Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 01 April 2024 (Ratings!)


👋 Welcome everyone! 👋


🔻 Ending of the previous month! 🔻


This is the twenty-first continuous month of my calendar giveaway. I cannot believe we have reached so far, and I would like to thank all of you for supporting me in doing these giveaways 🙏 where everybody can participate in order to get the card you want with some luck 🍀 of course. Hope you like my idea and if you are going to like it I will continue for the upcoming months as well. 😉


🚩 The NEW twist in my giveaway! 🚩

Thanks to your support, I could run this giveaway for so long that it was time to update a little bit to stand out from the crowd and make it a bit more interesting! 😉

I have decided to introduce a new rating system by commenting on a number from 1 to 10, depending on how much you like that particular card on that day. When the post pays out, I will count all the comments and the ratings that all of you gave and create an average number from that data, which I will put on the banner under that card. So everyone will see how the community likes that card and how that changes each month.

I will go further because one card with the lowest rating will drop out of my giveaway at the end of the month, and I will replace it with a new card so the community can choose what they want to win in the long run. 😇


Current Ranking of the cards

The Pelacor Mercenary received 5,7 rating, which is higher than his previous rating compared to the last month! 😇

Current Card RankingSepOctNovDecJanFebMar
Charlok Minotaur🔴5,4🔴🟢5,6🟢🔴5,4🔴🔴5,1🔴🟢5,7🟢🟢7,3🟢
Djinn Renova🔴6,8🔴🟢6,9🟢🔴6,8🔴🟢6,9🟢🔵6,9🔵🔴6,8🔴🔵6,8🔵
Lava Launcher🔵6,7🔵🟢6,8🟢🟢6,9🟢🔴6,7🔴🟢6,8🟢🔴6,7🔴🔵6,7🔵
Tide Biter🔴6,6🔴🟢6,9🟢🔴6,2🔴🟢6,4🟢🟢6,5🟢🟢6,7🟢🔴6,6🔴
Chaos Knight🔴5,6🔴🟢5,9🟢🔴5,5🔴🟢5,8🟢🔴5,4🔴🟢6,3🟢
Goblin Psychic---🟢6,4🟢🔵6,4🔵🔴5,9🔴🟢6,1🟢
Flying Squid🔴6,0🔴🔴5,7🔴🟢5,8🟢🟢5,9🟢🟢6,3🟢🔴5,7🔴🟢6,1🟢
Dhampir Infiltrator🔵6,1🔵🔴5,8🔴🔵5,8🔵🟢6,2🟢🔴5,7🔴🟢5,9🟢🟢6,0🟢
Venari Crystalsmith----🔵6,0🔵🔴5,9🔴🔵5,9🔵
Pelacor Conjurer🟢6,1🟢🟢6,2🟢🔴5,8🔴🟢6,0🟢🔴5,7🔴🟢5,9🟢🔵5,9🔵
Pelacor Bandit🔴5,9🔴🔴5,7🔴🔵5,7🔵🟢5,8🟢🔵5,8🔵🟢6,0🟢🔴5,9🔴
Venari Bonesmith🔴6,1🔴🟢6,2🟢🔴5,8🔴🟢5,9🟢🟢6,1🟢🟢6,2🟢🔴5,9🔴
Exploding Rats🟢5,7🟢🔴5,3🔴🟢5,4🟢🔴5,3🔴🟢5,6🟢🟢5,9🟢
Stitch Leech-🔵5,7🔵🔴5,3🔴🟢5,5🟢🟢5,7🟢🟢5,9🟢
Venari Wavesmith🔴5,9🔴🟢6,1🟢🔴5,9🔴🔴5,8🔴🟢5,9🟢🔴5,8🔴🔵5,8🔵
Pelacor Mercenary🟢5,9🟢🔴5,7🔴🔴5,5🔴🔴5,4🔴🟢5,9🟢🔴5,4🔴🟢5,7🟢
Twilight Basilisk🔵5,6🔵🔴5,4🔴🔵5,4🔵🔴5,3🔴🔴5,2🔴🟢5,8🟢🔴5,6🔴
Undead Rex----🔵5,6🔵🔴5,3🔴🟢5,6🟢
Naga Assassin🔴5,8🔴🟢6,1🟢🔴5,6🔴🟢5,7🟢🔵5,7🔵🟢5,8🟢🔴5,6🔴
Gargoya Devil🔴5,6🔴🟢5,9🟢🟢6,0🟢🔴5,7🔴🔴5,6🔴🟢5,8🟢🔴5,5🔴
Suidae Shaman🟢5,7🟢🟢6,2🟢🔴5,4🔴🔴5,3🔴🟢5,8🟢🔵5,6🔵🔴5,5🔴
Hill Giant🔵5,4🔵🔴5,3🔴🟢5,4🟢🔵5,4🔵🟢5,7🟢🔴5,4🔴🟢5,5🟢
Silent Sha-vi--🔵6,0🔵🔵6,0🔵🟢6,1🟢🟢6,2🟢🔴5,4🔴
Antoid Platoon🔴5,8🔴🔴5,7🔴🔴5,6🔴🟢5,9🟢🔴5,7🔴🟢5,8🟢🔴5,4🔴
Venari Scout🔴5,4🔴🔴5,3🔴🟢5,4🟢🔴5,3🔴🔵5,3🔵🟢5,4🟢
Kulu Swimhunter🔴5,7🔴🔴5,6🔴🔵5,6🔵🟢5,8🟢🔵5,8🔵🟢5,9🟢🔴5,3🔴
Lichen Beast------🔵5,1🔵

(In the upcoming months this might change up or down, so we will see how you like these cards in the following months! 😉)


Cards that are dropped out already are the:
Vampire Bat - Rating 3,8
Venari Heathsmith - 3,0
Ever-Hungry Skull - Rating 4,2
Gargoya Lion - Rating 4,5
Gargoya Scrapper - Rating 4,7
Blood Maker - Rating 4,4
Radiated Scorcher - Rating 4,8
Sunkai Harvester - Rating 4,7
Lava Spider - Rating 5,1
Crypt Beetle - Rating 5,0
Shadow Snitch - Rating 4,7
Scavo Chemist (Dropout in May) - Rating 4,9
Vulguine (Dropout in June) - Rating 5,0
Venari Seedsmith (Dropout in August) - Rating 5,0
Radiated Brute (Dropout in October) - Rating 5,2
Hardy Stonefish (Dropout in November) - Rating 5,2
Pelacor Deceiver (Dropout in December) - Rating 5,0
No dropout in January as February was short!
Mycelic Morphoid (Dropout in February) - Rating 5,3
Cruel Sethropod (Dropout in March) - Rating 5,1



There will be One Winner choosen in each and every day!

In order to participate:

1️⃣ You need to leave a comment including the following word "Rating" and choose a number from 1 to 10 depending how much you like that card. ❗️(example. Let me join please! Rating 6.) ❗️
2️⃣ You have to be my follower. (I would like to support my supporters!) 😘
3️⃣ Upvoting is optional, but much appreciated and it is helping me to run these giveaways. 🙏

I will announce the Winner when this post pays out, so exactly one week later and the Winner will be announced within this post day by day. I will be using the to determine the eligible Winner in each day.

Unfortunately I have to introduce a new rule doing my future giveaways, because recently some "accounts" started downvoting my giveaways (and those account(s) doing no value for HIVE community), so if they continue to do that without valid reason unfortunately I have to consider that giveaway invalid and that day will announce no winner! Hope you understand my frustration and reason doing that! Thank you! 😥

The prize of the last day in April will be secret at the moment, so you have to wait to see until the end of the month! 😜


I would like to announce the Winner of my Calendar Giveaway - 25 March 2024 post who is @sylmarill for the Pelacor Mercenary as a prize!😉

🎁 Congratulations and enjoy your card! 🎁



You can see that the transactions has gone through.


I would like to thank you to everyone who participated and if you didn't win good luck and see you in my next post. 😉🍀


If you don't want to be notified, please let me know in the comments and I will remove you from here.

! [Notification List]
@amaillo-m, @makhinoo, @xezat, @cjames-40, @alexis666, @asrullpare, @cibi, @irisworld, @yasky, @klaucsani, @genming, @highhaschdi, @siberian12, @henruc, @litrydow, @asrullpare, @noctury, @mr-house, @eman13088, @evanr, @ducanhsx1, @nemesis-10101, @gessy, @matthew14429, @lundall, @vaynard86, @matimath, @splurgee, @blitzzzz, @Koodies, @alphawog, @screamheart, @highfist, @relf87, @tinyputerboy, @jfang003, @lobaobh, @lordanquek, @gregory-f, @ericburgoyne, @sheikh27, @jmehta, @jdike, @reagept, @ianballantine, @yeckingo1, @marleyroots, @jingo-submo, @caimanx, @deathstarer7, @qoogohome, @subidu, @udow, @mephisto84, @vrezyy, @pero82, @dub-c, @ramadhanight, @killwizzy, @captain210, @casimirio, @uglykillerpigz, @ian0426915, @nysster, @cynano, @darkeis, @circlebubble, @asakasa, @kungfukid, @waynechuasy, @darkeiz, @ellis23, @g3kk0u, @kaylerfaye, @joshnaire, @jamwhiz, @calmocean26, @bigbarger, @wommi, @lordshah, @osmw14, @luckbound, @riciuz, @pix21, @angelvirus1586, @gidien, @tengolotodo, @mauriciolimax, @sudeginsiu, @chaos23, @arpuch, @harpreetjanda, @ygramul, @dtam, @wokeenochian, @stamato, @sinistro85, @jonimarqu, @xg4028, @onw, @xheadhunterz, @rayius, @belhaven14, @junkodo, @thaddeusprime, @fenrirthekeeper, @ivanov007, @nfteam0173, @splinterob, @kryptofire, @sieghard1990, @bt34, @janome, @teerandom, @neong, @sygxwin, @redeculous, @bechibenner, @pirulito.zoado, @herman-german, @redco, @ringo95, @alfrin, @loboguara, @taintedblood, @pius82, @nwb0719, @beelmukjj, @isnochys, @cogie88, @gr33nm4ster, @flummi97, @crazyphantombr, @zandroid64, @gummybears, @liecka, @curtis90, @engilhramn, @garigarikun, @marcinxyz, @butar1977, @mxm0unite, @teca, @jhuleader, @megawolf, @criptosectadepit, @packagedmilk, @yras, @hobosummoner, @jerson1231, @chaosbug, @micro-2017, @nurodan, @wommi, @failingforward, @webbywebster, @moonthumb, @prapledragon, @submo, @koukou21, @axeleration-95, @krueger053, @elliotc, @eiiviin, @isaac7378, @papucho, @halujai, @halulam, @nasty13322, @packagedmilk, @savannaholness, @vinally, @levih, @powermeat, @krustan, @gnomomatix, @daethical, @abzolutezer0123, @haizelanne, @lootersofdec, @serfapups2, @jimmy-junior, @boreum, @ebastion, @bubblechew, @reibar, @card0card, @baburamg, @emeraldtiger, @rimurutempest, @mordikkio, @danideuder, @vimukthi, @golddiggernrw, @monsterbuster, @outwars, @cryptoace33, @cheesecrackinged, @yorra, @ccrentals, @dafusa, @vegata, @keniel16, @theduce, @ladymisa, @thedoc07, @stonemountain69, @syel25, @olaf.gui, @theacks, @thoke, @xvrcontinente, @tecnologickom, @houhou, @revolverocelotyt, @finsteraar, @skoumpri, @harhar, @paparman, @gs1.

Thank you all who was participated in my giveaway!🍀 May the Luck Be With All of You!!! 🍀


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up, write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


rating 8
count me in


Please count me in. Thanks

Rating 6



Rating 7

Congratulations to the winner!
I want to participate @yeckingo1
Thank you very much for the giveaway and good luck to all the participants


rating 4

Count me in!
ign: @pero82
Thank you
!PGM !LOL !gif cheers


Rating 4. Count me in please. IGN outwars


Count me in please


Count me in please


Hello brother,

The problem with soulKeep is they wanted to keep on the legacy for adding more games like GLS, but they made it from SPLD money which is now in control of DAO user i.e. whales and they are not approving it blindly. You see recently around 6-7 proposal could not get any approval. This shows that they have cut off their hands from getting money from DAO pool. !PGM 😏

Users are silent for SouKeep investment on packs?

Yes, the value goes with inflation and here it is everyday problem. They had to create a real use case for cards and lands, even people are dumping lands because of too much expenses.

Same thing happened in other games when they print reward tokens like crazy. The Golem is copy of another game already here and the mechanism is pretty tough to make it break even. !LOLZ 😆

I have a land in WOO and I hope it will pay me something back when I see game release and people use land. I have no extra money to even spend on its packs, let's see how well it goes with WOO.

If I play Modern this time I'll be out already from Diamond Wild after next season, so no worries, let it be that way because I have a nice total of Gold chests this time. !LUV 😍

I had been busy in the morning and again going out to medic a with my partner, so rest of the day will be a sleepy and tiring. haha 😅

Wish you a delightful Tuesday and hope you'll enjoy it.

Rating 7


I sent my girlfriend a 'Get Better' card.
She's not sick, or anything - I just think she can get better..

Credit: reddit
@lorddiablo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of lordshah

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.


Hello my friend,

I do not know anything about Soulkeep apart from their last statement that they sold the game to Double Coconut to create it, so will see how they will do that in the project! Hopefully the game will be nice and the tokenomics will work. !PGM 😊

I still have 5 packs from Soulkeep, but I have no idea what they are going to do with it. 😅

They said they will release the spells before battle, and only the new Summoners are able to modify the battle rules before the battle, which is a nice addition and that is all nothing else much happened. !LOLZ 🤣

I start to lose faith in crypto games, because most of them works the same and they inflate way too much instead of nice burning mechanics.

They promised too much in WOO as well and when they need to prove something they just delay everything. I have invested a nice amount of money in there as well, but not much happened yet. 😣

Good luck with your EOS and make sure you pull something nice. 😉

I hope nothing serious happened and everything is okay now! I am still tired by today, so I will rest a lot before work! !LUV 😁

Have a lovely day and take care brother! 😇


Rating 4
!gif good luck


@lorddiablo! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ noctury. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


I join the action

my nickname is alfrin

rating 4


rating 6
Congrats to the winner!!
Please add me to the new giveaway!
