👊🏻Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! 🔥"Possibilus the Wise" improves my 💥"melee" attack - ⚜️El Cholito Santo⚜️



Fuente / Source
Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me.


Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy les mostrare una batalla de mana 99 con una regla de batalla que no permite que nadie tenga "armor". Como solo tenemos 3 elementos disponibles "fire", "water" y "death"... Decido usar un equipo de ataque "melee" porque si utilizo magia, me jugarían un equipo "death" con reflejo mágico.
Greetings to all the "Splinterlands" community, today I will show you a 99 mana battle with a battle rule that does not allow anyone to have "armor". Since we only have 3 elements available "fire", "water" and "death"... I decide to use a "melee" attack team because if I use magic, they would play me a "death" team with magic reflection.

Ruleset: Unprotected

Esta regla de batalla establece que nadie puede tener "armor" y tampoco se puede conseguir "armor" de habilidades o invocadores. Se debe evitar tener monstruos con "Protect", "Piercing" o "Repair" porque son inútiles. Debemos enfocarnos en un tanque con mucha salud y que tenga "heal" o tener un "tank heal" atrás.
This battle rule states that no one can have "armor" and neither can you get "armor" from abilities or summoners. Avoid having monsters with "Protect", "Piercing" or "Repair" because they are useless. We must focus on a tank with a lot of health and that has "heal" or have a "tank heal" behind.


Fuente / Source

Uso "Possibilus the Wise" para estar frenético.

He escogido a este invocador legendario de "agua" porque dará "+2 health" a todo mi equipo.
Además, mis monstruos "melee" tendrán la habilidad "Trample", pudiendo hacer un ataque extra si liquidan al enemigo con su ataque.
También todo mi equipo podrá atacar desde la segunda posición porque ganarán la habilidad "Reach".

I use "Possibilus the Wise" to be frenzied.

I have chosen this legendary "water" summoner because it will give "+2 health" to my entire team.
Also, my "melee" monsters will have the "Trample" ability, being able to do an extra attack if they kill the enemy with their attack.
Also my whole team will be able to attack from the second position because they will gain the "Reach" ability.

Mi tanque tiene "heal"

Para la primera posición he elegido a "Sea Monster", un monstruo muy lento pero con 4 de daño "melee" y la habilidad "heal".
Es justo la tarjeta perfecta que se recomienda para jugar con "unprotected".

My tank has "heal"

For the first position I have chosen "Sea Monster", a very slow monster but with 4 damage "melee" and the ability "heal".
It's just the perfect card to recommend for playing unprotected.

Este monstruo aumentará mi ataque "melee".

Como segundo tanque he escogido a "Demented Shark", un monstruo "común" cuya habilidad "inspire" incrementara el poder de
ataque "melee" en "+1". Además nuestro invocador permitirá que ataque desde la segunda posición.

This monster will increase my melee attack.

As the second tank I have chosen "Demented Shark", a "common" monster whose ability "inspire" will increase the power of
melee attack on "+1". In addition, our summoner will allow him to attack from second position.

Reduzco el poder "melee" de mi rival.

Para aumentar las posibilidades de ganar este duelo, he decidido poner en mi team a "Disintegrator", una "neutral"
cuya habilidad "demoralize" hará que el poder "melee" de mi rival se reduzca en "-1".

I reduce my opponent's melee power.

To increase the chances of winning this duel, I have decided to put "Disintegrator", a "neutral" in my team.
whose "demoralize" ability will cause my opponent's "melee" power to be reduced by "-1".

Un monstruo con "retaliate" en medio.

Luego he colocado en el centro a "War Chaang", otra "neutral" épica que puede lanzar una flecha desde atrás y si es
atacado por algún "sneak", podrá devolver el golpe gracias a su habilidad "retaliate".

A monster with "retaliate" in the middle.

Then I have placed in the center "War Chaang", another epic "neutral" that can shoot an arrow from behind and if it is
attacked by a "sneak", it will be able to hit back thanks to its "retaliate" ability.

Un "sneak" atrás con buen daño.

Para poder atacar la parte de atrás de mi rival he colocado a "Sand Worm", otra "neutral" muy lenta pero con buen daño
que será el encargado de infligir gran daño a la retaguardia enemiga.

A sneak back with good damage.

In order to attack the back of my rival I have placed "Sand Worm", another very slow "neutral" but with good damage
who will be in charge of inflicting great damage to the enemy rear.

Y un "taunt" al final.

He puesto a "Wave Brood", un monstruo épico, al final porque gracias a su habilidad "taunt" recibirá todos los golpes,
esto hará que nuestro tanque esté protegido de la primera oleada.

And a "taunt" at the end.

I have put "Wave Brood", an epic monster, at the end because thanks to his "taunt" ability he will take all the hits,
this will protect our tank from the first wave.

Mi rival se prepara para un ataque full "ranged".

Mi oponente ha escogido a "Contessa L'ament" como su invocador esperando enfrentar a un mazo lleno de arqueros, así que espera reducir el poder de mis flechas en "-1".

My opponent prepares for a full ranged attack.

My opponent has chosen "Contessa L'ament" as his summoner expecting to face a deck full of archers, so he expects to reduce the power of my arrows by "-1".

Me enfrento a un tanque con "thorns".

El tanque que voy a enfrentar es "Cursed Windeku", un monstruo "raro" con buena salud y velocidad que hará 2 de daño,
además su habilidad "thorns" infligirá 2 de daño a cualquiera que le haga daño "melee".

I'm up against a tank with thorns.

The tank I'm going to face is "Cursed Windeku", a "rare" monster with good health and speed that will do 2 damage,
In addition, his "thorns" ability will deal 2 damage to anyone who deals "melee" damage to him.

Mi rival también tiene a "Disintegrator" en sus filas.

El hecho de tener a este monstruo con "demoralize" en su "team" significa que también está esperando enfrentar a
un rival lleno de monstruos con ataque "melee".

My rival also has "Disintegrator" in their ranks.

Having this monster with "demoralize" in his team means that he is also looking forward to facing
a rival full of monsters with "melee" attack.

Debo tumbar una pared que aumenta de salud

"Riftwing" ha sido colocado casi en medio porque actuará como una "pared" que protegerá a sus arqueros y permitirá
que hagan más daño a mi tanque. Su habilidad "flying" le permite esquivar ataques "melee" y "ranged".
Y su habilidad "scavenger" hará que gane en salud cada vez que sus arqueros maten a uno de mis monstruos.

I must knock down a wall that increases health

"Riftwing" has been placed almost in the middle because it will act as a "wall" that will protect your archers and allow
do more damage to my tank. His "flying" ability allows him to dodge "melee" and "ranged" attacks.
And his "scavenger" ability will make him gain health every time his archers kill one of my monsters.

3 arqueros intentarán matar a mi tanque.

El primer monstruo con ataque "ranged" es "Supply Runner", es "neutral" y tiene buena velocidad.
El segundo arquero es "Dhampir Stalker", con 3 de poder de daño asegurados gracias a su habilidad "True Strike".
Y el último arquero es "Goblin Chariot", otro "neutral" nada lento.
Esta formación de arqueros tienen como misión hacer 7 de daño a mi tanque.

3 archers will try to kill my tank.

The first monster with ranged attack is "Supply Runner", it is "neutral" and has good speed.
The second archer is "Dhampir Stalker", with 3 damage power secured thanks to his "True Strike" ability.
And the last archer is "Goblin Chariot", another "neutral" nothing slow.
This formation of archers has the mission of doing 7 damage to my tank.

¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?

Mi estrategia funcionó a la perfección, pude potenciar mi ataque "melee" con "Possibilus the Wise".
Mi tanque fue el ideal según la regla de batalla y mi monstruo "taunt" ayudó mucho a proteger a este.
Y mi "Sand Worm" fue eliminando las amenazas de la parte de atrás.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy worked perfectly, I was able to boost my melee attack with "Possibilus the Wise".
My tank was ideal according to the battle rule and my taunt monster helped a lot to protect it.
And my "Sand Worm" was eliminating the threats from the back.


Mira la lucha

THE BATTLE                

watch the fight

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If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


Posted using Splintertalk


Por acá Cholito admirando este juego fabuloso! Un gran saludo!❤️


wow great battle, i love sea mosnter, when i started first time playing the splinterlands that time sea monster was my biggest favorite monsters , i won a lot battle, you chose the summoner water , that has many abilities so nice battle, your lineup was excellent, best of luck always dear


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