Splinterlands Strategies: A TWO year wait..., where is Land?




I was so tempted to name this post, 'Where the FUCK is Land'. That could have been a little strong.

With SplinterFest being over, I hope the Splinterlands team can get back to delivering what we want.., and not what they want.

...'it looked grand, more so than HiveFest 7. Who's bigger.. HIVE or Splinterlands?'...

I spotted a lot of images of LAND, that's what WE want but have not heard about the dialogue behind what was shown. Please release some footage, under the @splinterlands account. We are dying to hear, besides see.

For us non-mortals who didn't attend it's been a little softly softly regarding information.

If you think I am giving Splinterlands a hard time then you’d be right. I am both their biggest fan and harshest critic.

Since November 2018, I have been playing and investing in this game. I am what you call an OG player. Every day I collect my SPS, DEC, and VOUCHER and plough them back into the game.

...'I have a large stake in Splinterlands, and shitloads of NFT's. I care about where it's going'...

Madness you say. Yes, probably but one doesn’t bail out in a bear market.

The LAND delay is a big gripe. I wasn’t one of those visionaries that managed a TRACT for $1200 or a REGION for a measly $8500.

“Fuck that, they are expensive”, I thought at the time. I remember the post that was flagged (downvoted) by a certain prolific antagonist of those days.


For the rest of us, we mostly sat up. DEC started to go crazy and I pondered not wanting to go with the hype. I don't tend to follow the herd.

Eventually, I conceded to buying 11 PLOT via the Team Possible consortium. They are still holding my virtual assets and as a Top Five Guild, I have complete faith in them when the time comes to redeem these PLOTS.

This was TWO years ago. TWO years is a long time in the crypto world. Entire Metaverses have been created within that period.


We are starting to see concept art. For crying out loud will you get on with the thing that we all want the most..., LAND?

I know Splinterlands will harp on about the sheer amount of content they are dishing out. Yes, they are, some of it questionable in my opinion.

Rift Watchers is great. I purchased 2000 packs + 400 extras. That's $10000 worth of SPS and VOUCHER blown. There's no question I am a fan of this game and believe in its future.


…’but Rift Watchers are not exactly flying off the shelves, they are renting well at the top end and I love this expansion’…

I check frequently to see if the 800,000 pack target has been breached. It's always a disappointment. Are they too expensive; is the mandatory VOUCHER requirement too much?

It’s probably neither. The fact is I believe there is little new blood coming into the game. Much of the reward schema is targeted to the Diamond and Champions leagues.

What do I suggest? How about some tutorials?

A friend of mine, @steddyman used to be an avid Magic: The Gathering player. He has a stash of Splinterlands cards but after a year still has not fully grasped the mechanics of Splinterlands.


As a veteran Magic: The Gathering player who bought Legends packs back from the stores in 1994, I personally find Splinterlands a lot simpler. Yet he doesn’t.

Can we make it easier for newbies to get going? It’s not friendly at all. If you want those packs to sell then dangle a longer carrot.

Splinterlands is an expensive game.

This is another gripe I had from @steddyman. I can’t deny this claim, and if you want to get even in the Silver league it’s going to cost you some.

I was lucky; I was there before the explosion of August 2021. People went crazy, but it was then too late.

Is it too late now?

...'when Rebellion is released, Legendary Summoners like these will be the new powerhouses in Modern, don't overlook them'...

It will never be like the Untamed days again. I sold those packs for $1 each, lots of them. They dropped like candy in chests. Any one of them could have contained a Kitty.

Who doesn’t want a Kitty?

It’s not too late, and some of the newer in-print cards will be powerhouses one day, but this team needs to stop slipping with those dates and deliver.

LAND is what many of us want. Not Tower Defence, Not American Football.. LAND. I hope you can hear me loud and clear @splinterlands.


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That came out rather well, it's normal to want the team to deliver, more money and more skin comes more expectations, I think we all have a soft spot for splinterlands and deep down we all want it to deliver to some extent. That's a huge stake there, I feel it's time the team begins to listen to the users, I feel that sometimes they cannot get it right at all time. As per land, feels like it's taking too long.


I wouldn't expect any response from Splinterlands. Call me cynical but I am not rich enough for them to listen to little old me.

I hope it's not too late for Land, things change so quickly in this Meta.., and land is now everywhere despite Splinterlands being one of the pioneers of it.

From what I see of those screenshots, it looks fantastic. I am with them.., I am a huge fan.. make no mistake.


I think it's not about you not being rich enough. You're an avid investor and an enthusiast. Splinterlands is made up of it's investors. I just think splinterland inc is too focused on their "Bigger picture" perspective.


I agree but unfortunately you're 100 times too poor for the team to give a toss about your voice.


'Oozing cynicism'..., I will let you know if anyone from the team pipes up.., keep your statins to hand 😃


It's one of the mainstream hypes that a lot of projects did in the bull market. From what I see, there are a ton of projects that are selling things that haven't been developed and there is no telling how long it will take. Although I don't have any land plots, I think it's a long time coming and I really hope they do deliver on it. I do think one of the more recent SPS proposals is paying out some SPS to you while you wait.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


From what I see, there are a ton of projects that are selling things that haven't been developed and there is no telling how long it will take.

Is there, I confess I don't around often at what's going on outside HIVE. Most of my assets are in this eco-system and HIVE.


From what I see, there are a lot of crowdfunding hell where people pay for developing games/applications that either never deliver or underdeliver by a lot. It just looks like a lot of current crypto projects aren't really focusing more on getting things out at a timely manner.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have a plot, I was thinking of selling the fucker. It just sits there and there is nothing to do with it. So I hear ya!


Selling the plot is infinitely better than losing the plot...


I could lose it and sell it as a result of losing it! :OD


It's all a big gamble. I wouldn't sell at this point in time, you might regret it later. I was always one for those management game sims. This could turn out to be one, with 'magic money' as the currency.


True, its often worth the holding just so that there is no kicking oneself later on! I do agree though that it doesn't look like huge amounts of new blood coming in. They need to address that


The problem with Splinterlands is that its just inflation. Everything is inflation. If you hold cards, you got SPS. If you have SPS you got vouchers. If you have SPS and Vouchers you can buy more cards, more cards give you more SPS which give you more vouchers and more ways to get more more SPS. But with no new money coming into the game to absorb the inflation, it's just the team encouraging big investors to reinvest their inflation and celebrating it as a sell out. That why no matter how many new assets their are in the game, the value of the total assets never really increases. Buying nodes and cards with your inflation is just maintaining you percentage of ownership in the economy but the overall value just keeps drifting lower as people give up and sell out faster than new money comes in.

The expansion needs to stop for a while. We already have enough assets for 5 million players. They also need to make it ok to not go to champion. In the champion ghost league tournament they threw out the incredible stat that these players had $12 million in cards at their disposal. While some of that is just craziness with cards being priced well above where anyone would actually buy them, it still goes to show the mountain of cash a new player would need to bring in if they wanted to play champion and were starting from scratch. Maxing out a modern deck would cost about $55k USD. It's one thing when you're just spending your inflation but its another when its cash.

They need to even out the SPS rewards better so the pools at the bottom have as much as the pools at the top. Let the fact that the top pools are split between a fraction of the players be enough of an extra reward in terms of cards and SPS. Then work with third parties to bring in outside rewards for the highest leagues and tournaments so its not all just SPS and card inflation constantly.

Sorry, for the rant. I've been too busy to write a post of my own for the past month so it poured out. !LOL


No mate, this rant is good and hit the nail well. I don't envy Splinterlands trying to juggle the balls, it's tough to run a crypto game, look at the history of failures.

They have done an admirable job so far, but for one.. Chaos Legion was over-printed. I hear murmurings in Mavs about burning some of them. Good idea, or not?

Until at least on of these expansions is OOP, there will be no raise in value. I noticed recently that Untamed singles can now be bought at a fraction of the cost. I don't know where to go with all this, keep increasing my stake or pulling out some.

To be fair, SPS is relatively stable at 7c or so. A far cry from the 60c is used to be. Do we just wait out the bear? So many questions..


Yeah, SPS is finally stable and that's great but will it be in a few days when they start pumping out millions into the pockets of land holders and tower defense holders? The big holders are also large node holders who are already drowning in SPS. So I'm imagining many will sell a bunch of the SPS just like they did in the airdrop and that will likely destabilize the price again. Because everything is treated like its separate but it's not.

I've seen so many people talk about how getting SPS into the hands of landholders is finally rewarding them but what will probably happen is the value of SPS will drop faster than they can collect more and the value of their account will end up dropping. That's not rewarding and I don't know why no one sees that.

The post I've been trying to write in my spare time is how new asssets in Splinterlands is basically the same as a stock split. It's a non event that we keep getting excited about until we see again that nothing came of it.

I'd love to see some burning of CL cards but its crazy to think that it should fall on the players. There are still over half the packs sitting unopened or unsold. We haven't even seen half the inventory from CL yet and its already flooded. I can't imagine how many cards would need to be burned to make a dent.

Still though, I keep holding and even buying more. I still believe in the team and game but man is it hard sometimes. They continue to think that more more more is the way to growth and its the reason the game isn't really growing. But as you said, to sell out in a bear market makes little sense.We've seen how much the team has built. There aren't many better bets out there for when the bull market restarts. However, I will be looking seriously at the exit if we get another pump like last year.


I'd love to see some burning of CL cards but its crazy to think that it should fall on the players. There are still over half the packs sitting unopened or unsold.

Did you see this...


They do listen.. sometimes.


haha I'm guessing he got a few earfuls are splitnerfest and couldn't just punt the question like at an AMA. 🤣


I very much agree with your points here. The ever inflation creates an ilusion that you are "gaining value" when in fact, the value is just being redistributed between the different assets in the game. We obviously do not have a big enough growth to accomodate all this supply. I am still surprised on the size of the last editions.


Wow you got some serious assets in there!


Yeah, the hype got to me in August 2021. 'Never follow the herd'.., it serves me OK, but I am getting itchy feet.


I agree with many of the coments here that the inflation is WAY too high in Splinterlands. I understand the need of having new card editions, specially with last year prices. There was an incredible shortage of assets just before CL which drove the prices of cards insanely high (+ the peak of the bull market, of course).

Is that a reason to print 15M CL packs and 5M RW edition? (and that is not counting the reward cards) I very much doubt it. Wouldn't 7,5M CL packs and 2,5M RW had made more sense? At this rate, CL + RW will take many years to sell out and we will have an ever increasing amount of assets in the market. I hope lands bring new utility to cards and SPS, I am worried we will end up drowned in worthless cards in an ever increasing inflation of assets.


There was an incredible shortage of assets just before CL which drove the prices of cards insanely high

I liked that, but the herd didn't who joined on the basis of the massive growth and 'get rich quick' ideology.

RW is 3M, and I think that's OK. The CL print-run size was based off the happenings in December 2021, a far cry from now. I said in Mavs, 'its OK to be wrong about it'.

Splinterlands also needs to be profitable for the company themselves. If it doesn't make any money, it goes south. There's a large wage bill to pay every week.

I hope lands bring new utility to cards and SPS, I am worried we will end up drowned in worthless cards in an ever increasing inflation of assets.

I think it will, but they need to get fucking move on!


I think they did mention at Splinterfest that they wanted a 9 month gap between major releases. They may burn the remaining cards after that time if they go unsold and then leave the markets do their thing for 3 months ensure a nice demand hike in the markets. @infidel1258 did a video about it yesterday. Makes sense. Would be good for everyone.


For me land is too expensive but I also wait for it because it should drastically change the game.


I was into card games and particularly with yu gi oh. Both in terms of online gaming and the physical card one. I have purchased the starter pack on splint cause I thought it was was a great idea to play a card game and get some money along the way. Around a year ao I tried to give it a go and a couple of weeks ago as well.

I couldn't understand shit :p so I basically stopped playing and investing any time. It was easier for me to write a stem post that I had to do research than learn the mechanics :p

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have played Yu-Gi-Oh in the past, and found it OK. Not player-vs-player but on the Nintendo DS of all things!

I couldn't understand shit :p so I basically stopped playing and investing any time.

This is what I am talking about. Some tutorials would go down well, interactive ones such as the Magic: The Gathering provided with their single player browser offering.


Yu gi oh in Nintendo is like a walk in park compared to player vs player which is like a walk in Mordor. Quite competitive tons of new cards/ Mechanic/ plays due to newer generation elements but at least they have many tutorials in their games for examples. It's as you said what is missing from splint.

Now matter how much I like it because they created a very big game that made people actually earn money and brought more to hive, we have to say the negative stuff as well in order to give them ideas and help them out make it better

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was so tempted to name this post, 'Where the FUCK is Land'.

Putting it in the first few words works just as well. 😁


Haha.., that would maybe be too sensationalist.


Wen Land -> Land Soon. (hopefully) 😀


Dang, I can't believe it has been two years already. It both seems like less than that and an eternity all at the same time! I think @revise-sociology kind of hit the nail on the head. As invested as you are in the game, there are others who are 100x where you are. The fact that the "special deal" packages from the team started at $10,000 USD should tell you something. It's all about the money. Are we at the DAO point where anyone can put forth a proposal? Maybe that is what needs to be done.


The fact that the "special deal" packages from the team started at $10,000 USD should tell you something. It's all about the money.

Did any sell? They need money to keep operating.., it's one of aspects I am concerned about.


I don't know, but I just read they are allowing pooling with some pretty strict restrictions. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, if I had played things differently with WAX I might be one of those big investors...


I agree and support your points here


I have 1 plot I bought at the end of the presale. I'm waiting to see what could I do with my plot since months and months (and months again) an I check every info about it I find, but yes, where is Land? A couple of months ago I thought to sell it, but I'm too curious now and I want to see my plat at work (maybe)! :D


I would not sell it, especially if you got it in the original deal. I don't doubt them on delivering, and the experience.., it's these delays that are pissing me off.


On 20/09/22 Aggy announced DevHalla with a list of 7 upcoming events.

The 4th item was Tech Modernisation which was a pre-requisite for the non-card market which was a pre-requisite for Land.

So after almost 2 years, there were 2 major hurdles before Land could be rolled out.

I remember getting a bit annoyed when reading the final sentence, after all, if they focused on Land hard enough, I'm sure they could bring forward the rollout and take a lot of cards out of the market.

Final Sentence: 'Other than that there isn't much going on today...'.

It seemed to me they were chasing the creation of more assets to generate more income.

I have to admit I bought my Land from HE, so I haven't even been waiting for 2 years and I'm getting uppity, I can't imagine how people who bought direct are feeling.


Land reveal was Q3, and then it was Q4. Now it seems it's at the very end of Q4. This slipping is getting tiresome. Keep hold of your land, I still think it will be worth it.


Wow @slobberchops you will always amaze me you are so good in what you do being critic and as much as you do that you always find a way of being a savior.

If you think I am giving Splinterlands a hard time then you’d be right. I am both their biggest fan and harshest critic.

Just like you said in these sentences above. You have just made me understand a little about splinterlands, I knew nothing before but I still need more tutorials and as you said newbies about making it easier for the newbies that was a good advice, LoL that title “ the FUCK is Land' would have been the best lol.


I tend to speak my mind, and it gets me into trouble sometimes.


Speaking of your mind is the best, believe me i love being blunt also sometimes people hate me for that but idf. So you speaking your mind gets you into trouble wow!! What kind of trouble?


learn something new, thanks for the info.


A few thoughts:

  1. There is a focus on share of customer over expanding the player base. This means that marketing efforts have largely stalled or fallen flat, this is not good.
  2. Steem Monsters, the corporation, the software development company rather than Splinterlands is the priority and that explains why the Splinterlands early adopters are being given the head start/push with the new projects. We choose the projects we want to throw our resources into. Splinterlands could have possibly plateaued, but the project that has the greatest upside is GLS as far as attracting the masses.
  3. "Wen Land?" is the meme, but my theory is that they got caught in the middle of development by a sense of paralysis. They did not initially approach Land as a concept that could have a 1.0 or 2.0 (Alpha, Beta) editions, we got our first sense that this will have multiple editions at SplinterFest, which seems to be the right compromise to get things rolling. Waterfall processes can create stalling and at times too much of an emphasis of a "completed" project or a slower process that can get derailed by any new changes, features, unforeseen issues or bugs. There's a pressure to get it right, but the slower process combined with the realization it could be much more as hinted by Matt in a previous Town Hall gives us an idea that they realized that whatever they do release will be inferior to the next edition. They feel the immense pressure of fulfilling their promise of delivering on Land, but they also are not putting out something that they are 100% proud of in terms of what it can be. Hence, Land 2.0 (Beta) talk at SplinterFest. They need to just create an environment with some guardrails and we the community need to actually build it ourselves (we're the ones coding it and even working out deals) and aid in the extensibility and customization. They realized they can create a Splinterverse, but they need to fulfill obligations. Land will be a test of how truly decentralized of an environment they want to create.

but the project that has the greatest upside is GLS as far as attracting the masses.

You think so? It has zero interest to me. I hear nobody gives a toss about Soccer in the US.


It's safe to say the American soccerfan base no matter how bad it is would be 100 times larger that of the mystical creature fanbase.


Those are some huge buy ins. I currently have 142 land lots of which 100 are a tract that I've been holding on to since presale started! So you can bet ya I'm excited, waiting and wanting land as well. If it goes past Q2 of next year though that's going to start to erk me a bit.

I think there are plenty of vouchers going around that the price shouldn't matter. Heck I see high in demand packs for wax games go for a cool $30+ all the time. I am starting to think though that there's just too many dang cards and packs going around though and with ALL of that the SPS and voucher prices continue to sink which seriously means vouchers are being over printed for their demand. SPS however I feel by the end of this year will only start to tick up as all the air drops will most likely be locked in and only decreasing by 1% month over month.


142.. very nice. I have around half of your stash so no guaranteed keep. Cracking these is going to be the ultimate!


i hate to say it, but most of the current market is only about renting out to bots.

On days they don't play or adjust = rents go significantly down.

so if bot farms make a profit, they leech money out of the profit and pay a fee to the cardlords.

IMO game needs in a medium turn to add some more "fun experience" to new players.

Hope land will be a huge success,

The TD game is not impressive at all.

And CL is like fallen empires/homelands now, to much cards for the playerbase.


And CL is like fallen empires/homelands now, to much cards for the playerbase.

Fallen Empires, how it did fall.. the name was so apt. I often think of the similarities. FE had shit cards though, very weak. CL is not that.


True cards are pretty good,

But the problem is, nothing is special. All is common. GL cards are not that cool as they should be IMO.

Or more players needed to spread the cards in more hands.

But the worst for now are the way to overprinted reward cards, lmao :D


That Legends booster looks searched. /s

I love the game too, and have been an avid magic player turned collector since 1994. It (MTG) grew slowly and methodically into the cash grab that Hasbro has turned it into today. I really hope that Splinterlands doesn't rush into being another cash grab, and with the constant release of new cards and "tower defense" packs that aren't even useable, it has me a bit worried.

We need the team to focus on the game and not just the financial aspect $$$ of the thing it is growing into. I am not balls deep into Splinterlands, but enough to know that if it goes tits up because they are in too much of a rush to release more stuff all the new shiny money the player base will spend for airdrops and stuff, and not keeping themselves based in developing the game itself (land, when?) then I too will suffer when the foundation buckles.

But here's to hoping that doesn't happen.


I take little interest in Wizards products now. All these different variations of the same card really killed it for me. Talk about milking. The SPL founders know all about MtG and its chequered history, running a crypto game is an impossible task.
