BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! LITTLE LEAGUE - An easy win

This post is an entry to the BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!



Description: Only Monsters & Summoners that cost 4 Mana or less may be used in battles.

The Battle


Battle RulesetsDescriptionInfo
TIS BUT SCRATCHESAll Monsters have the Cripple ability.It is activated even on 0 damage hit.
LITTLE LEAGUEOnly Monsters & Summoners that cost 4 Mana or less may be used in battles.Monsters and summoners of 4 Mana or less will be the only ones available in this ruleset. Try increasing your defense by using summoners that give +1 armor or +1 health. Use monsters with at least 2 magic damage and 2 ranged damage. Using Mylor as a summoner in this ruleset helps a lot.


It was a low mana little league and only water and life splinter were available. Water is my favorite in this type of game. So let's see my team:

Kelya Frendul - She is a good starting point in this type of battle. Speed and Armor boost are especially important in low mana.
Cruel Sethropod - Most of the time I use the Xenith Monk, but in limited mana battles Cruel Sethropod a good and strong alternative.
Tide Biter - Strong second position monster, I love it in low mana games too.
Merdaali Guardian - She was the MVP of the game, with healing and armor keep Sethropod alive for the whole game.
Pelacor Bandit - One the best 3 mana monsters in this game. The speed with flying and with decent stats. I put it in almost every low and middle-mana water team.
Igor Darkspear - Very good ranged monster for only 2 mana, ideal mana filler for this and most of the games.
Doctor Blight - The doctor is a camouflage monster, with a magic attack. Most of the time he was the last monster on my Little League team.

Battle - Replay


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes. It is a clear win.

A life alternative:


Battle Results


Almost 7 SPS for the win! I like the new bot free Modern league :)

Which cards are good/bad for LITTLE LEAGUE ruleset? Why or why not?

  • Obviously, 4+ cards are not available in this type of battle.
  • Most of the time 4 mana cards are the best/strongest in this ruleset

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