4,000 SPS Staked! My Strategy to Reach 5k


Splintershards (SPS) is the most crucial asset in the Splinterlands play to earn gaming ecosystem being the governance as well as a gaming reward token. Every major decision and changes within the Splinterlands ecosystem is made in response to players consent via their DAO proposal voting which requires a stake of SPS token. Holding a stake of SPS therefore gives the Splinterlands player an increasing levels of influence in the decision making process. All of these are in addition of the instant 20% staking APY claimable at any time.

The pricing of SPS is has been in its bottom position due to the increased supply of the token (3 Billion) whereas its utility was not far fetched. Recently, major upgrades and improvements in the Splinterlands game has focused on SPS giving it more utility and hence, to increase its demand in the coming months. It would not be run to say that Splinterlands is preparing for the next bull run with a lot of gaming and asset enhancements.

Among the recent use cases added for SPS is the fact that whale holders of SPS can now delegate their staked SPS to others for a fee and this is another source of passive income on the Splinterlands governance token. Moreover, the planned replacement of Collection power in gameplay with SPS staking. is about to go live in the third quarter of 2023 and this would be a premium source of high demand for SPS. The table below shows the adjusted minimum SPS stake requirement for Splinterlands battle leagues.


We want to encourage players to stake more in order to earn more rewards; This gives SPS utility;

Earning in Splinterlands gameplay is sweet at higher leagues and from Q3, it would take staking more SPS to access higher leagues for better battle and seasons rewards. Already, there is a more buying pressure in the SPSP market than selling. This is what sharing in the fun of splinterlands battle now require and I think its a sacrifice not too much to pay.

The new SPS stake requirement for Splinterlands battle league places a cap at Silver league II for my team with my SPS stake less than 5k. This had prompted the adjustment of my demand for SPS in year 2023 and this is specifically for staking so I can access higher leagues. One of my Splinterlands gameplay goal before the end of this year is to play Gold league and that requires at least 21.3k staked SPS. I wish to earn more from the battles and the only key to that is to grow my SPS stake.


Ahead of the new SPS stake integration into Splinterlands battles, I wish to hit the 5.153k SPS stake milestone. This informs my new SPS staking strategy and pace. Moments ago, I successfully staked 490 SPS and that brings my total SPS stake to 4,000. that is a decent push for me. I hope I can power up at least 1,200 more SPS before the end of the month of June.

I decided to compound my profits from other Splinterlands assets to be able to meet up with raising as much as 1,200 SPS for the participation in higher leagues as the development trolls out next month. I earn VOUCHER token for staking SPS. I also earn GLX tokens on Genesis League Sports platform for staking SPS. I decided to reinvest my earned VOUCHER and GLX token into SPS.


VOUCHER and GLX earned over the last few days was able to amount to 169 SPS. All of that were staked again to earn more SPS and VOUCHER. Looking forward to claiming more VOUCHER and GLX token and converting all of that into SPS for more staking. I'm hopeful I can meet my target with this strategy before the SPS stake integration into battle league. It'll take a lot of discipline and consistency to hit that short term target. looking forward, I can imagine what joy it would be to stake 21k SPS and qualify to start earning golden shares of Splinterlands battle rewards.

You want to learn more about Splinterlands, SplinterGlossary is a hot reference center for you.


Splinterlands game is termed the "next generation of collectible card games" in which allows players to collect, trade, and battle with provably scarce digital collectibles with real-world value. Battles on Splinterlands Unlike most trading card games, are fast and furious, and are usually completed within few minutes. The Splinterlands gameplay is simple and easy to learn viz: reviewing combat rules, making and submitting of the team and watching the battle unfold.


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