Brawl Report #100, Social Media Challenge, Entering the 3 Digit Category!


Back again this week for the triple digits brawl report, number 100, that is just insane that I have been writing these this long. Splinterlands has changed a lot since I first started them. I have a couple of accounts playing daily, and enjoying the brawls the most still, there is just more challenge in them due to the gladiators. Some of the requirements make it difficult to compete at the higher levels in league play, especially when I work in education, just don’t have the money to put into it. 😊 Anyway, let’s get on to the brawl report!

So, let’s start by looking at SPS which is currently trending at $0.019, staying right around this for awhile now, I would like to see it go up! So, let’s get awareness of this game, follow me on twitter and retweet! Let’s bring attention to it like a guy who is throwing pizza to a crowd! @DrKqaos If you are not playing Splinterlands yet, click on any of the battles or the link towards the bottom, would love to have you!

I decided to mix things up a little bit, the guild was still only filling 14 out of 18 fights, just need more still. I am rocking Gold Untamed and Chaos Legion only this time around with 8 fights to my name.

Battle #1 (Link)
We start this off in the home arena with 99 mana, extra armor, odds only, and no summoner buffs. I’m going dragon this time around, hoping to have some damage with the water going forward. They went dragon as well, just a different lineup, with a lot of taunt! That did not work in my favor at all!


Battle #2 (Link)
Maybe, being on the road will help me out, looking at 18 mana, no legendary, I think I am going fire on this one! Hoping that Orella blows up! They went death, good thing I do not have any magic attacks on this one! However, still not enough to win this fight.


Battle #3 (Link)
0 for 2 out of the gate, this brawl is not looking good for me! Still on the road with 23 mana, no magic, common and rare only. Hoping Alva carries me through this fight! They went water as well, so this might not go well for me. The cripple and the misses is what really killed me this time around.


Battle #4
Back in the home gallery again with 38 mana, close range, no legendary, and fury, oh and death and fire only… I don’t know if this will work, but going Death on this one. The opponent fled.

Battle #5 (Link)
Halfway through, but at this point, still 0 and 2, maybe I can bring in home in the second half? 44 mana, amplify, no summoner buffs, and melee only. Going light actually, hoping that self heal on the imperial knight helps me out. They went dragon, water on this one, 4 monsters with opportunity, not going to go well for me. Yeah another fight not even close.


Battle #6
This brawl just really sucks for me, on the road with return fire, equalizer, and little league. Let’s see how death does with some life leech. The opponent fled on this one as well.

Battle #7 (Link)
Second to the end, can I eek out a win yet? Still on the road with opportunity, no magic, no buffs from summoners, and 49 mana. I am off the wall with death on this one, no idea how it is going to go. They went light on this one. Just overpowered on this one as well.


Battle #8
Last fight, in the home arena, Looking at no armor, rebirth, common and rare only, going death again, why I don’t know, but I’m doing it. They fled on this one.

Okay, this is weird, just under 19 hours to go and I am sitting at 0 and 3, just yeah... The guild itself is in 2nd place, that would be nice to hold onto, but maybe a quarter of the battle are done.

I ended up 3 and 5, not the greatest, especially when my wins come from flees. The guild ended in 9th place, not a great showing.

Due to the merits from this brawl I was able to pick up a gladius pack, Marisol is always welcome!



Check out a few of the other Pizza Guild Brawls:
@blitzzzz Week 90 of my SplinterDiary📝📚, Pizza 2🍕 Brawl Report⚔️🛡️ & SplinterNews 📰 — "Interested in some Splinter Lore of The Belurocian Empire?"
@vaynard86 Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Aug 11 - Aug 17) + PIZZA 2 Brawl Report

Thank you for reading this far, additionally, I do want to thank the people in Pizza, a great place to hang out! I have learned a lot from it and there are great people and a very positive community.

You can find them here: Awesome Pizza Discord

I’m starting to track the Pizza token a little bit more as well, it is currently sitting at $0.00968 a great time to stake that 20 Pizza to get that badge! Not to mention, a place to hang out, lots of positivity that we need!

At some point I will be doing some other posts about my experiences in Crypto, but here are some links if you are interested in some other NFT Games or other games as well!

If you are confused by this post, start here! If you use my referral link I will send you 200 DEC to get started!
Rising Star
Great music NFT and a way to support up and coming musicians!
Hold yourself accountable to movement and activity, earn crypto at the same time!
Star Citizen Referral code: STAR-LRKQ-D6NK
Space game, still in alpha development, playable, very immersive, sign up with the referral code it will give you money in the game along with both of us receiving a free ship!
A great way to get into Crypto mining, easy to set up, code gets you a 0.25% fee discount, uses the graphics card while you are not using your computer, or you can mine with just your CPU.

Let me know if there are any questions, you can find me in the messages here or in the Pizza Discord.

Remember to reach across the aisle and talk to someone that might be different than you, you might be amazed at the person you find!

Lastly, thank you again, remember you are awesome and have a wonderful week!
Dr. Kqaos

Photos come from PowerPoints stock image, Bitmoji with Splinterlands logo on top of it, or my own screen shots of Splinterlands, pizza dividers by @candnpg
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, not financial advice.

Posted using Splintertalk
