RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire Clayboyn as DAO Community and Project Manager


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It certainly makes sense to have a link between DAO and the Splinterlands team.

However, it should go without saying that you should introduce yourself and give your name and background / qualifications when applying for a job that impacts many millions of dollars.

It is ok to want to be anonymous, but then most jobs are simply not suitable. It is also not enough if some know the person.

If you don't want to show yourself to the complete DAO, then everyone has to ask themselves what the reason is. It would be very naive of any organization to give anonymous people great influence.

If this is actually implemented like this, I think it is very scary for the future of the DAO. Manipulation and fraud will be made much easier this way.

When finally the statement is made that a payment of 60k is not much, one has to wonder even more. Isn't Splinterlands supposedly on the brink of financial ruin? With statements like that, I'm not surprised. Some in the organization seem to have lost their sense of reality. 60k is a lot of money for many people.

Maybe the person is worth the work? But without knowing the person and a way to evaluate the work you can't say.

So the DAO should hire someone they don't really know anything about, don't really get to know, and whose work can also be poorly or not at all monitored?

That is simply highly unprofessional! The whole thing seems more like a gift to a friend than a professional business decision to me, unfortunately.

That Clayboyn then also votes for himself makes this proposal completely ridiculous. That should be the end of the application.

So the big stackholders can get together and elect someone to whom they can pay a huge salary from the DAO and then divide it among themselves?

Before anyone is hired, other DAO structures would have to be sorted out first.

This opinion is not directed against a specific person, but applies in principle.


Even though I like Clay and feel he would do a good job, I want to say that I read your points and think you make some very good ones. But I'm pretty sure the "big stakeholders" will not get together though and divide it among themselves. Otherwise I think you did a good job of laying out your issues and how to address them in a constructive way.


'pretty sure' aint cutting the mustard for me Dave. Whales have manipulated the system before....


Well Said

Maybe a CEO gets 5k a month, One should get that Just for some public relations and discord moderation?

Aldo you are right, big sps holders can Just make an agreement scam, hire a friend and share the salary


don't forget that Weirdbeard got 200 000$ for probably doing even less work as an E-sport manager without the E-sport, and now they are worried about going bankrupt, I wonder how that could have happened, while not just aggroed but also Mat never learn a single thing from their mistakes


He was interviewed and introduced in the podcast "around Praetoria." Did you not watch that? He's been here for years and both Matt and Aggy trust him.


I watched it when it came out.
That's how I know he's been a good friend of Aggy for a long time and he seems like a likeable guy.
However, the interview rather clearly speaks against him as a representative of the DAO. He's too closely associated with Aggy and Matt even promotes him with this proposal - as a DAO representative he should no doubt stand up for the DAO's interests. For my part, I can't be sure about that.


Oh yes hadnt thought of all the whales employing an insider and splitting the proceeds. Just shows how naive i am
