Week 11 of the 52 Week Chaos Pack Challenge. Back to the pain, without the gain!

After two great weeks of pack openings, things return to normal this week. If you call disappointment Normal!

I am opening 52 packs in 52 weeks of Splinterlands Chaos Legion. I purchased the packs at around $2.25 on Tribaldex, which is a great discount from the retail price of $4 a pack on Splinterlands, but below today's price of $2.02. Which is a nice bump up from last week's low price on Chaos.

I was wondering if Chaos pack values would decline since Riftwatchers arrived. This week it looks like Chaos values are holding up. Riftwatchers have slid to $3.54 on Tribaldex. I haven't decided what my buy point will be on Riftwatchers. As a side note, I wanted to mention I added 100 Riftwatcher packs in the first minute so I receive the 10 pack bonus. I will make videos when I open the Riftwatchers, starting on Sept 27th. I plan to compare the return of Riftwatchers vs Chaos.

But will I have a profit at the end of the year in Chaos? Things might still be heading in that direction because of the last two weeks. However, the return on this pack was only $0.97. The cumulative cost at this point is $24.75, while the return is now at $46.35.

If you want to play a great Play 2 Earn game, use my referral code for 5 free cards delegated to you for the first 30 days and a bonus of 5 free cards given to you if purchase a Summoner's Spellbook https://splinterlands.com?ref=methodofmad

Also, if you have an idea of how I can improve this post, please let me know. More statistics? Contest? Givewaways? All ideas are appreciated.

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Don't do that, don't open them, keep them that in the future they will be worth double or triple

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That's my internal debate. Cards tend to resell at high prices and then drop significantly in value. So, if I don't open, there might be some cards that would have been very good to sell. Chaos packs have really dropped in value and I think that buying and opening Chaos packs is a better return than holding and reselling Chaos packs. We call this investing, but it all feels like gambling! Thanks for the comment and you might be right.

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Well, of course I'm right, you don't realize that the cards you get are not even worth renting, plus the dec is low, so if you sell them you won't win what it is. I'm waiting for Riftwatchers, I think these cards are going to be highly desired and that means they will have a good price, although I already know you have 100 packs purchased

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I think I need to know much about play 2 earn game. I never had an opportunity to learn from anyone here but I don't mind if you can help my friend so I will be entitled to your card delegation.lol.

Thanks for sharing and stopping in on my post I saw your hands.hahaha


Sure, just let me know when you use the referral code and I will send some good cards your way. What's your in game name?


I don't have the spell book I have to work towards getting it soon my friend
