“Mavericks House” Discord Channel Pre-Proposal



Edit: This pre-proposal has been edited. The sentence can be seen with a strike through and will be removed from the final proposal.


We have seen how the Community plays a vital role within Splinterlands. The objective is to attract loyal and influential parties such as 3rd Party Supporting Sites, influencers and key stakeholders to a forum where the Splinterlands Team may have discussions, formulate action plans and receive constructive feedback as opposed to disrespect and negative attacks. This forum is also known as the Maverick’s House on Discord.

This particular proposal is used to identify key issues and potential resolution, sought out by @leveluplifeph through communication with existing Mavs, this information has been collated, discussed and presented within this proposal.

Please be advised that I have intentionally left out specific measures considered as resolutions, should this proposal pass, it will be up to the Community and Splinterlands Team to decide on the best course of action to be implemented. I will, however, share the ideas for the team perusal.

The Proposal

“Mavericks House” Discord channel requires 100,000 Staked SPS. In addition to the 100,000 stake there will be 4 Community Moderators.

  • All current Mavericks will be grandfathered in for 60 days. After 60 days everyone's stake will be verified to meet the requirement. Note that only for current mavericks a delegation up to 100,000 Staked SPS will be allowed to keep current Maverick status active.
  • Maverick status will require each player to maintain a verified 100,000 staked SPS.
  • Any future Maverick who meets the 100,000 minimum SPS requirement will be manually approved into the Maverick Channel by the moderators. Note that future Mavericks will be required to own and maintain 100,000 Staked SPS and a delegation will not apply. This will go into effect immediately in the event the proposal passes an official vote.

Moderators Basic Guidelines

  • Trolling, belittling and personal attacks are unacceptable behavior.
  • Constructive criticism is welcomed, as long as it is projected in a professional manner.
  • All Mavericks will be expected to be respectful to the Moderators and Team members alike.


  • Creating the environment for more interaction with the Team and important members of the ecosystem.
  • Creates a way for new players to become a Maverick bringing in new and fresh ideas.
  • A use case for SPS creating potential new demand for the keystone of Splinterlands
  • A very clear and simpler way to get in and out of Maverick status.
  • Solving the problem of no packs for sale, the unknown future addition pack prices and release date.
  • Ensuring that a person who has completely sold out of the project does not stick around to troll the Team and Community.
  • Removing the lifetime membership for Mavericks and replacing it with a minimum investment that needs to be maintained.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Making a change to an existing accomplishment that could cause some people to lose their Maverick status.
  • SPS price starts to rise over time making it harder and harder for new people to get Maverick status in the future.
  • Removing the lifetime membership for Mavericks and replacing it with a minimum investment that needs to be maintained.

Recognition & Summarization

This SPS staked requirement was originally suggested by @clayboyn and I wanted to give credit, where credit is due. I would like to also extend my gratitude to those that assisted me with collation of feedback through PM’s, through Mavericks and Voice Communication.

There is one thing that is clear: we have a lot of passionate community members and regardless of if this proposal passes or not, I do believe in this project and remain optimistic. Onward!


I think this is pretty good and also gives a clearer baseline for what the definition of a Maverick is regardless of packs and whatnot. Having a minimum also helps keep things going nicely so that words have their own weight to chime in.


If/when the price of SPS appreciates that number should probably be changed eventually so it's still affordable for new players to get to Mav status. That's an issue for the future, though. For now, I fully support the proposal.


We've always been flies on the wall in mavchat and while we won't immediately gain access, should this proposal pass, this gives us an attainable goal - and as long-term sps holders, its one that aligns with our own goals anyway.

Objectively speaking, we are fans of the proposed change as the perceived and immediate benefits include:

  • Required ongoing investment in the ecosystem to maintain mav status vs the current 1k packs and done, lifetime achievement granted

  • Allows for fresh voices to enter the mav community which otherwise wouldn't be possible until Rebellion in sometime 2024

  • Hopefully this approach sees the most committed to the game/community enter mavchat, despite socioeconomic standing due to SPS' ability to be accumulated in a multitude of ways and over time. We live/work in Asia on market adjusted wages and $4k+ USD to drop all at once is a tall task, making achieving mav status via the traditional route a near impossibility.

While 100k staked SPS might not be the right long-term number, it feels like a solid starting benchmark and we look forward to seeing how the community responds to this proposal.

We would love the opportunity to be able to engage, chat and network with the mav community directly and this makes it a reasonably attainable possibility for us.

Cheers for putting this together @leveluplifeph


Removing the lifetime membership for Mavericks and replacing it with a minimum investment that needs to be maintained.

love this idea!

Note that only for current mavericks a delegation up to 100,000 Staked SPS will be allowed to keep current Maverick status active.

a cut off time added to this or removed altogether. Asset owners only.


@michealb Thank You for the feedback. After uploading the pre-proposal it became clear that the delegation option could create problems. The article has been edited to reflect the changes.

I am also not a fan of the lifetime membership ;)


thanks. will vote yes for now. Not really sure if 100k SPS is the 'way' (not that i have any better ideas) but really like the idea of minimum investment maintained.


Note that only for current mavericks a delegation up to 100,000 Staked SPS will be allowed to keep current Maverick status active.

What's the point of this carve out? To me, either allowing delegated SPS makes sense, or it doesn’t… there is no point to a half-measure.

So why would you "grandfather in" anyone that doesn’t want to own enough SPS to qualify?

Carving out a delegation/rental loophole for existing mavs sounds like they can rent, beg or borrow staked Sps whenever they want to look like a mav but don't actually need to stake or otherwise stay committed.


Hello @oaaguy thank you for the feedback. It is difficult to take all opinions into consideration when writing a proposal. Now that it is live the feedback is clear your concerns were also shared by others. The article has now been edited and the delegation option has been removed.


Appreciate it, thank you! Your passion toward creating a more positive environment is clear to everyone. I don’t know if this will achieve what you are hoping, but a forum where we see less toxic behaviour from a vocal minority of our flag bearing Monster Mavericks is worth trying a few things.

If this passes, I think it is a strong sign that the community wants to see more community moderation in our high visibility channels, and perhaps combined with a dedicated discord channel for “lightly-salted constructive criticism” we could keep things more welcoming for newer players.

Thanks for all you are doing!


It’s worth noting that Maverick’s House in Discord is outside the stated limits of the DAO’s scope of authority so this would be a nonbinding advisory vote.


I would just add... how does 100k sps make someone viable for game input??. so for $300 I can buy enough sps for Mav chat. but my 9 plots, 500,000 cp, totems, and hours per day of game play for Years--do not count , I just need $300 in sps nothing else and I am in MAV chat, ?? seems goofy to me but then I am a little goofy myself.


I thought mavs chat is just whale chat.
but i read it. and there's more to it than rich people chatting.
this is the SPL drama channel lol

and i think im addicted to it. so maybe i'll try to save 100k sps.


I don't think this is in the scope of the DAO, but thanks for burning 100K DEC, I really appreciate the effort to bring DEC back to peg. Cheers! :)


I'll repeat what I sent you in DM

  • Some of the most toxic people in mav chat would pass all new criteria with flying colors, so they would be part of the 'new' mav chat' too.

  • Some people who are accused of trolling because they've sold out, have sold out everything but their SPS - so they would be part of the 'new' mav chat' too.

  • A lot of reasonable voices would be locked out, leaving even more room for the toxic ones who meet the criteria

I can see you added the 'moderators' to your proposal, but I still think the guidelines you mention

Trolling, belittling and personal attacks are unacceptable behavior.
Constructive criticism is welcomed, as long as it is projected in a professional manner.
All Mavericks will be expected to be respectful to the Moderators and Team members alike

already exist right now. And as you know, it's not easy to get mavs to comply. Tbf, having to moderate mav chat is an awful job. As a free moderator, you don't get paid enough to deal with all the crap you get when you moderate strictly in mav chat. And now they get an extra job while they're at it?

I still think stronger moderation in mav chat and respect from the mavs for the moderators would go a long way in what you're trying to accomplish with this.

In conclusion, I'm 100% against excluding people, on top of the fact that I think this won't achieve what you want it to.

For the record: I would still be a mav if this ever passes, although I'm not sure I want to be a part of this and might give up the role if this ever happens

EDIT: Also, the 'staked SPS' requirement doesn't seem like a good measurement to see if people are invested in the game or not. What if someone sold his SPS to invest in cards. What if someone has 6 figures in cards, land and stuff, but less than 100k in SPS?
Is this person less invested than someone who has 100k SPS and nothing else?
Or, to use your words: less important ?


And what will happen if this measurement doesn't have the wanted result after a while? Up it and make it 500k SPS? 1M SPS?
I think it's a dangerous road you're taking here. If I would like to troll in mav chat, 100k SPS is a lot easier to achieve atm than buying 1000 packs.

As I said in my message: I still don't totally get what you want to achieve. I know you listed the benefits, but I truly wonder if you really believe that setting this requirement will create an environment with less salt and more 'new and fresh ideas'... As I said before: the only thing that will happen is that you exclude a good number of people who invested in 1000 packs, as was required, and are still invested and might have those ideas you're looking for, and nothing else.


Maybe we should have a way to request that they get grandfathered in if they were in it before and not being in it like that would be considered rude or a slap in the face in some cultures i believe so passing it for ppl going forward would be fine and if its ppl being dicks in the channel then just ban or kick do what they would do anyway but i would let ppl like luna stay especially if ppl are saying that she had a really positive impact. Doesnt make sense to me to kick her out and i dont know her but if other ppl feel that strongly she probably and others in her situation be allowed to stay if they request it. Maybe a override for exceptions is a good way to do it. Anyone being just assholes will be warned and banned anyway so i would if i were doing this just grandfather everyone and weed out the ppl just constantly being a ass in the chat and going forward change the req for new ppl if you want to 100K sps is cheaper than 1000 packs at least right now and if sps does get say 2-5X more expensive consider adjustments in the future. Also give everyone a way to view the mav chat but maybe not talk in it if they dont meet the req so ppl can at least read what is being talked about


i read it for years lol I was technically a mav since the begining but just started talking init this year bc i never wanted to register lol finally did it. having new ppl able to read it will help bc they can find out info they may not see otherwise


Maybe have a way for ppl to sponsor others like that by delegation as well but in my opinion i would just leave the ppl grandfathered and anyone new or ppl that don't need to be grandfathered are subject to the 100K. I don't care bc it prob wont ever impact me but i wouldn't want to lose someone with a positive impact like luna seems to have bc it sounds like banning her is taking away a valuable person and would upset a whole group of ppl and a person who talks up the game and really likes it are the ppl we want to keep to. i Wouldn't want to see that happen. I did vote yes bc i didnt really think it mattered bc it has zero impact on me but seeing as how it seems to impact others in a bad way im going to change to vote no with my sps just bc i think it will hurt and permanently make some good ppl leave bc in some cultures they would consider that a slap in the face now that i think about it.


Honestly I wouldn't overcomplicate it with anything beyond 100k SPS = mav chat requirement. It's going to piss people off either way you do this, might as well make it simple guideline to enforce across the board.


@clayboyn Thank you for the feedback and I agree simple is better. I have removed the delegation option and will keep the 60 day window.


i had honestly thought that you would come to your senses. but that you have now really made this a proposal shocks me to my core! not only do you think you can measure human worth by his sps. no, you want to take away my mav title even though i have supported the team with the purchase of the packs in the store more than the 100k sps are worth......
rating for the human character = 0


No one said anything about human worth or human character? If Mav title was about any of those things, then there wouldn't need to be Mav Status... Everyone would get it when we earned it through our character.

Maybe it will ease your concerns to remember that the SPL Discord status is not in DAO's control - Mav status was a benefit that Splinterlands promised, and I suspect that they won't want to break that promise. I support that, honestly. However if the community votes that SPS holders want a change like this, it will certainly send a message that something needs to change.

But comparing the current price of 100,000 SPS to the full price of 1000 brand new packs is a bait-and-switch... millions of packs were bought with cheap DEC, often with bulk purchase discounts, and came with free airdrops and other promos, and many were resold or churned for profit. Meanwhile, other people bought SPS at prices many multiples higher than they are now. So comparing the current price of SPS to your sticker price of packs is not really objective.

Right now, the company says that player feedback is valued only if you buy one type of asset - Packs. So everything else: Spellbooks, referrals, Land, Splinterfest tickets, building guilds, buying promo cards, supporting other games, participating in the economy - these are all lesser activities and those voices don't matter?

SPS is the governance token. It is literally, the One Ring to Rule Them All. I get that people made decisions on the Buy Packs model. But if they were designing Mav Status today, I would bet they would prioritize SPS stake to support the flywheel.


but read the proposal correctly. he thinks he would prevent salt and trolling. this implies that i, who bought 1000 packs in the store instead of 2000 packs on the market. am potentially a bigger danger to troll and spread salt than someone who owns 100k sps and that's why he wants to take away my mav title.

so he measures the value (the characteristic of a character) of a person by his sps. i mean alone that he calls people trolls who have invested thousands of dollars in the game. you can tell with which disturbed person he wrote this proposal. with the person who should have been banned from the discord long ago according to the community rules.


Yeah, I kind of agree, I am not really sure if his proposal actually prevents any salt or trolling. But I also don't think you will lose your Mav title. It's not for the DAO to decide, since this is in the Company's control - so make sure you express to Aggy and the team that you bought with this promise in mind!


it could have been a good proposal by easing the access for future mavs. but that he wants to exclude existing mavs only shows that there are malicious motives behind it!


e.g. he could have just added the 100k sps as an additional option. so either you buy 1k packs in the store or you stake 100k sps no matter what you have of the two you get the mav title. that would have been a suggestion i would have voted for in my opinion. because that would improve access and give more people access. but excluding people is just disgusting


I'm really for this proposal, like you said it would bring fresh perspectives to the team.

Right now I'm not a Mav but even if I was I would probably not engage much there's a lot of salt and negativity by people that don't realize how markets work and maybe they even sold out at this point, all I see is people complaining about every little thing and I don't think they realize how far we've come at least from the time I joined the game.

I think this proposal will give a chance to people that are continuing to support the game to share their views with the team and not just some dude that bought in the first day and sold everything and now is bitter about it.

I will support this 100%


@leveluplifeph Thank you for putting forward this proposal, as a person that has been a Mav since Aug 21 through purchasing packs, continuously been staking SPS as well as purchasing assets, I feel that you are trying to improve the current situation that is being experienced. Whilst I can relate to some of the frustration expressed in the Community, I believe that things discussed there, although frank should be constructive and to the point in which brainstorming can take place for the betterment of the eco system. I sometimes feel that the restriction of Chaos Packs stops new blood from getting in, hence ideas and innovations being limited to only a handful of people. There are some great personalities in the group however so many more outside of the group who share the same passion and can help. Staking SPS is what everyone needs to do, I can see that if this proposal passes, there will be an increase in staked SPS.

MangoMayhem by DamienWolf.png


I think this is an amazing idea. I honestly think there should be a mav path option for folks that buy in groups or on the secondary market. Say if they hold 5k worth of assets OR buy 1k packs with the addition of the sps staking requirement.

I admit I am being a bit selfish with this suggestion (lol) but maybe im not the only one it would effect


Thank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @leveluplifeph!
You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-Proposal

This Pre-Proposal is over!
386 Users voted with 2% of the staked SPS supply at that time!

Updated At: 2023-05-22 04:29 UTC



I agree MAV chat access should be gated in a different way than it is currently, where just a certain number of packs bought from the in game store gets you in for life.
I'm not sure that this is the right way to gate it, but it is at least a little better than how it works right now.
I'd like to see a total of:

deck value
SPS staked
land owned

As long as you have a total of $5k in value, you can be a mav. We could even add all assets like titles, TD collection, DEC, liquidity pools, totems, etc. etc.


$5k in combined asset value based on a 30-day rolling average would be great


The total approach i like that pick a number like 5 K and use all assets


Basing this simply on SPS is not a very good idea in my opinion. Adding it as a way for new players to achieve Mav status would be a good idea, but telling me I can no longer access Mav chat even though I have purchased 5000 packs and thousands of cards simply because I don't have 100k SPS is ludicrous. You will be ostracizing as many voices as you hope to gain in the future, if not more.

Enforce the rules. That's what they're there for.


Right!? It appears from now on the new way of life will be "change the rules as we go to fit your view of things". If the chat is toxic, freaking moderate it. Crazy. And last I checked, Dao don't control discord channels...


I Don't Blame The Voters, I Blame The Lack Of Respect

I fully understand why players support this. Mav chat has degenerated recently into a repellent for the game. I don't blame anyone for voting for this, many Mavs have been "trolling, belittling and delivering personal attacks." Getting rid of these Mavs is a normal response, and this proposal is a wake up call.

The lack of respect for the community on display should never again be tolerated.

Why I Will Vote Against It

I have met many amazing people that are part of our community, some are large and some are not. But many do in fact share the love of our community and the game. I will tell one story in particular, but there are many more I could tell.

There is a young lady that is in Mav Chat almost every day. She is a breath of fresh air, always positive, excited and motivated. I have known her for years now. I remember when she was so excited to buy enough packs to get her "Mav" title. She actually BELIEVES that being a Mav is something special.

Not only that, she saved up her money so she could attend Splinterfest. She's not rich, she's in her early 20s. But she saved her money because to her this is her community and she feels at home with us.

I can list many other things she has bought and traded for. Why? because she tells me all the time...She LOVES the game and CARES about the community.

She had 5 plots and didn't get a castle or keep, but a Keep was her dream for over a year. I traded her for one and she couldn't stop talking about how excited she was for at least a week. She also runs a guild, not a big guild but its a real guild with real players. And guess what, all those players wanted to be in her land and play with her in HER SLICE OF PRETORIA.

She wanted a Zyriel, because its cool. She can't afford a Max one, but she didn't care because just a few will do. I could go on and on.

We All Know Her Name

If you spend any time on Discord, you will know who she is. She's there pretty much ever day. Her name is The Lunacy System and I call her "Luna".

But not today. She is gone. I don't mean absent or busy, I mean gone. Exited entirely from Splinterlands.

Why Do I Care?

She's only one person, why should I care if she left? The answer for me is simple. I like to be a part of a community where someone like Luna exists. I like that she took pride in meeting her quota of getting 1000 packs to be "special". I respected her and conversed with her many thousands of times. She was my friend, and she is a friend to many others too.

On top of that she is a defender of the game. She constantly changed her handles, and one of the last ones was something like "Member of the FUD Fight Club". SHE WAS DEFENDING THE MAVS AND FIGHTING THE FUD WE FACED FAR MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. She showed up every day with a smile and an attitude that she was going to defend us.

And now she is gone. In one day, with one massive insult, she feels not a part of this community. Not because she didn't actually belong, but because she KNEW she couldn't get 100K SPS.

Who can blame her? I can't.

She was fighting the FUD, while we were telling her she doesn't belong anymore.

What Luna Didn't Know

Prior to this proposal even being proposed I spoke to my friend @leveluplifeph and suggested that he add the provision so old Mavs could receive "delegated SPS". I knew Luna (and many like her) would not feel wanted and I would personally delegate my SPS to my friends to keep them in the club.

He even included my provision, but the first 3 responses from @oaaguy @michaelb and @clayboyn supported his own belief that my "softness" on this issue was not warrented, and a tougher line was needed. Note: I don't blame any of the 4 because they are all good people and they are trying to solve a problem they see. I'm just explaining the facts so people can understand them.

But nevertheless that provision was taken away, and now there is no real way for Luna (or others) to stay Mavs and be part of the club they were a part of if this proposal passes as is.

To me we just lost someone awesome. Someone that we should want. Someone that embodies what we want millions of. Luna may be gone forever over one simple thing, and yes she's sensitive, but to me that's what makes her special. Simply put, "she cared".

In fact she cared too much because her feelings were so hurt that she broke the love she had for the community.

How To Handle It?

In Luna's case she left. That makes me sad. She was and will be someone that I will respect and remember til I die. There are others like Luna too, don't kid yourself. For every immature player that disrespects our community, there are many more Luna's out there that love our community. I hate to let the bad guys win, but if this vote passes as is then I feel that will be the outcome.

So I will do 2 things: vote and react.

Vote And React

I will vote against this proposal. Not because I think the intention is bad to get rid of the toxic players, but because I DO NOT WANT TO GET RID OF MY FRIENDS THAT HAVE EARNED MAV STATUS but are not rich, they are my friends and my community. I will delegate them my own SPS to keep them if that is a requirement, but I can not vote in good conscious to let any of the GOOD PEOPLE in our community leave over this.

The second thing I will do is leave Mav Chat and hang out in the Tavern until Luna comes back and the vote fails as its written. I'm not doing this to be mean or "get my way", I'm doing this because I want to symbolically demonstrate to Luna (and many others) that I value their friendship more than I value a Mav title.

I want to be part of the Mav Community, but I want to be in Luna's Community more. Its not disrespectful to any Mav, in fact my feelings are just the ultimate respect for Luna and what she represents. We need a million Luna's and in my opinion we should be doing everything possible to get her back. (and those like her)

The Truth

I am only one person and I don't care if anyone agrees or not with me. I am not blasting anyone voting for this proposal and in fact I have a ton of respect for @leveluplifeph. I feel he is addressing a need that he sees and trying to find a solution.

I also do not think he or anyone that supports this has any intention of hurting anyone's feelings or disenfranchising anyone. I think they are all sincere and frankly want to see some respect again in Mav Chat. And I 100% support that too.

So please understand that I blame the community members that have repeatedly been "trolling, belittling and delivering personal attacks" on a daily basis. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM, THEY ARE THE ONES THAT I BLAME. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING for making this issue even appear.

I'm Sorry As Well

There are many people that are guilty of "trolling, belittling and personal attacks", including me. I have attacked people that were arguing with me, so I'm guilty too.

For that I'm sorry. We are all human, which means we all make mistakes. I have not shown good judgement at times and I have attacked others. The point is not whether I was justified, the point is I set a bad example for others by doing so. I also showed a lack of respect for my fellow Mavs in the process, the Mav room is not a place for that.

So I certainly shoulder some of the blame as well, and I definitely apologize.


You can't make rules based on every exception. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. Good luck in Tavern, they're actually pretty cool!


I understand, and like I said I don't blame you or anyone for wanting to clean up Mav chat. Its way overdue and I hope it does get fixed for sure!

And yes the tavern is fine with me, I agree we have some pretty cool peeps in there too! :)


you also can't judge a person's character by his sps....

i would even argue that you potentially bring in more trolls. because i can buy 100k sps troll around and sell the 100k sps again. if i buy 1k packs in the store, i will always have a loss because i would have gotten more packs for the money on the market. so who obviously shows more that he stands by splinterlands....


You can't judge a person's character by how many packs they bought either. You can only judge a person's character based on their actions and your own personal beliefs, assumptions and expectations of 'the other' which ultimately is just a reflection of our selves. It is what it is, it's not a personal thing. It's about establishing a minimum baseline that isn't a moving a target that requires some kind of actual skin in the game to maintain. Essentially, it's much like burning DEC to make people pay attention to a DAO proposal... stake SPS to make people listen to whatever you have to say in mav chat.


but the solution can't be to make trolling easier. with the 100k sps requirement. you can now just change your identity every month by just sending your sps to another account. or people with a lot of sps can split their sps and participate in a discussion with multiple accounts at the same time to reinforce their opinion. or even easier mobbing people by pretending that 5 people are trolling one person even though it's one person with 5 accounts etc etc. for people who really come to discord on purpose to troll or fudden this rule is like a gift!


Only one way to find out I suppose. If it doesn't work we can always make another proposal to change it or roll it back.


what if for people it is account total value if they dont meet the 100K but would meet say the equivalent value


Welcome to Tavern, it's where all the cool people hang :)
Though It tempts me to join mavs to get mad at them for throwing shade at the Luna's who already put in 1000 packs worth into the game and are being told to GTFO of the community because they need to put in 100,000 SPS too


I think letting people stay who were there is probably a good idea if ppl really want to differentiate have a pack symbol for grandfathered people and a diff one for ppl with sps and give older ppl with both req a guy with a walker with a og fedora or something lol. I get it for new MAVs but excluding ppl that had a real positive impact and ppl wanting to be in her land tract for me would be a bad decision. If ppl start shit then they get banned or what ever so in the end it will end up with good ppl grandfathered and any one new or who doesn't request it to have to mee the sps req like many ppl in MAV chat meet it im guessing especially now that its like 2 cents most MAVs would prob have 100K but in those exceptions i think we should be letting ppl who were in it and request to stay stay until they are proven to be a problem and not helpful. I think it will really make some ppl mad bc of how there culture is and they would feel disrespected. Im just trying to think of it from different ppls view points bc i would not normally even think twice about a change like this but this article made me think about it and how many loyal ppl we could lose who worked hard just to get the 1000 pack req.


ill take my million sps and vote no what ever that does to help.


I'm staying in the game! Discord is just a place I felt I needed a break with some of these proposals being proposed by people talking from their bags, framing it as a "community" want.

Around Christmas I wrote rules for my future:

  1. Maximise SPS.

If I'm short to get into Mav chat, I'll get it.

The Tavern could use some good company to build it up again. A lot of Mavs think of themselves above the people of Tavern.

It's not the way of my family to exclude people. Being Tri-Racial (Melungeon) in a world that wants to steal my copper color gives me my uniqueness.

This game is helping to heal a family. That is worth more than $$$ USD value to me.

Take my money, give me friendship.

I fight for my kin of all colors.

One World (We Are One) - Official Video by Taboo


Preach it, girl 💜

I'm happy to hear you're not leaving.


Awesome Luna! So happy to hear this!!! You are my friend and I will fight along side you where ever you are!

I will see you in the Tavern when you want to bring your amazing spirit back into Discord :)


Maybe we just need some good moderators, no toxicity is a standard in many Discords, warning 1, warning 2 and bye bye, the next question will be who to give that power :-)


I definitely agree. If we had tough moderation to force Mavs to follow the rules, then I believe that would clean it up the most!


The Tavern is happy to welcome you both anytime, @davemccoy and @thelunacysystem! I don't want to take away anything that was earned or promised.

My point was that if delegation is acceptable, it should be acceptable for all. But to me, the most important part of all of this is a clear message that stronger moderation is needed. We don't want our two main channels to be toxic negativity.

As I said elsewhere, it would probably be wise to have a dedicated space for a "lightly-salted-constructive-criticism-and-letting-off-steam" channel where people can vent when they need. In the main channels, limit it to a double dose of salt - more than two negative comments ... and enforce it, quickly and without further warning.

Bans and Cooldowns are not uncommon in Tavern, but it's a notable day when a Mav gets a cooldown - and that hesitancy to being held accountable for what is said, has created an environment where behaviours are left unchecked.


Tavern being treated differently than Mavs in that way has always bugged me.

I agree that this proposal should really be about getting actual moderation of the chats; and perhaps some SPS for the trouble to those who moderate.

An old game of mine that is still active, they gave the mods a copy of the new pieces to play the game. I like that they did that tbh.


Well, and after yesterday's announcement, it seems that EVERYONE is going to want more SPS 😍


Jezus, 100k SPS is just a few hundred dollars. We all should have this now by playing anyway. This is such great proposal, it will boost sps for everyone. All committed players will reach 100k SPS eventually.


lol... you blabla blabla'd me to tell me this.

I don't know your discord handle in Mavs to know where you're coming from, but its ok, you can have an opinion like everyone else.

ps its a few thousand $s, not a few hundred


How about a Mav sponsorship program? Each Mav could sponsor one person (and recommend others) who are committed, and show up with a good attitude. 😃


I don't know how hard that would be to implement, but I think it would have some merit as a potential solution. I was also ok with letting us delegate our own SPS to those that we felt were qualified to stay.


Simply put, the mavs channel should be held to a higher standard by the moderators then the general channel. I used to enjoy lurking on the conversations in mav chat before i qualified. now that I qualified, i find myself rarely going in there because of all the garbage complaining in there. It would be great to go back to the quality of chat that used to be in that channel. I think tougher more active moderation is the key. I will vote no for this because I have no interested personally of bringing my SPS stake up to 100K not for this and not for rewards...but would really appreciate seeing tougher moderation to bring back the quality of conversation to the channel...[realistically, general chat needs tougher moderation too].


Your humanity have all my respect.


Well said, you rock as always @davemccoy - you point out good reasons to downvote this proposal, there might be others reasons to upvote the proposal as well. In the early days mav chat was the channel to go to, now not anymore due to many reasons, my first reaction was to support the proposal however I do not see staked SPS as important to talk in mav, it should be a combination of all assets in the game at least in my view. Hence i will downvote the proposal.


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I've spent over $80k on this game and I'm not a mav because I haven't bought 1000 packs. I think SPS is a far better measure. I also love the idea of kicking out trolls who've already sold out of the project too.


The truth is if this proposal passes, people will dump SPS so it will be cheaper to enter into mav chat. Reducing is not the way to grow the game.
SPS is an arbitrary amount
Total Assets would be more fair, considering past purchases and items held in the game


Mavs who won't even go into Tavern wanting to send Mavs they don't like back there is so funny it's terrible.

I'd rather Mavs just say they hate poor people than have this vote lol


Wth? Since when do proposals cover discord rules already established? What is this......shit on your loyal players some more.


I like this proposal, but I just don't see how it will result in the goals you wish to see. The composition of mavs' discord would absolutely change, but basic respect and human decency doesn't correlate with wealth, packs in- or not in-hand, or sps holdings. i.e. you can't change behavior with a proposal. Is this also something the dao really has purview over? A discord channel?


I don't get it. I own 31k sps stake and I am not sure if I can ever get to the required stake to remain in mavs. The reason I bought packs from the store was to get the status and the promo card but with each new week and new card and new rules and nothing being done to improve the mobile experience, I am not sure if I even want to remain as a mav. I cannot exit discord as I have other servers where I belong too. Splinterlands whether or not I am a mav will always be dear to me as it changed my life in one shot and I consider it as a blessing from the almighty.
Have a great day.


I don't know who downvoted you, but I appreciate you being part of the community @sayee ... We are lucky to have you and whether you're a Mav or not, I'm thankful you are here!


Aw, thanks so much, Dave. the downvote is by the goat gang and I don't know how I displeased them lol. They downvote every comment of mine on hive.


Everytime I go onto it somebody is whinging about something. Burn it down, burn it all down. Splinterlands is a nicer place without it


I do like the idea that it shouldn't be about your amount of packs bought but instead your current bag of staked SPS. Especially since you could 'easyli' buy 1K packs, get the MAV status, and then sell out the packs if you wanted to and continue to FUD in the channel for your own amusement.

What I don't like about this proposal is the amount of 100k suggested. I myself don't own that, and I know quite a few other current MAVs that are perfectly fine to be chatting in there as well but don't hold that amount either.

So setting a minimum of a current price to be $4500+ is a tad too high for what I think is fair, especially if you take a bull run into consideration. Just a 2x increase in price in itself would make it almost impossible for new players to 'just' join and get MAV status. For my vote at least, I would suggest lowering the amount of staked SPS required. 😊
- Xensational


if i buy 1k packs in the store instead of going to the market i make more loss than if i buy 100k sps, stake and 1 month later sell 101k sps. or send to another account because i got banned with the account because i only insulted and threatened in discord ;)


Most MAVs bought packs a long time ago, where packs where easier sold on secunday marketplace for a closer price to the intial buy price, which is why I reference to that.
You have to actively have 100k SPS staked to be a MAV in this proposal, it doesn't work if you just sell after 1 month anyways.
If you don't want to be banned on Discord, be nice instead!:D


read the proposal there is nowhere how to control whether the people after 1 month still have the sps. even the activation should take place manually by mods. which is a lot of work. which is also kind of brazen. because you take away with the proposal some mods the mav title because they do not have 100k sps. the proposal will and never wanted to achieve the stated goal. it's just about a few people who think they are something better want to punish other opinions by taking away their mav title!


I would support a account value based mav chat. Not this. You can put up any gate you want it will not stop human nature.




Prolly shoulda polled if tavern chat was more than anything. What does mav chat have to do? You have og players in there attacking other ogs and accusations of cheating or botting....all this from OGs. There is a ton more drama from that avenue.


If players / investors complain it should be done respectfully yet the team will threaten to ban you for respectfully asking hard questions in AMA's (ask me anything), they had to start calling them town halls cause it is just a marketing pump session.

Splinterlands was great for onboarding, now not so much as their growth was staggering, hitting 500k daily players and then for several months just 200k average until the past several months decline to 70k range now and bots are going next... how many will play daily then?

I remember someone holding off their billionaire friends so we could buy some chaos packs then they had to burn 25k packs a day so they would sell out and move onto the next money grab, 9 quadrillion decb, nodes, nft's off chain, custom on chain, nightmare, glx, probly more garbage... unbelievable that investors still hang around... SPS 200 million max supply promise turned into 1 billion plus and counting and like their other tokens it has 9 quadrillion max supply... I sold land at $400 thankfully... they selling more of that before using the first ones?

I do hope for a turn around yet looks like it turned into a rich kids club with more and more articles coming out calling it a nicely disguised pyramid... please work on reinstating new player rewards without getting banned Mavs! bots are being banned with anti-bot tech so lets go


apart from the fact that i find the proposal absolutely terrible. because it's only about briefly turning off certain countervotes. the proposal has a massive flaw in the implementation. the mods are supposed to unlock the mavs manually. which i think is already quite a lot of work (especially since you're still taking away the mav title from some mods because they don't have 100k sps), there's something much worse. should the mods check every month if people still have the 100k stake sps. or how do they check if people still have that? it's terrible when you focus so much on punishing others that you don't even have a plan on how to implement the supposed cornerstone.....


If it was about actually cleaning it up we would be having a different vote.


We all know what this about. Same thing as 400k champ stake requirement. Satisfying the og whales. It's absurd. So many people have invested insane amounts on land/cards/packs yet thats not good enough. The past week has been strictly about "pump sps at all costs". Makes me wonder why...haven't heard a peep bout dec to peg or let's get more new players. Kinda funny though, sps remains flat. If they really wanted this to be about sps investment...make a 2nd channel and make it private. I don't know why everything in this game has devolved into "leaving people out".


I've abstained a lot lately from Mavs chat due to the trolling and general non-motivating conversations. This isn't a perfect propsal but it's better than what we have and it gives us a chance to clean up the chat in addition to add more utility for SPS.

It gets my vote.


I will vote against this, I never liked the idea of a Mavericks channel in the first place long ago. Why separate players? No Bueno.

  1. trolling is made easier because i can now send 100k sps to another account every month.

  2. with one 100k sps, i can provide several accounts with the mav titles. because there is no mechanism in the proposal that regularly checks if people still have the 100k sps!

  3. i take away from people (mavs) something they paid for. which strongly destroys the trust in splinterlands.

  4. you simply determine that the mods should activate this manually. you realize that the mods are not paid and moderate for free!
    (you take away some mods even the mav title because they do not have 100k sps)

  5. the proposal is simply dirt that achieves none of the stated goals!


I don't agree with 5 but I agree with 1,3 and 4
Thanks bronko for pointing out these points. I will vote no.

I don't understand the whole hassle. Discord is not part of splinterlands. It is just one of many plattforms to promote the game and talk about stuff (and if there a toxic people, give them their separate room so they can tox each other).

The backbone of decision making in splinterlands should be the validator nodes. And there should be no arbitrary threshold where there is a "jump" like 100k SPS. 1 SPS is one vote and 100k SPS is 100k votes. Not 101k votes.


Why don't you just keep the rules to get access to mavs the same, but put a defined set of rules that are strictly enforced and just ban/block people from the mav channel if they are not following the rules? I am not sure this change is needed.

You could also then open it up to long time community members like myself that are still loyal to the game, but invest in different ways. I have invested a crap load of money into this game, but because I don't have 100k SPS staked, I am not as important? Doesn't seem to make sense.


Sorry, it's the first proposal that gets a NO from me, don't take it personal. I think we should just appoint some good moderators who can make sure there is no toxicity in mav channel


So anyone who is eligible for Diamond 2 or higher would be a Maverick. Sounds good to me. Get input from a wider base. That being said, I’m not sure how the DAO has any jurisdiction here since Mav house is something Splinterlands created in relation to folx buying direct from them. Why not create something different that SPS related?


Sure, as long as the game remains fun and somewhat profitable 🤠


Everything about this is dumb except, I guess, putting staked SPS into view again.

From the discussions ive seen this was supposed to stop "meanness" in the Mavs chat.
Do explain to me the correlation between having 100k SPS staked and being nice.

The underlying goal of this proposal: "Creating a safe space for snowflakes" makes me vomit but ill probably support it because anything putting focus on SPS is good imo, even if the motivation behind it is fucking stupid.


I am so glad you are going to support this proposal Butterfly.



trolling can be stopped / limited just with the adding moderators part of the proposal. Seens disingenuous to claim oh we need to stake 100k SPS otherwise trolls will continue, that has nothing to do with it. They'll continue until its moderated whether many members have 100k SPS or not; there'll just be a slightly different percentage of trolls, might even be a higher one!


The proposal's name, especially in game, should be clear about what it's proposing.
Like: "Change getting Maverick status from 1000 packs bought to 100,000 SPS staked."
Cuz that's what is right?


love how edits are still shown with strikethroughs, great step forward for transparency


Sounds like a whale club which could be useful but alas whales controlling everything is bad for mass market growth

worst part about it is if you want to join later then you need to be approved, suddenly it's no longer about have the sps but also about getting an invite

hard no from me so long as the "future members will need to be manually approved" remains in place


If a club of SPS bag holders is needed then a separate Mav status could be created, GF Mav or something better, those that have earned Pack Mav status should keep it, but the SPS Mav could be a must stake # of SPS and if they sell or remove there stake then they loose there membership allowing for the rage quite toxicity to be removed.


Most of the most toxic people meet these requirements. Actually pay or incentivize mods in some kind of way if you expect proper moderation.... Some of the team is toxic as well. This is exclusionary and won't work anyway.



There are better ways to accomplish the intent here.

Before Pegaxy went belly up, they actually had a great discord with different channels accessible only if you had a high enough level badge. There were requirements for each badge: own x number of horses and stake x amount of VIS.

I really liked that concept because as a platinum badge, I could engage with other platinum owners. The conversation in those higher badge channels was much better and constructive.

Splinterlands could do the same thing. Issue badges based on total BSX that you own and amount of SPS you have staked. Then create channels that are restricted to those badges in Discord.

No need for another Discord server. And better to create many levels not just one.

I don't engage in the current discord AT ALL. But if they had a 50K Channel were I could engage with others that had also invested 50k, that would be very useful.

AND it would help to qualify comments in general chat if we could all see a badge next to the person that made the comment. I paid a lot more attention to gold and platinum badge comments and tended to ignore the FUD from a bronze badge as an example.


This is very good idea.

Some people don't like to gamble and buy 1000 packs just to get the mavs role.

So referring to staked SPS to give mavs role for those who have 100K is a good idea.

I am fully support this proposal, Good Job


so you think it's good that they're taking away my mav title even though i've never paid out a cent, play daily and make regular deposits :(


If it where only for me, there would be only 1 chat channel with moderation and not such a thing as an elitist mav channel but I guess people love to feel like they have a big PP and they are part of a selective group and such.

I'll vote yes since It involve SPS and give another use to staking SPS but I definitely won't use the mav channel more often even if I have access to it. Definitely have better stuff to do then get part of online drama(got my fair share already when trying to open discussion in the comment section of the various content creator videos about the game XD)

But if it can give a voice to people that would want to join some of these discussion and add a bit of moderation to calm down the drama, guess I can't vote no to that.


Is the assumption that players with +100K staked SPS are not toxic, rude, etc? How does creating a monetary barrier to entry and stripping current mavs of their access related to an issue with people being nasty in the mav channel? I don't follow the logic.


why not just make an ultra mavs channel with increased requirements that are in alignment with the growth of the game. make a 10k pack minimum channel or 100k SPS but don't dismantle something that so many have already checked the box for.


I feel this should not even be a vote. You are asking the majority of players to vote on an issue between the minority who are the main SPS holders.
I would expect you to grow up and be able to clean your own house!!!


Yes to all SPS buying / staking / burning opportunities! 😁


100% against.
You want a new "club" make a new channel with the rules specified in this proposal.
No one should be kicked if they bought the required number of packs, changing rules after the fact is cheating.
The mavericks channel as the tavern as any newer and existing channel should be moderated to prevent certain behaviours.


I represent a fairly new user. This game is becoming so convoluted and these proposals are over the head of so many marginal or new players. Pretty much every proposal that is put forth seems to have an angle to help a very small group of people. And voting power seems to be in the hands of those few. Many of you claim to want to draw in new users but you keep making it more and more complicated. This is not a new user friendly ecosystem in any way. I've learned a ton and took it as a challenge to make it this far but I have to say that I'm not sure its going to be worth continuing. Certainly I don't want to be a new user pawn that just enriches those who were first to the game. This proposal is just another of many recent proposals that are so out of touch with the idea of drawing in new players. I enjoy the basics of the game but even the basics aren't easy with battles, cards, SPS, DEC, vouchers, and now land and a whole new world. These are all things I somewhat understand after playing for a year plus but you have to have a lot of money and resources to really be a part of many of these aspects in a rewarding and fulfilling way. I've spent more than I should probably on what is likely a fools errand. Instead of creating groups for the high stakeholders maybe you should be thinking about creating groups for the lowest stakeholders and finding out how to grow the game through those with fresh eyes who aren't entrenched in the ecosystem and don't have a lot of assets creating conflicts of interest in their decision making. That would help balance those who have tons of experience and assets in the game.
