attack. For defense we must use "void", "shield" and "silence".


Uso un team "Drake" con full ataque mágico

Mi invocador es "Delwyn Dragonscale" que aumentará el ataque mágico de mis monstruo en +1.
Mi tanque es "Prismatic Energy" con "Magic Reflect", posee excelente salud y será capaz de devolver el fuego mágico.
En la segunda posición tengo a "Gelatinous Cube", un "scavenger" que ganará 1 punto de salud cada vez que alguna unidad muera.

I use a team "Drake" with full magic attack

My summoner is "Delwyn Dragonscale" which will increase my monster's magic attack by +1.
My tank is "Prismatic Energy" with "Magic Reflect", it has excellent health and will be able to return magic fire.
In the second position I have "Gelatinous Cube", a "scavenger" that will gain 1 health point every time a unit dies.


Ubico un mágico, un "martyr" y un "immunity" atrás.

Mi tercer monstruo es "Djinn Renova" con "strengthen", dará +1 de salud a todos sus camaradas.
Después ubique a "Venari Marksrat", un "martyr" que al morir dará más poder a "Djinn Renova" y a "Redwyrm Dragon" con
"flying" e "immunity" lo que me permite no ser afectado por el veneno.

I place a magic, a "martyr" and an "immunity" behind.

My third monster is "Djinn Renova" with "strengthen", it will give +1 health to all its comrades.
Then locate "Venari Marksrat", a "martyr" who when killed will give more power to "Djinn Renova" and "Redwyrm Dragon" with
"flying" and "immunity" which allows me not to be affected by the poison.


Me enfrento a un team "Life" con ataque mixto.

Su invocador es "Grandmaster Rathe" que dará "+1 armor", "void armor" y "amplify", estas habilidades le dan mucha
resistencia frente a los ataques mágicos.
Su tanque es "Blinding Reflector" de "nivel 3", actuará como barrera frente a los primeros ataques.
En la segunda posición está "Imperial Knight" de "nivel 3" y con "void armor", será otra pared que debemos superar.
Su tercer monstruo es "Stitch Leech", un "sneak" de "nivel 3" que atacará a mi último monstruo.
En la cuarta posición tengo a "Evelyn Auvera" con "immunity", este unidad no será afectada por el veneno.
Después ha ubicado a "Djinn Renova" de "nivel 2" con "strengthen", dará +1 de salud a sus colegas.
Y su último monstruo es "War Pegasus" con "flying" y "shatter", será muy ágil para los "sneaks" y destruirá el
"armor" de mi tanque.

I face a "Life" team with a mixed attack.

His summoner is "Grandmaster Rathe" who will give "+1 armor", "void armor" and "amplify", these skills give him a lot of
resistance against magical attacks.
His tank is "Blinding Reflector" of "level 3", it will act as a barrier against the first attacks.
In the second position is "Imperial Knight" of "level 3" and with "void armor", it will be another wall that we must overcome.
Your third monster is "Stitch Leech", a "level 3" sneak that will attack my last monster.
In fourth position I have "Evelyn Auvera" with "immunity", this unit will not be affected by poison.
After you have located "Djinn Renova" of "level 2" with "strengthen", it will give +1 health to its colleagues.
And his last monster is "War Pegasus" with "flying" and "shatter", it will be very agile for the "sneaks" and will destroy the
"armor" of my tank.


Ronda 1

"Blinding Reflector" está a punto de caer y mi "Prismatic Energy" resiste.

Round 1

"Blinding Reflector" is about to fall and my "Prismatic Energy" is holding out.


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Ronda 2

"Blinding Reflector" y "Venari Marksrat" mueren por el veneno y mi "Djinn Renova" y "Redwyrm Dragon" ganan poder.
También "Prismatic Energy" fue abatido por enemigos.

Round 2

"Blinding Reflector" and "Venari Marksrat" die from the poison and my "Djinn Renova" and "Redwyrm Dragon" gain power.
Also "Prismatic Energy" was shot down by enemies.


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Ronda 3

"Imperial Knight" fue abatido con magia y ahora "Stitch Leech" está en la primera posición pero muy débil igual
que mi "Gelatinous Cube".

Round 3

"Imperial Knight" was killed with magic and now "Stitch Leech" is in first position but still very weak
than my "Gelatinous Cube".


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Ronda 4

Solo queda en pie "Evelyn Auvera" pero sin ataque no podrá hacer nada frente a mi "Redwyrm Dragon" con poder mágico.

Round 4

Only "Evelyn Auvera" is left standing but without an attack she won't be able to do anything against my "Redwyrm Dragon" with magical power.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, usar a "Redwyrm Dragon" un dragon con "immunity" y con ataque mágico me permitió sacar ventaja
frente a su "Evelyn Auvera" sin ataque alguno. También "Gelatinous Cube" fue muy útil para proteger a mis monstruos por su
capacidad de ganar salud cuando alguna unidad moría.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Fire" con "Scavo Chemist" y "Forgotten One" atrás.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, using "Redwyrm Dragon", a dragon with "immunity" and a magic attack, allowed me to take advantage.
in front of his "Evelyn Auvera" without any attack. Also "Gelatinous Cube" was very useful to protect my monsters because of its
ability to gain health when any unit died.
Next time I'll use a "Fire" team with "Scavo Chemist" and "Forgotten One" behind.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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