BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! KEEP YOUR DISTANCE - An instructive defeat

This post is an entry to the BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!



Description: Units with melee attacks may not be used.

  • Use Phase, Void, Void Armor, and Magic Reflect to counter magic attacks.
  • Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
  • Units with 2 types of attack (which include melee) cannot be used.

The Battle


Battle RulesetsDescriptionInfo
FOG OF WARMonsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities.A good tank and a balanced line up of Magic and Ranged monsters is the trick to win in this ruleset. Use monsters with Opportunity. Keep your monsters in an ascending order of their HP.
UP TO ELEVENAll Monsters have the Amplify ability.
KEEP YOUR DISTANCEMonsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.Keep no attack or higher HP monsters in the front. Keep higher speed Magic monsters with abilities like Flying, Dodge, Blind in the front


It was not a melee high mana game, in this case, Fog of War ruleset was almost irrelevant.

Kelya Frendul - She is a good starting point in this type of battle. Speed and Armor boost are most of the time good points.
Djinn Oshannus - The all-time favorite legendary reward card with very good speed and good magic damage. I use it often as a first tank as in this game, but I learned that Baakjira is a better choice.
Nerissa Tridawn - Monster without abilities, but look at her stats. It is an ideal fit for my magic-heavy team.
Wave Brood - A strong taunt ranged monster, one of the best, a little slow but it is useful in a lot of games.
Swamp Spitter - My new favorite ranged monster. Repair ability is good in most battles, but the other great supporter Merdaali Guardin was a better choice.
Tower Griffin - One of my new favorites ranged monster, but I prefer higher level ones where protect ability is available. Mostly I love to use it with another protect monster, +4 armor to all monsters most of the time is a very good combination.
Doctor Blight - The doctor is a camouflage monster, with a magic attack. I think he is a good fit in almost all types of battles. Most of the times as a backline monster like in this game.

Battle - Replay


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

No. Almo causes me a lot of problems, but with a few changes, I can achieve a bigger win chance:


Battle Results


7.3 SPS for a win! (Unfortunately to my enemy)

Do you like KEEP YOUR DISTANCE ruleset? Why or why not?

Yes. I like thinking about strategies without melee monsters, it is always a good task.

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