Encountered a level 1 BAAKJIRA for the first time. That was a close call!



Rulesets: Healed Out + Keep Your Distance
League: Silver I
Mana Cap: 44

Water Focus

The following battle might not be the most exciting you'll ever see. Still, this matchup between Baakjira and Djinn Oshannus was interesting in many ways.


My opponent and I ran a similar strategy. We both picked Bortus to reduce magic attacks. Then, to offset the lack of shield usually granted by the other summoner, Kelya Frendul, we relied on Venari Wavesmith and its "Protect".

In the front, both of our tanks had "Void", which helped them absorb enormous amount of magic attacks. The action was actually in the back where we both (again) chose a Snipe monster to target the supporting cast.

My opponent chose a hardly more aggressive option by adding a second Range monster while I was a bit more defensive with Scavo Hireling. Those two went back and forth all along.


This match was a close call, the misses here and there could have certainly changed the end result. My Mantoid being slightly slower than the opposing Snipe monster could have missed that last attack and lose the game.

Pirate Attacks


This battle helped me complete my "Pirate Attacks (water splinter)" daily quest. To top it all, this day was definitely water-centered as I ended up pulling another Venari Wavesmith from one of my loot chests.


Hope you'll enjoy the battle.
See you next time!

  • My other "noteworthy" battles
  1. 0 mana BEASTS: Cheat code activated!

  2. A 93% chance of winning… but still ended up losing! Harsh. [splintertools.io]

